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Los Altos Rotary Club

Home of the Annual Rotary Fine Art Show

December 4th, 2008

Rotary 2008-2009 theme
Writer: Jean Newton Fraguglia  - Photographer: Jerry Tomanek - Editor:  Cindy Luedtke
This Thursday's Program:  Dec 11 2008 Club Assembly
Proposed Changes in LARC Bylaws - Discussion

  PP Bob Adams, Jean Newton Fraguglea and PP Boo Bue

BOO BUE, JEAN NEWTON, and BOB ADAMS greeted Rotarians and guests as they arrived.  There was a long line waiting to pay cashier WYATT ALLEN for lunch since everyone wanted to congratulate Bob for his selection as Los Altan of the Year, along with his wife, Lois.  I can’t think of a more deserving couple to be honored.  They both have given so much to this community in so many ways over the years.  Congrats to two very special people.

 Shelly PotvinFor the thought for the day, Realtor SHELLY POTVIN said she isn’t buying into the negative, gloomy news that seems to be pervasive these days.  Instead, and I’m paraphrasing here, she believes there is a positive and a negative side to everything and at each moment you have the power to decide which way to look at things.  Positive seems like a good idea, doesn’t it?
Our former Mayor of Los Altos, VAL CARPENTER, who reminded us she is still a Los Altos City council member, led a festive rendition of “Deck the Halls” with lots of fa la la la la’s. Val Carpenter

Prez Seth thanked CHUCK LUNDAUER for his donation of a computer to the club to replace the one that was recently stolen.

District Governor Gary Citti, District Lieutenant Governor Angie Hassler, President Seth and District Governor Nominee, Roger HasslerThere were many visiting Rotarians at the meeting due to the special program in recognition of World AIDS Day.  Those in attendance included District Governor, Gary Citti, District Lieutenant Governor Angie Hassler, and District Governor Nominee, Roger Hassler.  Past President HENRY YIN and Current President LENA ZEE represented Fremont Rotary Clubs, while International Service Chair, BERT RAPHAEL and President SHEILA HODGKINSON represented Mountain View Rotary Club.  Also, Rotarian JIM LONG was visiting from a Rotary Club near Charlotte, North Carolina.  Rotarians SCOTT RICHES and VAL CARPENTER introduced their respective guests.

“Party Hostess with the Most-est” KENDRA GJERSETH, reminded everyone to sign up for the Holiday party on Tuesday, December 16 at the Jesuit Retreat House.  There is still room for more party goers, so don’t miss out on a splendid party with fabulous food and the cool jazz sounds of JOHN SYLVESTER’s band.  Don’t delay; sign up today!
JOHN MOSS announced that two tables were reserved for Rotarians who wanted to attend the Volunteer Awards Luncheon on Friday to honor one of our own, PAT FARRELL, who will be receiving an award for his wonderful community service.
SCOTT FLEMING, chair of Partners for Elder Generations (PEGS), encouraged club members to volunteer for this new program similar to the mentoring program of Partners for New Generations (PNG).  PEGS needs club members who would be willing to visit with residents in local retirement communities to share hobbies and interests. Check with JEAN NEWTON (FRAGUGLIA) about the details and Live Scan requirements.
Thanks to the generous donations of club members, NANCY SIMON was able to deliver checks, cash and gifts to the Community Services Agency as part of the annual holiday drive.  Nancy volunteered at CSA with her two teenagers and was able to see first hand the people who benefit from these donations, especially during these hard economic times.  Donations of gift cards, pajamas or other items suited for teenagers are still needed.
District 5170 Governor Nominee ROGER HASSLER gave us a vocabulary lesson that redefines the District Conference as a Celebration featuring notables Dave Druvecki, a former Giants pitcher, and The Rat Pack, with Joey, Dean, Sammy & Frank singing songs from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.  Mark your calendars for April 17, 18, and 19th at the Marriott in Santa Clara for lots of fun.  Golfers don’t forget to sign up for the District Golf Tournament at the San Jose Country Club on April 16.
According to Prez Seth, you will be receiving a proposed bylaws change by email in the next two weeks for review before a club vote in January.
Another email will arrive with 4 attachments.  Each attachment is a proposed change to RI bylaws.    Each club within the district must vote on these, so Lt. Governor Angie asks that you get your vote back as soon as possible.  We will vote as a club, so please read these proposed changes and either send your comments directly to President SETH and/or be prepared to discuss them next week at the Club Assembly.   

