Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for June 7th, 2007

Writer: Steve Anderson
Photographer: Larry Madsen
and Nancy Traficanti, golf tournament, BBQ and Texas Hold'um. 

Editor:  Cindy Luedtke
This Thursday's Program:
Art Show & LAREF Reports

Upcoming Events:
June 21st, Leslie Lodestro -- Sober Teens (CHASE)

June 28th, Kickout Roast
June 29th, THE KICKOUT DINNER, Los Altos Country Club 

Website search:

See our Calendar for all of the important dates.

To see Neighboring Club meetings go to Clubs

To our Website

To District 5170


The following restaurants continually donate food for the staff at our RotaCare Free Clinic.

Please thank them by frequenting their restaurants

Amarin Thai Cuisine

Boston Market


Rose International Market

Pasta? Trattori Italiana

La Fiesta

Hunan Chili

Frankie, Johnnie & Luigi Too

Fiesta Del Mar & Fiesta Del Mar Too

Erik's Deli Cafe

Donut Field



Casa Lupe


Believe it or not, today’s meeting began at 12:30.  Actually I’m being facetious (I know, 3 syllables), PRESIDENT SAM has been on time opening and closing the meetings all year.  We will remember that, SAM.

Greeters were COETA CHAMBERS and ROLAND PAYNE. The pledge was led by DAVE SMITH and the song was led by SHIV SHASTRI. The song was something about the “Titwillow”.I know. I don’t know either.

DICK DUHRING gave the thought of the day which boiled down to: Rotary is our vessel for service. He mentioned our club’s services including PNG, Aids Project, the Art Show and World Community Service.

President Elect and soon-to-be President, JOHN MOSS introduced only one visiting Rotarian from Almaden Valley.  Many members had guests, however.


DENNIS YOUNG’s sub, SAM PESNER, announced the Rotarians vying for the LAREF Board. He also asked for nominees from the floor. There were none. So, PE Nominee, SETH MANNING made the motion to close the nominations, and WYATT ALLEN seconded that motion. The final nominees are:


An e-mail type ballot will be sent out next week with instructions on how to file your vote. For the few that don’t have e-mail, they will receive their ballots by snail mail.

PE John MossJOHN MOSS also announced next week’s program; KATE NUTTER will summarize the Art Show and DENNIS YOUNG will give a breakdown of the LAREF year and finances.  JOHN also announced his need for a Sgt. at Arms for next year.  If interested please contact JOHN.

Breaking tradition, PREZ SAM took this moment to tell his first joke.  I know, it doesn’t make sense for this point of the meeting.

The joke:  A young boy decided he needed to push over the outhouse in the back 40 and on a river bank.  The river was running high, a perfect scenario.  So he did and it fell into the river.  His Dad told him to meet him at the wood shed.  This meant a whipping.  He thought quickly and admitted to the deed.  He said George Washington admitted to chopping down the cherry tree and did not get punished.  Dad said “maybe, but his dad was not sitting in the cherry tree when he chopped it down!” 

Back to normal:  PP Marlene Cowan MARLENE made a presentation to JOHN MOSS for cashiering at all district functions requiring a cashier.  This award was from  District Governor,  RUSS HOBBS.

 PREZ. SAM then mentioned several district awards LARC won at the district level, The District Literature Award, the Zone Literature Award, and The Gold Water Health and Hunger Award.  Congratulations to all LARC Rotarians.

 Sandy Bozich Kendar Gjerseth

SANDY BOZICH and KENDRA GJERSETH made a pitch for all to join our own Los Altos Relay Team.  We can do that by logging on to Los Altos Relay.org.  We need donations for luminaries, survivors, and just donations in general.  Please help.

MARLENE noted that the kick out party will be on Friday, June 29th at the Los Altos Golf and Country Club.  Sign ups were sent around.  She reminded us that each and every member will be charged $50 whether they attend or not, so we may as well all sign up and attend.  This party is not to be confused with the LARC kick out extravaganza to be held the day before at our regular Thursday meeting.  This is not to be missed. She also needs some volunteers for various jobs for Friday night. Contact MARLENE if you can help. The final rehearsal for the Thursday extravaganza will be next Monday June 11th at 6:00 PM, not at the advertised 5:30.  Rehearsal will be held at the TRAFICANTI residence.

LOUIE BOREL still has some wine left at his house.  E-mail him if you want some.  Louis Borel

VAL CARPENTER presented a club banner she received on a recent trip. 

MONA ARMISTEAD announced our previous list obtained at the PNG meeting for new volunteers, a new list was begun.  If anyone has that list from the previous meeting, please contact MONA.

Matt CabotIn our mini-program, which has become common this year, MATT CABOT gave part 2 of his series on how to understand our web site.  We have a ROTATOR Archive, so those interested can read issues back to the year 2000. There are 300 on file.  Check out our ArchiveOur calendar on the web site goes from July to June in correspondence with our Rotary year.  MATT also, donning his other hat, thanked all the Rotator writers and photographers for this year.  Thanks, MATT.

WRITER'S NEEDED The Rotator Writer's Team is looking for a few good men and women.  PP Steve Anderson is temporarily retiring to become Secretary, so we will need a replacement for him.  In addition, we could use more writers and photographers.  So if you are interested, email Matt or call him and let him know if your are interested in writing.  Let JERRY TOMANEK know if you want to help as a photographer.  You can do both.  STEVE YARBAROUGH does.  

