Rotary Emblem

Los Altos Rotary Club

Home of the Annual Rotary Fine Art Show

August 30th, 2007

Rotary 2007-2008 theme
Writer: Larry Madsen
Photographer: Jerry Tomanek
Editor:  Cindy Luedtke

This Thursday's Program: 

Herb Marshall and others on Increasing our Greenness

Upcoming Events:

Red Badge Fundraiser Sunday, September 23rd (see this Rotator for details)

Thursday, 09/06 5:15 PM LAREF Board (1st Thursday) @RSM McGladrey - Mountain View

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See our Calendar for all of the important dates.
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To District 5170


The following restaurants continually donate food for the staff at our RotaCare Free Clinic.

Please thank them by frequenting their restaurants

Amarin Thai Cuisine

Boston Market


Rose International Market

Pasta? Trattori Italiana

La Fiesta

Hunan Chili

Fresh Choice

Frankie, Johnnie & Luigi Too

Fiesta Del Mar & Fiesta Del Mar Too

Erik's Deli Cafe

Donut Field



Casa Lupe


Greeters Marlis Mcalister, PP Marlene Cowan, Paul Schutz and Steve Gruber“It was a dark and stormy” ---  somewhere --- but in Los Altos, it was 12:15 pm, and hot, hot, hot, the ninth meeting of JOHN MOSS’ year as president was about to begin --- Most of us had walked down the hill from University Ave, trying to keep in the shade, past Shoup Park, up the ramp, into a group of smiling faces.  As we picked up our badges, we were warmly greeted by STEVE GRUBER and MARLIS MCALLISTER. The cashier for the day, KENDRA GJERSETH was ‘subbing’ for LEE LYNCH.
Pres JOHN opened the meeting by calling on CINDY LUEDTKE to lead us in the flag salute. Val Carpenter VAL CARPENTER followed, directing us in a stirring rendition of “Row, Row, Row your Boat “, a’ cappella AND in a round, which is difficult for us without loud music accompaniment and no boat.  However, we tried---VAL CARPENTER also gave us words of inspiration from Helen Keller in her Thought for the Day. 
There were only two guests today, an unusually small number, and no visiting Rotarians.  JULIA ROSE and CINDY LUEDTKE each proudly presented their guests.
President John MossANNOUNCEMENTS:  Pres. JOHN reminded us of PHIL ROSE’S retirement party on Sept. 6th from 5-7pm.  BAIDRA MURPHY said, for great fun, be sure to attend the Community Picnic Sunday Sept 9th.  BONNIE BURDETT filled us in on the District 5170 Award / Cure for Leukemia, and the Sept. 23rd Bus Barn Pre and Theatre Party to benefit C.H.A.S.E. (See the Rotator of June 21st 2007  for more information about the beneficiary).  The cost is $75 /person. Raffle tickets with some fantastic prizes are also available. 
BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! --- KAILAS CHIDAMBARAM reminded us of the District fundraiser to be held at the Blackhawk Auto Museum in Danville, Oct. 5th for the benefit of Coaniquem, the organization that supports children’s burn clinics in South American countries. 
DENNIS YOUNG said to keep the date of Sept. 11th open for the 44th Annual Silicone Valley Association of Realtors' Community Service Award Luncheon.  This year’s honoree is our own GINNY LEAR.  See flyer here.  SAM PESNER, who had been standing quite a while in a queue waiting to expound, said, “I’ve forgotten what I was going to say” but rejoined with a call to fellow Rotarians to participate in Partners for Elder Generations beginning its good works at Pilgrim Haven.  You can volunteer to visit a resident on a regular basis or offer to make a 20 minute presentation on a compelling vocational subject to a group of residents
Talk to ROLAND PAYNE regarding tutoring or mentoring grammar, middle, or high school students through Partners for New Generations. 
Whew!, End of announcements.  I realize this is unprecedented in the annuls of say, the New York Times, but I admit that I missed some details.  If you have any questions concerning dates, costs, locations, etc., call those making the announcements.
Time for expose’ #1: This was not mentioned at the meeting, but I thought inquiring minds would like to know:  While DICK HENNING was at Taft High School in San Joaquin Valley, he was a swimming ‘phenom’ by setting swimming records for 50 and 100 yards, and just missed by a “hair” of going to the Olympics.    I do have standards, so I won’t disclose the year.
Fine Master, Steve YarbroughRECOGNITION TIME was hosted by STEVE YARBROUGH.  STEVE called on BRIAN WARD, who was not in attendance, but apparently is still suffering from the results of having said something anti-feminist way back when. STEVE asked MARY PROCHNOW and all of the women to stand and “donate” $10 thereby duly recognizing them.  Whoa.  Talk about shooting yourself in the foot---Others that he extricated money from were:  MATT CABOT something about lawyers needing a spell checker---DICK DUHRING for being a nice guy---SHIV SHASTRI, FRANCIS LA POLL, and STEVE GRUBER, for not having something in common with other attorneys in the club by not yet having contributed to the greater good.  It was complicated.  DICK HENNING, and STEVE ANDERSON were both fined for STEVE’S 28lb., no, 40lb., salmon that got away.
Expose’ #2  Suffice it to say, STEVE Anderson has been known to spout half truths and occasionally flat-out lies.
AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT:  JOHN HAMBLIN, Director of Membership, asked several members why they joined LARC, or what they liked about Rotary.  MARY PROCHNOW said it was the “Polio Plus program and other charitable works.”  DICK BLANDING mentioned “friends; a gathering of happy people; and doing good things for the whole world”
JOHN HAMBLIN then asked JULIA ROSE to introduce our new member, DAVE SNOW.   New member, David Snow and sponsor, Julie RoseDAVE has worked with several start ups and now has his own web development business, Snow Technologies.  He admits right off the bat, that traveling and playing the piano are his hobbies.  He was welcomed with a standing ovation
JULIA ROSE and PAT FARRELL were awarded a special pin by Pres. JOHN for sponsoring a new member. 
PP Sam Harding and new Blue Badger, Barry GrovesSAM HARDING introduced our newest Blue Badger, having completed his Blue Badge requirements in record time,  BARRY GROVES, Superintendent of the LA/MV High School District.


