Rotary Emblem

Los Altos Rotary Club

Home of the Annual Rotary Fine Art Show

September 30 2010

Writer:  - Photographer:  - Editor:  Cindy Luedtke
This Thursday's Program: 

Greeters PP Jack Heidmiller and Jan Miners               

President Dennis Young President DENNIS YOUNG, presiding over a full to overflowing crowd, chimed the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m. 
Arriving Rotarians had been greeted by JACK HEIDMILLER and JAN MINERS.  WYATT ALLEN was back from his travels, dutifully manning the pay station. 
Joanne KavalarisBrand new dad LARRY CHU led the pledge, and JOANNE KAVALARIS provided the thought for the day. Paul NybergWe were then treated to a special singer from the West Bay Opera, who sang “America the Beautiful”.GuestSinger_from_WestBayOpera
VP MONA ARMISTEAD will be missing “on assignment” for the next few weeks.  DENNIS thinks the “assignment” is a round the world flight, but we shall see.  In her stead, DENNIS introduces visiting Rotarians and guests.  Today we had several visiting Rotarians, including Eleanor from Cupertino, George from Cupertino, Judy from Mountain View, and John from Sunnyvale Sunrise.
President DENNIS also welcomed Donna Cederval, President of the Los Altos Kiwanis, who was attending today with a whole table of Kiwanis who were there on our club’s invitation.
With a popular program on today’s agenda, many members had invited guests.  DICK HENNING, DAVID CASAS, VAL CARPENTER, PAUL SCHUTZ, PAUL NYBERG, GARY WALDECK, JEAN MORDO, DAVID SMITH and GEORGE ESTILL, all introduced guests.
Sunnyvale_visiting_RotarianDENNIS then reintroduced visiting Rotarian John Thompson from Sunnyvale Sunrise, who announced his club fundraiser: “Cards for a Cause”.  On October 23, their club will host a poker tourney to benefit Fisher House in Palo Alto.  Fisher House provides a place to stay for families of veterans who are receiving treatment for severe injuries at the Palo Alto VA hospital.  The poker tourney will be right here in town at Main Street Books & Café and everyone is invited to participate in this tournament.

New Member Kathy LeraPresident DENNIS then invited KATHY LERA and her sponsor JULIE ROSE up to welcome KATHY as  a new member of the club.  Kathy has lived in Los Altos her whole life, is a Los Altos High alum, and has followed her career in high tech with more local work at the Los Altos Town Crier.  As DENNIS prepared to welcome KATHY to the club, he discovered he had no badge and no pin for KATHY.  But luckily, Secretary KENDRA GJERSETH showed up a bit later with the goods, and all was well.

New Father Larry Chu

PP Roy LaveDENNIS brought ROY LAVE up to introduce the candidates for city council in both Los Altos and Los Altos Hills. 

There are three candidates for two open seats on the Los Altos Hills council.  The three candidates are John Ratford, Gary Waldeck and Joan Sherlock, who all spoke to the club and highlighted their qualifications for the office.

John Radford Gary Waldeck Joan Sherlock

There are five candidates for two open slots on the Los Altos council.  Curtis Cole was not present, but his wife, Debbie Meredith, stood in as proxy.  Nancy Carlson, Jarrett Fishpaw, and Val Carpenter also spoke to outline their qualifications and plans.  The last candidate, Matt Sweeney was not present. 

DebbieMeriwether_proxy_for_CurtisCole Nancy Carlson
Jarrett Fishpaw Val Carpenter

Gloria Hom ROY then introduced Gloria Hom from Palo Alto Rotary and the League of Women Voters, who once again helped us in a complicated election year by explaining the nine state propositions, with the arguments for and against. 

The nine are:

Then ROY invited LAURA CASAS-FRIER from the Foothill DeAnza Board of Trustees to urge us to vote “Yes on Measure E” Remember, E for Education.
With the crowded agenda, the meeting had run a bit long, and President DENNIS chimed the meeting to a close a couple of minutes late at 1:35.


Betty Auchard was a retired art teacher when her husband, Denny, died. For her, writing became a way to heal, eventually taking on a life of its own. Her stories have been published in the Chocolate for a Woman’s Soul series, the San Jose Mercury News, and other periodicals. In addition to writing full time, she presents the stories from this book to audiences in the Bay Area, including many Rotary Clubs.

These short, upbeat, inspiring stories tell us how this spunky septuagenarian survives – she decides to dance instead of sitting on the sidelines. Betty laughs and cries her way through grief and, ultimately, comes to see her situation as normal. Betty’s presentations are light-hearted and fun because she tackles a serious subject with humor and grace.

She wows her audiences with a sad/funny/uplifting and sometimes hilarious accounting of life after death—in this case, the loss of her beloved Denny, husband of 49 years. 

“Bittersweet yet sweetly whimsical and always touchingly candid, her wonderful stories tackle potentially paralyzing emotional issues and make all the sad stops along the way without becoming the least maudlin or self-indulgent. – Amazon.  She will keep us laughing!