Rotary Emblem

Los Altos Rotary Club

Home of the Annual Rotary Fine Art Show

August 2 2012

Writer: Steve Yarbrough  - Photographer:Randy Gard  - Editor:  Cynthia Luedtke #5 2012-2013
This Thursday's Program


John_Sylvester_Dale_Nesbitt_JazzConnexionSax man, play me that song I used to know. Piano man, never give up on that note. What a way to start a Rotary day. 
From Hong Kong South Rotary Club, Adrian Pang exchanged banners with President JOHN SYLVESTER.  Adrian works for CIT and is President-elect of his 50-member club.





Announcement_Marlis_McAllisterFollowing the Pledge led by MARY PROCHNOW and America the Beautiful, led by TRACIE MURRAY, MARLIS MCALLISTER presented a thoughtful quote from Robert Louis Stevenson recalling how the forest renews a weary spirit.
Greeters welcoming Rotarians were JOANNE KAVALARIS, CRES MCFALL and the ever present LARRY CHU, JR.
President Elect JACK KELLY announced that Past District Governor Brad Howard will be next week's program.


GARY WALDECK walked the club through the process of tracking the delivery of food to the volunteers at our Rotacare Clinic. Volunteer by signing up on the web.

BEVERLY TUCKER, Iron Woman extraordinaire and social coordinator announced that The Smith’s are hosting the next wine and cheese social at 6 p.m., Aug. 16. Bring cheese and wine or the beverage of your choice!
PHIL ROSE announced the LAREF meeting and The Red Badge Club meets next Thursday 6 p.m.
Announcement_Roy_LaveROY LAVE reminded everyone of the Satellite Meeting Tuesday, 7:30 a.m. at The Court Yard.

Next month, September 4th, we will be back at El Retiro at 8:00 AM.  Remember, First Tuesday of the month. 





Finemaster_Rick_GlazeFine master RICK GLAZE sure enjoys his work.  You can tell from the demure smile he adopts while slyly sneaking a few honest contributions from club members.  While claiming to be "kinder and gentler," Rick nevertheless tallied up about $300 for the support of club activities during year. 

all chipped in.

Speaker_Dale_NesbittFollowing a few minutes of very welcome social time, President John introduced our speaker, Dale Nesbitt, Phd.  The topic for the luncheon from the energy consultant was the role of natural gas in our nation and this state’s energy matrix.
Natural gas is biomass methane that has been trapped over millions of years under sediment rock and shale.  It comprises about 16 percent of the energy consumed in California, but plays a much larger role in many other states. It is highly abundant.
Drilling for natural gas has been going on since 1859 when fracking first began.  While 85 percent of the world's natural gas is in Russia and the Middle East, the U.S. and Canada have significant reserves east of the Rockies.
Natural gas is transported in high pressure pipelines and is unregulated. Natural gas can effectively be piped distances up to 3,000 miles.  Liquid natural gas is cooled to -260 F and shipped as a liquid in spheres.
Demand for natural gas is cyclical, high in winter and summer, low in spring and fall. But supply is constant.  To make up for the swings in demand, suppliers pump the gas back into the ground in holding field where it can be retrieved when needed.
The price of natural gas is at it's lowest in history.
This is the second talk on energy that Dale has given to our club in the last few months.  And he received a typical warm Rotary welcome and thank you!
President_John_SylvesterAs President John is wont to say, "Have a good day, unless you have other plans."




Brad Howard  on "The Future of Rotary"

Brad Howard is a very active member of Rotary in his Club, District 5170, and Rotary International.  His very inspirational talks are always interesting and and informative about Rotary.

Brad is a charter member of the Rotary Club of Oakland Sunrise and was governor of District 5170 in 2002/03.   Since then he has been active in training President Elect's in the Far West and District Governors from all over the world. 

Beginning in 2011/12, Brad was appointed to a three year term as Rotary International’s North America Membership Chair.   Brad is a recipient of Rotary International’s Service Above Self Award, and the Rotary Foundations’ Citation of Meritorious Service

Brad owns and operates a tour company, and has led groups throughout the world for almost 35 years.  Brad is a graduate of the University of California’s Haas School of Business.  Brad, and his wife, Marcia, live in Lafayette, California. 

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