FINES:  Funny but I don’t know who the fine master was.  Whoever it was, collected money from Roland PayneROLAND PAYNE for his 47th wedding anniversary and for his son having paid off his college debts. 

FLASH:  DAVE SMITH was the fine master.  

JEANNIE MAC VICAR donated $250 (that’s right, you CAN donate more than $100.) in honor of SANDY and KENDRA’s work on the Relay for Life. 

PP AL TRAFICANTI donated for his honored grandson, PP Al Traficanti

SHIV SHASTRI donated because we all helped him sing from the Mikado.  Shiv Shastri

BOO donated $100 to Relay for Life in honor of his very own survivor, GRETCHEN.

Of course, PP MEL asked for a $50 refund saying this year really wasn’t worth $100. 

SAM said, “ ah, no”. 

BUD OLIVER donated the required “pooh bah” amount in dedication of his trip to Italy with his wife ANN.  Side note; did you know BUD’s real name is FLOYD? 

JOAN ROSELLE donated so that we should never sing from the Mikado again. 

BILL MOISON donated for his surviving cancer in 1954. 

KEN GRAHAM became a pooh bah just because. 

COETA CHAMBERS donated as she will not be able to make the kick-out.  That’s worth some big money. 

DAVE SMITH donated because his grown daughter recently received a grant to work on her Ph.D.

Bonnie BurdettAnd finally, new member BONNIE BURDETT paid up as she will be in Chicago next week with her daughter who is receiving her doctorate in audiology from Northwestern University.  She also made a $100 donation in memory of her late husband BEN ECKENHOFF to the Rotary Relay for Life Team.  After being a member of our club for one whole week, Bonnie also played in our golf tournament on Friday.  I like this lady’s style.

The program today was a presentation from World Community Service, a very active committee in our club.  WCS Chair, Dave SmithDAVID SMITH began the program describing their meetings which occur from 8-9:30 every 4th Tuesday at Northern Trust.  Their mission is to make the world a better place; simple but noble.  They receive their funds from the Rotary Art Show proceeds of $60k; $22 from LAREF, $21 from Rotary International, and other clubs and an incredible knack of being able to stretch a little money into a lot through something called “matching grants”.  It’s amazing what they have accomplished out of very little to start with. 

Items discussed included projects in Indonesia and Nepal.  One took place on an island called Nias in Indonesia.  The country of Indonesia has 250 million people of which 1.5 million are malnourished.  BO KEARNS discussed Nias where the average salary is $11/mo.  They need a lot of help.  They need money for the children, drugs, and healthy food.  The village women are very helpful in disseminating information.  Farmers are being taught how to grow more nutritional food and people are being taught how to make their water potable.  Finally we saw a film clip about Nias. 

Allart LigtenbergALLART LIGTENBERG spoke again about Nepal.  They are working on trying to curb deforestation by teaching the residents how to cook using solar power.  In addition, these people have been taught to make all their own stoves and cookers now.  80% of children deaths are caused by drinking polluted water.  They are being taught how to pasteurize water and to dry fruit using solar energy.  Progress has been made in teaching the Nepalese to make their own fuel briquettes from biomass.  They’ve been able to make 40 women into micro-entrepreneurs with their manufacturing of briquettes.

Some WCS projects are still awaiting approval from Rotary International.  Another seemingly attainable goal is Sustainable Development, One Village at a Time.

Another joke; To end this meeting, PREZ SAM got back into the correct position in the meeting to tell us one last joke.  Seems Roy Rogers rides Trigger into town and buys some spiffy new boots.  As he’s riding home a puma jumps out of a tree and knocks Roy to the ground and proceeds to tear the new boots to shreds before it runs away.  Roy gallops Trigger back to the ranch where Dale says “Roy! What happened to your boots?”  Tell Pat to get Nellie Bell out of the barn and bring me my rifle.  “I’m gonna kill that damn puma!”  Soon they are on the road.  As they approach the same tree, Pat looks up into the branches and sings, “pardon me, Roy, is that the cat that chewed your new shoes?”

You sort of had to be there.

Shelly Potvin, Kim Copher and Steve ShepardFLASH: The winners of the annual Rotary Golf Tournament have just come in: Team LAVE, MADSEN, KAHN, and FICK won the coveted yellow ball contest.  Low Gross was won by JACK KELLY for men and MONA ARMISTEAD for the women.   Low Net was won by CYNTHIA LUEDTKE for women – “Hold on!”  A recount revealed it was actually won by VICTORIA EMMONS. JOHN McALLISTER took the low net for the men.  Further, the Blind Bogey title went to LARRY CHU for the men and CATHY ANDERSON for the women.  Closest to the pin winners were RUTH CHU for women and JACK EMMONS for men.  VICTORIA EMMONS and RICH YAMAGUMA won the Longest Drive contest for women and men, respectively. 

Man, I’m glad those came in to the news desk at the last minute, aren’t you? 

Texas Hold'um Winners Texas Hold'um Winners Texas Hold'um Winners

{Copyright © 2008 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved}