Rotary Emblem

Los Altos Rotary Club

Home of the Annual Rotary Fine Art Show

March 4 2010

Writer: Clyde Noel  - Photographer: Randy Gard  - Editor:  Cindy Luedtke
This Thursday's Program: Mar 11 2010 Georges Goetz
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar

            Julie Rose, Joe LoConte and Frank Verlot

The welcoming hands of JOE LOCONTE, JULIE ROSE, and FRANK VERLOT greeted Rotarians and guests on this clement Thursday afternoon as they waited to pay today’s luncheon fare with PP WYATT ALLEN.

After deciding whether to pay for the buffet or the salad, Rotarians looked for friends or interesting people who talk for their table selection.  My table started to fill with a masculine touch and no women Rotarians or guests but they were unusually quiet. Finally, PP LEN McBIRNEY started to talk about the surgery on his hand, PP BOO BUE kept eating while JERRY TOMANEK talked about the beautiful day we had this morning.

Past President Roy LaveThat vehement female voice was missing today, but PP ROY LAVE filling in for PRESIDENT TRACIE MURRAY opened the meeting on time. After the usual flag salute, John SylvesterJOHN SYLVESTER’S thought for the day concerned the astute sayings of Will Rogers. Being appropriate for the time, Rogers said, “The income tax has made more liars out of the American people than golf has,” and “I am not fond of politicians. Be thankful we are not getting everything we paid for. “
Jeanne MacVicarJEANNE MacVICAR, The song leader for the day offered the old favorite “Home On The Range” because Topeka, Kansas will be known as Google, Kansas during March.

President Elect Dennis YoungLooking for visiting Rotarians, President Elect DENNIS YOUNG found Nick Leon from San Jose East Rotary and PDG Jim Warner from the Hawaii Rotary District. Visitors with guests included MARY MARLEY, VAL CARPENTER and DAVID BERGMAN.
Looking behind him at the Four Way Test, ROY said, “TRACIE selected me to be the president in charge today because she owes me. It all concerns the head table where no one wished to sit. But I changed that policy.”










High School speech contest contestants 

Area Speech Contest:
Jack KellyJACK KELLY was prepared for the second level Area 10 Rotary speech contest. His only comment was, “turn off your cell phones and no applause until the speeches are over.”

The contest is open to all students approved by their high school and the purpose is to help youth progress in speech and debate in preparation for future leadership roles. The topic for the speech is the student’s choice, however the speech must show the practical application of all four points of the Rotary Four-Way Test. The speech may not be read verbatim, but notes may be used.

The Area 10 contest started with Speaker A without their name or the high school they attend. Most of speaker A’s content concerned the Haiti earthquake and orphans looking for their parents. The main points were easy to follow and all four points of the Four-way test were included in the speech. Notes were used to follow the content, but they did not distract from the speech. Comment was made that “the future of Rotary is in our hands and let us shout out that we care about life.”
Speaker B also spoke about the Haiti earthquake. With our help the poor families will benefit. We are bridging the gap between rich and poor with communal action. The speaker was relaxed and at ease and looked at the audience. The feeling was expressed that Rotary International can make a big change in the world and the future is in our hands. All four points of the Four-Way test were emphasized.

Before the awards were announced, each speaker’s name was revealed and spoke a few words about their personal life. The winner received a check for $200 and 2nd place received a check for $100.

speech_contestant_1Speaker A was Kathy of Huynh, of Silver Creek High of San Jose. Presently a volunteer at the library she would like to be a pediatrician when she grows up. She received the second place award.

speech_contestant_2Speaker B was Alshay Shrivastava, the winner who now goes deeper into the District Rotary Regional contest in April. In addition, he won $200 for first place.  He wishes to apply to Stanford University, but he is not definite on his life’s work. “I just want to be a decent human being,” he said.






PP Steve Anderson Lou Wellmeier

Rotary Recognition:
Kurt HuegKurt Hueg, Chair of Recognition, was held off until after the speech contest, but he lost no time fining poor Rotarians.  He had another good day with numerous fines of Rotarians who hung around after the speech contest. Unfortunately he decreased the wallet contents of the following:

AND……………… LARRY CHU Jr. offered to be dinged $5 because he satisfied DON HULL’s curiosity and he will become a father in a short time. DON HULL paid $20, as he is now satisfied with that news.  The meeting was adjourned after that announcement.
Past President ROY LAVE completed his fill in responsibility and adjourned the meeting promptly at 1:30 p.m.