Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for January 4, 2007

Writer: Matt Cabot
Photographer: Jerry Tomanek
Editor:  Cindy Luedtke

This Week's Program: 
Jan 11 - Ron Sekkel -- Building Bridges to Rwanda

Upcoming Events:
Jan 18 -
Jeanne Smith -- Exit Stage Right
Jan 25 -
Jim Bronson -- Kara Grief Support

Website search:


See our Calendar for all of the important dates.


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To District 5170


HAPPY 2007!  Will it be?  What lies ahead for us, for you, for me in 2007?  Will it be any different than 2006, other than we are a year older and deeper in debt, as the song goes?

What about all these New Year’s Resolutions that everyone makes?  Most of us by now have figured out that there is little sense in making promises to ourselves and our loved-ones that will in all probably be broken.  However, I did promise to walk twice as far on the tread mill as last year, so maybe some of us are not all that jaded. 

Rotary International President Bill Boyd theme for his Rotary Year is LEAD THE WAY.  We have it on our Website banner head to remind us.  How will we Lead the Way in 2007?  Does it mean this is the year that we are no longer a RINO?  Will we make 100% attendance, serve in a Soup Kitchen, read to a child, mentor a teen?  The list goes on and on.  There is no shortage of how we as Rotarians, and, as individuals, can Lead the Way.  RI President Boyd also said, as was paraphrased by today’s “Thought for the Day” by KENDRA GJERSETH,  Kendra Gjerseth that through our humanitarian works, we can do more to defeat terrorism than any military solution. 

So it is up to you.  Same ol’ 2006 and before? or a new 2007 and beyond where we (you and I) LEAD THE WAY. 

While the line into the club meeting strung out this past Thursday, we were met with all kinds of people eager to meet us.  First, there was MARY MARLEY, touting a luncheon for someone very special.  See below.  Then there was PE JOHN MOSS and PP MARLENE COWAN trying to hand out handbooks.  From the looks of it, a lot of people still haven’t gotten their handbook.  And its January!  Go figure.  Then, our lone greeter, PAUL SCHUTZ.  Finally, our wonderfully devoted money taker, LEE LYNCH.

I noticed a few people skipping the line with “I’m not eating.” as an excuse I heard.  But many skipped LEE LYNCH with the required $5 non-eater’s fee.

So you don’t have to wade through all this, here is the joke that Pres. SAM ended the meeting with: 

Steven Spielberg was busy discussing his new action adventure about famous classical composers. Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, and Arnold Schwarzenegger were in the room.

“Who do you want to play?” Spielberg asked Bruce Willis. “I’ve always been a big fan of Chopin,” said Bruce. “I’ll play him.”

“And you, Sylvester?” asked Spielberg. “Mozart’s the one for me!” said Sly.

“And what about you?” Spielberg asked Arnold Schwarzenegger. “I’ll be Bach.”


BILL PALMER led us in the salute to our flag, followed by melodious PAUL NYBERG Paul Nyberg leading us in a very rousing “Smile.”  KENDRA GJERSETH, as I said, had the Thought For the Day.  She was, by the way, one of the 32 members who attended the dinner on January 3rd, honoring our International President, Bill Boyd. Here are several pictures of (some of) those in attendance.  [insert pictures of dinner here]


Speaking of pictures, there was a lot going on since our last meeting last year on December 21st.  I am in the process of developing a Gallery of photographs.  The Gallery will consist of various ‘albums’ of interesting pictures people have taken.  So far I have not created any albums, but I have several ready to go.  Check out this link in days to come.  By next week, it should have several albums posted  One I worked on during the vacation was “Year In Review”  I also have "The Meeting that Wasn't" and the "Holiday Party"  They should be up pretty soon. Some time this week.  Then I will get things like "Relay for Life - 2006, Art Show 2006, Golf-2006 etc,  Look for them in the coming days and weeks. 


Today we had three visiting Rotarians, and four guests. 


By the time you read this, it will be too late, but this Sunday (January 7th) is (or was) the last day to see our own DICK BLANDING’s handiwork in model railroads.  His exhibit at the History House is now over.  I hope you all had a chance to see it.  I did.  I took 5 of my 8 grandchildren, and every one of us had a great time. 


If you purchased a CD from the Mountain View Madrigal singers, and it was faulty, please contact them and they will replace it. 


PP DICK HENNING brought to our attention the fact that Los Altos Rotary Club Charter Member, LEROY EMERSON CODDING, JR. has passed away at the age of 85.  Most members of the club don’t remember LEROY CODDING JR, but many of us do remember his son, ROY CODDING III who was a member of this club for many years until his death a number of years ago.  But I for one didn’t know his dad, a charter member of our club.


Once again we were reminded of our 'founding mantra' "THE 4-WAY TEST." While not really part of the initial founding tenants of Rotary, and I suppose not really a mantra by technical standards, the 4-Way Test has become a yardstick or 'golden rule' of Rotary.  VICTORIA EMMONS Victoria Emmons expounded today on its significance, and pointed out that individuals and businesses throughout the world strive to make this simple idea a defining rule in their business and individual life.  More about the 4 Way Test is here.  It is also published in our Handbook. 


Art Show Director KATIE NUTTER or is it Katie Nutter-Hasenpflug or just Katie Hasenpflug?  Well you know who I mean, is having a party/meeting at her home at 901 Los Altos Avenue, Los Altos THIS Tuesday, Jan 9th from 5 to 7 PM.  EVERYONE IS WELCOME to discuss this critically important fundraiser, THE ART SHOW. 


Today the members of the Health Committee handed out a yellow survey form soliciting our concerns about various health care issues.  Here is a pdf version that you can print out and bring to a future meeting, or mail it to Los Altos Rotary Club PO Box 794 Los Altos CA 94022.  Answers to this questionnaire will guide the Health Committee in selecting health related programs for our club. 


President SAM reminded us that Hobbits give presents on their birthday, and in as much as President SAM’s birthday was Saturday (Jan 6th) he gave each one of us a pin replica of our club flag as a gift to remember his birthday.  Incidentally, it is true that his business phone number is on the back.  If you can’t read it, you might need glasses.  Just see him. 


OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS:  MARY MARLEY announced that there will be a dinner honoring our own JEANNE MAC VICAR as Los Altan of the Year.  The dinner will be held at the Los Altos Country Club this Thursday.  Reservations are required, so by the time you get this newsletter, it is probably too late, but you can try.  Call MARY MARLEY (phone number in the Handbook).    You also might be interested in the Town Crier FRONT PAGE feature article on Jeanne.  Check this out here.


JERRY TOMANEK is asking for volunteers to be CERT trained.  The more members who are CERT trained, the better we can function in a disaster.  Here is his comments:

I announced at the last meeting that the next CERT (Community Emergency Response Training) is scheduled for February and promised to have the specifics in the Rotator.
The training will take place over four week nights, Feb 21, 28, March 7 and 14, all Wednesdays. It lasts from 6 to 9 pm each time. There is a fee for supplies.
Contact Rod Sayre of the Los Altos Police Dept Rod.Sayre@ci.los-altos.ca.us , 650 947-2777. These classes fill quickly so don’t hesitate to enroll.
The training covers fire suppression, search and rescue, some first aid, working with teams. I will never forget seeing a woman older and smaller than me prying the weight of a car off a dummy victim, using nothing more than a pry bar and some blocks of wood.

Why take the training? First to learn how to take care of yourself in an emergency. Second to learn how to care for your family. Third to learn how to assist your neighbors and the rest of the community if you can.

Incidentally, there is a CERTS refresher session for you alumni: 

Jan 20th, 2007 at the Municipal Services Yard at 9:00am till about 2:00pm. All CERT graduates are invited to attend. Please bring all your gear with you. The class will be held, rain or shine.

MARLIS MCALLISTER announced a seminar for Youth Protection Awareness and Youth Protection Certification.  It will be held on Jan 13th at the Sunnyvale Ramada Inn.  There will be two sessions of 3.5 hrs each.  The first session is 8:30 to Noon followed by the 2nd session, 1:00 to 4:30. Please contact Marlis for further information.  Her number and email address is in the Handbook.

JEANNE MAC VICAR informed us that Joel Ben Izzy who spoke to us on May 12th 2005 about the art of storytelling, will be going into the hospital this Thursday, and needs our prayers and well wishes.  As he makes his living telling stories, this is a very critical operation for him.  She passed around a card for him.  You can learn more about him, and his wonderful storytelling at the above link. 

PP STEVE ANDERSON wanted to be known as Fun Master, as opposed to a more pejorative moniker of Fine Master.  PP Steve Anderson How about Fund Master?  Anyway, while he was smiling, most of those dinged weren’t.  They were required to remember the Worst Christmas Present they had received.  From the variety of presents, I think remembering them was worse than the $20 to $30 they had to pay to recount it.

The program this past week consisted of one Red Badge and one Blue Badge ten minute talk, and a short review of our new Handbook . 

Red Badger, SHAYNE CORNWALL, began by confessing he was more nervous talking to us than he was in all of his years as a wrestler. Red Badger, Shayne Cornwell   He is an Arborist with The Care of Trees in Menlo Park.  He grew up in the Santa Cruz vicinity.  His passion is surfing, skiing, wake boarding and wrestling.  He is married.  He and his wife Alison have two children.  He said his move to Watsonville prompted him to take wrestling more seriously.  Apparently surfer-dudes are frowned on in Watsonville. 

Blue Badger, JEAN HOLLANDS, grew up in Hayward.  Her career has gone from Marriage and Family Counseling to Corporate Counseling.  Jean HollandsHer company, Growth and Leadership Center, specializes in leading the development of executive talent and teams.  Her first book (she has written many) ‘Silicon Syndrome: How to Survive a High Tech Relationship' gained national attention and landed her on the Today Show.  She is often quoted and is an in-demand speaker.  A couple of recent books she has written are featured here.

PE JOHN MOSS went over the structure of the new Handbook.  He pointed out that all of the bylaws of the various groups within Los Altos Rotary Club have been taken out of the Handbook because they seldom PE John Moss change from year to year and page space is costly.  They are on our website for members and prospective members alike to read them.  Take a look here for the club bylaws; here for our constitution, and here for LAREF’s bylaws.  Perhaps someday, we will have everything the Handbook has on our website and save the approximately $4,000 per year we spend on a Handbook.  [webmaster’s note:  those sentiments are mine, and not necessarily PE JOHN MOSS’s]

John also mentioned that there were some Handbooks with white pages.  Here is his comments:

“With respect to some of the new handbooks having blank pages, please add
information to the effect that the handbook pages are printed on large sheets
each containing 16 handbook pages.  It appears that one side of one large sheet
didn't get printed.  Therefore we can expect to have 16 blank pages in
handbooks, but it's not known whether it will be 16 blank pages in 16 books or
16 blank pages in a smaller number of books, with some books having two or more
blank pages.  Everyone should check his/her copy and bring books with blank
pages to me for replacement.  The printer will make this all right for the

John did mention two additional important points.  Please tell him of any errors, and next year the handbook WILL come out sooner. 

Copyright © 2006 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved.