Rotary Emblem

Los Altos Rotary Club

Home of the Annual Rotary Fine Art Show

February 11 2010

Writer: Michael Stadlen  - Photographer:Steve Pomeroy  - Editor:  Jack Kelly
This Thursday's Program: Feb 18 2010 Dan Holden
What it takes today to be college bound

        Karen Greguras and Lew Fraser      

It’s funny how things work out sometimes!  While the entire eastern USA was digging out from its recent torrent of incredible snowstorms, all of western Canada was praying to get some snow so the Winter Olympics wouldn’t turn into a mud-wrestling fiasco.  And in the midst of all this, our club was blessed with a warm, idyllic Los Altos day for our meeting on Thursday.  Isn’t it great to live in California?

Greeting us with smiles on this spring-like day were KAREN GREGURAS and LEW FRASER.  Manning his usual post behind the cash drawer was equally-cheerful WYATT ALLEN.  STEVE POMEROY did double duty as Photographer and Sergeant-at Arms, ably joined by MIKE ABRAMS and FRANK VERLOT in the latter role.
JEAN MORDO led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and PP MEL KAHN regaled us with several quotes from Abraham Lincoln.  The first one was about women; none of the married men would ever dare repeat it.  The second was more popular.  “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”  Good advice!

Jeanne Mac Vicar JEANNE MacVICAR then led us in “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.”  President TRACIE MURRAY let us in on how to look like you’re singing when you don’t know the words to the song.  Just mouth the word “watermelon” over and over until it ends, and nobody will be the wiser.  This prompted a wag at my table to suggest that next time he is the Songmeister, he will choose “Watermelon” as the song of the day.

Only one visiting Rotarian was with us this time.  Lon Saavedra is the CEO of Hakone Gardens in Saratoga and belongs to the downtown San Jose club.  Three of our members then stood to introduce their guests:
President TRACIE had several important things to say before opening the floor to the members:


Kurt Hueg KURT HUEG took the floor to help us celebrate Valentine’s Day (or VD, if you prefer).  He expressed surprise that the name of the holiday had never been changed to avoid those initials.  But it did give him a good subject for trivia questions.

Rotary Panorama

PP Sam PesnerPP SAM PESNER took the floor to bring the club up-to-date on the status of and plans for this year’s Fine Art in the Park Show.  He explained that he had joined Rotary to help make the world a better place, and the annual Art Show is the most ambitious (and visible) example of how we in LARC contribute to that goal.  For historical perspective, Sam asked PP JOE RENATI, who was President the year the Art Show began (35 years ago) to give us some insight into its background.

PP Joe RenatiJoe reminisced fondly about how it all began and said that 8 of our present members were in the club at that time.  They were looking for a way to do something bigger and more profitable for Los Altos than what they had tried up until then.  The Saratoga club was already putting on an Art Show, and it was rumored that they were pulling in $200K from it.  So Joe and Bill Powell convinced the Board that we could, and should, do something similar.  Cathy Tuttle was hired as a professional Coordinator to help us run it – a role she played for 16 years.  After her, Ginny Lear took over the role for the next 9 years.  Year by year we learned how to make our Los Altos festival the top-notch show that it has become.  We have always taken great care of our artists, and they reward us by returning regularly and spreading the word in the artist community.

Sam then put up a PowerPoint presentation to display a to-scale drawing of the park (with appreciation to Marv Patterson for his hard work in creating it) and to introduce each of the Chairpersons of the major functional areas.

Art Chair – COETA CHAMBERS explained the jury process we use to select the artists and the fee structure for how we charge them to participate.  We typically have ~170 artists in our program.  She also visits other similar shows to meet promising artists and to keep up with important trends in the market.

Finance & Administration – JEAN MORDO reviewed our results for the last 3 years and explained how dependent we are on good weather and favorable economic conditions for our success.  This year we need more help in the Cash Management function, so interested members should contact Jean about this.

Club Chair – STEVE POMEROY explained how easy our show website makes it for members to sign up for the various jobs they would like to take on.  He also reminded us that, by default, whatever jobs we had last year are re-assigned to us this year.  So each of us must opt out of jobs we don’t wish to have again.  Sponsorships are an area that we plan to pay more attention to this year, as this is a great way to increase our total revenue.  Members interested in helping this effort should contact Steve.

Marketing & Advertising – CLARI NOLET indicated that most of the work in this function gets done before the actual weekend of the show, so anyone who won’t be available on May 15-16 can find many ways to contribute in these tasks.  Something new we’re eager to explore this year is Social Marketing, so help from members with expertise in this area would be greatly appreciated.

Food & Beverage – MIKE ABRAMS explained that this area is not designed to make a lot of money for the show, but it plays an important role in creating an ambience for our customers that is conducive to their enjoyment of the day.  And this, of course, will indirectly help to expand the amount of time they spend onsite and the amount of money they spend on art.

Operations – HERB MARSHALL co-chairs this function with JERRY MOISON, and both of them have had the experience of being the Grand Poobah for past Art Shows.  So they are both well-acquainted with all the important tasks that must take place behind the scenes to make everything run smoothly out in front where the customers are. 

Site Chair – JOE LoCONTE has been chairing this function for several years now, so he knows what it takes to get everything up and running smoothly and to break it all down neatly so the park is left in the same pristine condition we receive it in.  Lots of work takes place on the Friday before the show, so this is another place where people who can’t help out on show days can make a valuable contribution.

Community – PP JOHN MOSS and his committee are responsible for insuring that we have good working relationships with many important constituencies, like the Boy & Girl Scouts, InterAct clubs, and neighborhood residents.  They also run the Young at Art program and supervise the exhibits in the Gazebo.
Overall show management – SAM PESNER wrapped up the program by summarizing the importance of the success of the Art Show to our ability to fund the good work we do all year long.  He also stressed how valuable it is for the Red Badgers to become actively involved on the team, both for the new spirit and ideas they bring to our project and for the benefits each of them derives from participating and getting to know many fellow members.  And speaking of fellowship, Sam closed by showing some fun pictures taken at several recent shows of Rotarians, their family members and guests, artists, customers, musicians, kids, and some outrageous costumes

President TRACIE closed the meeting with the happy announcement that we had met our goal of raising $3,000 for Haiti!