PP Sam PesnerPast President SAM PESNER receive one clap as he walked to the podium for fining duty.  Before he extracted some bucks for Rotary AIDS Project knowledge, he announced that 53% of the club has pledged or paid to the tune of $18,000+  for this year’s Foundation drive.  If you aren’t on the list, please ante up.
Sam, who served on the RAP board for several years, asked BOO BUE what year the Rotary AIDS Project was founded and Boo confessed that at his age he can’t even remember one day ago.  (RAP was founded in 1989). However, Boo did remember (for a $65 fine, of course!) one of the most exciting and happiest days of his life 65 years ago on December 5 in 1943 when he graduated from flying school and received his wings and a commission.
VAL CARPENTER was recognized for her 17th anniversary that was on December 7, a day she says will “live in infamy.”  RICH CASEY introduced his wife, Shelley and was fined for their 35th anniversary.
Both BAIDRA MURPHY and KENDRA GJERSETH ended up with fines when Kendra was asked what award The Los Altos Story won for Best Public Affairs Special.  She thought it was the Peabody, but the video also won the ACE Award.
CLYDE NOEL guessed that 860 videos of The Los Altos Story were distributed in the U.S. but it was really 7,600.  MARGE SENTOUS knew that RAP donated $11,000 to renovate a clinic in South Africa in 2000.  RANDY GARD was fined for not knowing the name of the book distributed by RAP called HIV, Health and Your Community.  The books have been translated into many languages and the following were fined for knowing (or not knowing) which language and/or country: JOE LOCONTE (Swahili), PHIL ROSE (Bangladesh), SHIV SHASTRI (Nepal), KAREN FOX (Russian).

Rich Casey, Art Amman MD an President Seth ManningFine master Sam introduced DUDE ANGIUS who shared some sad news with us. Due to what he calls the “big trifecta” he will no longer be able to serve as Chair of the Rotary AIDS Project, initiated during his year as president. While he will continue to participate in RAP, he will be dealing with health issues including macular degeneration, a spinal problem, and prostate cancer.  Not wanting sympathy and in typical Dude fashion, he put the focus back on the Rotary AIDS Project, by introducing the board and recognizing those who have participated over the years.  Telling the club there would be a “new sheriff in town”, he acknowledged MARY PROCHNOW as the “first sheriff” and original Chair of RAP.
PP Mary ProchnowIn a very heartfelt and emotional tribute to Dude, Mary recalled the events of nearly twenty years ago in June 1989, when Dude first asked the Los Altos Rotary Club to “do something about AIDS” after his son, Steve, contracted the disease.  Mary remembered how Dude, a former teacher, coach, principal and superintendent of schools with a second career in insurance, was “loaded for bear.”  His tenacity, dedication and spirit have always been the foundation and inspiration of the Rotary AIDS Project, including his legendary way of getting people to do things, lovingly referred to as “being Duded.”   PP Dude Angus
Mary talked about how Dude has written countless thank you notes, sent out hundreds of videotapes of The Los Altos Story, and attended multiple conventions on behalf of RAP.  She attributes Dude as being the catalyst for changing the tide of thinking about AIDS by bringing home the message to middle America that AIDS can happen to anyone.  At a time when AIDS was not spoken out loud, she also believes Dude has been instrumental in the fact that today there is a giant red ribbon on the White House, something she thought she would never see.  Her remarks initiated a several minute standing ovation from the club in honor of Dude.

Rich CaseyMary introduced RICH CASEY, a kindergarten classmate of hers and a former biotech company owner and Peace Corps volunteer as the new leader of the Rotary AIDS Project.
Rich told the group of a new project in the works for RAP that is designed to prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS from mother to child in Africa.  The project will be focused on prevention and education with counseling and HIV testing, followed by the administration of cost-effective drugs that will save infant lives. In addition to enlisting other Rotary Clubs to participate, Rich has a vision of making this project the next Polio Plus of Rotary. 

Rich offered again this year to match, up to $1,000, any gift made to the Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project before the end of the year. So in this economic troubled times, it is a way to guarantee a doubling of your money.  You may have missed this very generous offer.  Now you know.  Maybe make a Christmas or holiday donation in the name of that special someone who has "everything."

Dr AmmannTo give the club an overview of the problem, Rich showed an excerpt from a speech by Dr. Stephen Lewis given at the Rotary International Convention, then introduced Dr. Art Ammann, whose organization, Global Strategies for HIV Prevention, is already at work in Africa to address mother to child transmission of AIDS.
Dr. Ammann, a leader in Pediatric AIDS research, shared some statistics, results and progress from his work during the past 27 years showing that mother to child transmission of AIDS can be reduced significantly with a drug called Nevirapine.  A single dose costing less than $1 given to a mother and infant at the time of delivery can reduce infection by 50%.  In combination with other drugs, the rate of infection can be reduced by up to 98%.  In Liberia, which has one of the highest infant mortality rates, it would only cost about $7,500 to give Nevirapine throughout the entire country. 
This can be accomplished and Rich is a motivated leader. One of the goals of the Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project will be to work to eliminate Pediatric AIDS in selected West African countries through support of programs that involve HIV testing and counseling for pregnant women and administration of drugs to prevent pediatric HIV/AIDS transmission from mother to child.  In addition, LARAP will build a regional coalition of Rotary Clubs to join in a fundraising effort to support programs for prevention of mother to child AIDS transmission. 
Anyone who would like to get involved in this effort can call the new sheriff, RICH CASEY to either get involved with the committee or donate funds to RAP to go towards the new program.
The meeting was adjourned on time at 1:30 p.m.  

{Copyright 2008 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved}

template updated: 06/27/08