President JOHN MOSS and WYATT ALLEN then addressed a wrong concerning CLYDE NOEL’S “Paul Harris Fellow” presentation.  Clyde NoelAdmittedly there was a “boondoggle”(my words) which included a couple year lag in his Paul Harris recognition due to a misplaced check.  On top of that, he never received a membership pin when he joined Rotary eleven years ago.  Both issues were remedied on this day. 

SPEAKER(S) FOR THE DAY:  Our program today was hearing from three Rotarians, one Red Badger and two Blue Badgers.  We seem to have a plethora of speakers to draw upon from our own members.  And we did. Evidently, (my guess) the first speaker’s GPS took him all over the place, eventually landing in Los Altos.  Scott FlemmingSCOTT FLEMING is from Redding California, was a Marine, a Personal Trainer, and is married to Bridget, daughter of STEVE YARBROUGH, whom we understand is slowly growing to like him; Steve, that is.  He has been in Business and Financial Marketing, Sales Manager, and back to Personal Trainer, all in just 36 years.
Roland PayneROLAND PAYNE, our next speaker was born in Oklahoma during the Depression, raised near Mt. Shasta, milked cows, got his bachelors and masters degrees at Cal in Mathematics, met wife KAY at Cal, became a Navy flight training instructor in Florida, was assigned to an aircraft carrier.  He went to post graduate school, worked at SRI.  Eventually, he left SRI and started a company, called ADS, which went from 5 to165 employees.  He sold that and retired.  Now he is into tennis, jogging, backpacking and of course Partners for New Generations.
My Final expose’:  While in an elevator I overheard a man say that his brother’s barber had it on good authority that STEVE SHEPHERD’S golf clubs had illegal grips.
Our last speaker was JACK KELLY.  Jack was born in Buffalo N.Y.  At age 12 he and his brother blew up the first tee and almost themselves at the local golf course while experimenting with black powder, a croquet ball, and a four foot piece of sewer pipe. (I’m not making this up).  Jack KellyThis might explain why he’s constantly answering the phone, and no one is on the line.  He is also in the Mortgage Business and has been since 1972.  He graduated from San Jose State and is a former SJS Alumni President.  He has been married to Carol for 23 years, is avid golfer, backpacker, and sports fan.

We end with a picture of our Past President MARLETE COWAN with the current Rotary International President, Wilf  Wilkinson. 

Rotary International President Wilfrid (Wilf) J. Wilkinson and PP Marlene Cowan

{Copyright 2008 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved}

template updated: 08/20/07