Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for July 6th, 2006

President Sam Pesner's Year
Writer:  Matt Cabot
Photographer: Jerry Tomanek and Mike Harrigan
Editor:  Cindy Luedtke

This Week's Program: 
President Sam
•  Club Assembly


Upcoming Events:

July 27th: 
District Governor
•  Russ Hobbs


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President Sam’s first meeting.  Didn’t seem like it, did it?  Not to me.  I was lulled into a sense of, well, it wasn’t serenity, but more like familiarity.  I was watching Sam take over, and finely (to him, I am sure) finely run the meeting.  So I missed the pledge, song and thought for the day.  Sorry People.

Big shoes to fill.  What do they say, ‘never follow kids or animals on stage’?  Well, how about never follow (now) Past President MARLENE.  Great year, Marlene.  You left the club not only in good condition, but in good hands as well.  Welcome to the reign of the Great Poobah. 

Speaking of Poobahs, President Sam has designated the term “Grand Poobah”, or “Poobah Wantabee” or something like that as the term for those donating $100 or more to our club.  He also reminded us that the $100 was really part of the dues, and everyone is expected to contribute that $100. 

This year’s Fine Master, or as President Sam called him, Extortion Master is none other than JOHN MC ALISTER.  It should be a fun year.  When he got up to start the year of Extortion, er, Fining, this writer was absolutely amazed at the number of people who were willing to be the first to be a Grand Poobah or whatever it was.  In fact, just as Pres. Sam was completing his presentation of the new year, STEVE YARBROUGH handed President Sam what I thought was a note of encouragement for the year. 


PP CINDY LUEDTKE, started the fining with a blatant commercial announcement.  She thought she was the first to become a Grand Poobah but was actually preceded by STEVE YARBROUGH.  Apparently, Steve had slipped Sam a check for $100, actually making him the first member to be a Grand Poobah.  Sam reluctantly returned the check to the Fine Master.  There were probably 8 new Grand Poobah Wantabees. 

Now, for Past Pres. Cindy’s $100 offer.  As you know, Cindy is Managing Director for First Republic Bank.  And if you were listening, you know that when you open a checking account with First Republic Bank - Los Altos Branch, First Republic will donate $100 to the charity (501c3) of your choice. This offer is good for the next few – well, she wasn’t specific, but I am sure there is a limit.  So, not to be a shill for First Republic, I see a great way to become half a Double Sustainer, a supporter of WCS, PNG, RAP, LAREF Corpus, or whatever non profit you want.  Actually, it probably doesn’t even have to be a Rotary non profit, but that was probably the intent.  That will be another $100, Cindy

Fine Master, JOHN MCALISTER is offering an opportunity to anyone who wants to be Fine Master for a Day.  His contact information is in the Handbook or go to the Website member directory.

During Announcements I noticed that something new has been added to the podium area:  A hook.  An honest to goodness hook!  As Will Shakespeare said in King Richard III (Act 1 Scene 3) Talkers are no good doers: be assured.” Keep that in mind – I mean the hook thing. 

Red Badger, KIM COPHER, figuratively donned her Camp RYLA hat and reminded us that Saturday, July 29th will be 2006 Family Day at the A’s.  The A’s will meet the Toronto Blue Jays.  Proceeds from ticket sales will benefit Camp RYLA. 

Past President, LARRY MADSEN reminded us that softball season is almost upon us.  If you want to play in a very fun and exciting (well those weren’t his exact words) co-ed league, contact him or Past President, MEL KAHN.  Games will be on Mondays at 6 PM.  Mel promises to wear shorts if that excites anyone.

Past Art Show Chair, HERB MARSHAL still has 8 cases of 24 wine glasses left over from the Art Show.  Great opportunity here.  During your next wine party, serve the wine in these glasses, and tell your guests to take them home.  One; you don’t have to wash them and, Two; it is great opportunity to talk and remind people about all of the great work we do in Rotary.  Three; You help Herb and our club.  See Herb for a win-win deal.  He may even deliver. 

This past Saturday and Sunday was the Los Altos Wine and Arts Festival.  23 Rotary volunteers manned the Chef Chu’s Chicken Salad.  We sold 1,405 buckets of Larry Chu Sr.’s famous Chicken Salad.  Those participating were:

Matt Cabot

Meg Solara

Louis Borel

Marlene Cowan

Don Witt

Irene Preston

Joe Corral

John Moss

Victoria Emmons

Grand Poobah

Lou Pesner

Dennis Young

Sandie Whipple

Jerry Tomanek

Dan O’Donnell

Pat Gray

Kendra Gjerseth

Marlis McAllister

Steve Silski

Ginny Lear

Jack Heidmiller

Lee Lynch

Chuck Lindauer


JACK HEIDMILLER and I, MATT CABOT, were in charge of this really fun activity with Jack doing most of the work.  It is one of the best fundraising activities we will have all year.  The total NET proceeds to LARC was: $ 2,920.  Not bad for a few hours of fun, eh?  One of the keys to our success was, well, of course, the food, but also we were one of, if not the lowest cost food choices at the Festival.  The combination assured our success. 

I talked with the guys at the food booth next to us.  It was a couple of college guys who had a fajita stand.  After the show I spoke to one of them and they said they lost money.  Maybe it was because they were next to us, or just maybe we had a better product, better price, better charitable image.  I don’t know, but I did feel sorry for them. 
President Sam gave us a quick overview of his vision for the coming year.  One thing that stood out to me was that everyone has a theme.  Here are some of them:

Rotary International:  LEAD THE WAY
District 5170:             NAVIGATORS  
President SAM:          GRATITUDE

So you can expect these three themes to color the service opportunities from each of the organizations above.
The Grand Poobah mentioned that over the next year there will be an organizational change that has been dictated by our National body.  Most of it will be transparent to most members.  Our club now has an Executive team, and Club Directors running the show.
The Executive Team are:

Past President
President Elect
LAREF President
D5170 A10 AG
The Board of Directors are:
Community Service
Internat’l Service
Club Operations
Youth and Vocational

Be sure to contact any of the above if you have any concerns about the operation of our club, or/and are willing to help them guide the club in their area of responsibility. 

President Sam talked about PEGS, COPS, CLP WE CARE, HEALTH and FUN.  The part that interested me the most was the “fun” part. 

Actually President Sam, as much as we love him, was not the speaker of the day.  Pres. Elect, JOHN MOSS introduced Del Blaylock.  I must say that I didn’t take many notes during Del’s talk.  I, along with the rest of the club sat with fixed attention to a real speaker.  He was passionate, informative and commanding.  To list his bona fides would probably understate his accomplishments. 




Mr. Blaylock is District 5170’s Membership Chairman, Past President of Alameda Rotary Club, and general Rotary Head Cheerleader.  He said, as members of the Los Altos Rotary Club, we were all part of the Membership Committee.  As long as he has been a member of Rotary, he has brought in at least two members per year into his club.  Makes you think, doesn’t it?  So if you have been a member for, what 10 years, how many have brought in 20 members?  A quick and un-scientific look at the Handbook tells us that no one has brought in 20 members.  From my count, I see the highest (at least of those who were members thru last year were as follows:


The balance was made up of lots and lots of 1’s, a few 2’s and even fewer 3’s.

I didn’t check the names of who had none, but my guess is that over 50% of the club has not brought in anyone. Not just in this past year, but none EVER. 

This tells me one thing about our membership.  None of us are as excited about Rotary as Del Blaylock is excited.  It also tells me that with a few exceptions it seems that Presidents are the most excited about Rotary.  Why is that? 

Well, this is the year to be excited.  Great new year.  Great new President.  Lots of opportunities.  Let’s make Membership Chair, and new Director JOHN HAMBLIN’s job a breeze.  Let’s all be on that Membership Committee and bring in more quality excited members into the fold.  Del said “Rotary creates Miracles.”  So now go get the Miracle Workers!  He also said “Rotary is not a retirement home.”  So let’s get back to work.  He suggested when talking with a prospective member, ask the question “What service organization do you belong to?”  Few of us can answer that question if asked to us with the same zeal that Del Blaylock possesses.  Shouldn’t we?  Don’t we all belong to the best Club in Rotary?  I certainly think so.  Do you?


Photos from Last Week's Kick-out Luncheon.  More from the Kick-out next week:


Pictures from the Relay for Life Walk June 24th, 2006

Copyright © 2006 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved.