Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for April 12th, 2007

Writer: Jack Kelly
Photographer: Larry Madsen
Editor:  Cindy Luedtke

This Week's Program: 
Kathy Imwalle -- Family Supportive Housing

Upcoming Events:

April 20, 21 and 22nd - Monterey CA

Register ON-Line.

Wednesday, April 25th.  An Enchanted evening.  Dinner at Maltby's 5:30; Bus Barn Theatre 7:30 - Enchanted April, a romantic comedy by Matthew Barber.


May 19 and 20th, 2007


Salt Lake City Utah.

Register ON-Line


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To District 5170


After the bell, the pledge and the song, all very capably delivered by proud members SAM, PE Nominee SETH MANNING and (visiting Rotarian, and ex-LARC member) Gigi Carter, JEAN NEWTON FRAGUGLIA reminded us what season we are enjoying (that would be baseball for us purists).  She shared some of the wit and wisdom of that great American philosopher, Yogi Berra, who also happens to have a few World Series rings. 

PRESIDENT SAM managed to keep his otter in place long enough for PE JOHN MOSS to preside over the introductions of visiting Rotarians and guests of members.  JOHN said something to the effect that it was through the careful reading and following the philosophy of Yogi that he managed to reach his current station in life.  Or something like that.

PRESIDENT SAM asked BUD OLIVER to make the following announcement:

“As many of you know, Judge Len Edwards’ wife, Inger Sagatun-Edwards, died of pancreatic cancer on April 2nd.  Inger was born and raised in Norway.  At the time of her death, she was Dean of the College of Applied Science and Arts at San Jose State University.  From the first diagnosis of this cancer to her death was only slightly over two months.  It all happened very fast!  This is devastating to Len, especially after losing one of their two sons in an automobile accident a few years ago.

As most of you know, Len lives in our community and has been our guest speaker several times over the past ten or twelve years, and that we made him an Honorary Paul Harris Fellow last May.  A card was passed around that will be sent to Len.  Hopefully, you had the opportunity to sign it and add your personal comments.”

JEANNE MACVICAR made the following announcement:

Sometimes we may wonder if those cards of support we sign have an effect on the recipient.  Joel Ben-Izzy, a former presenter at our club and a Rotary supporter, has had to deal with his own bout with cancer; our club sent him a card wishing him well.

Joel sent JEANNE the following email: 

“As I’m sitting here sifting through the remnants of my journey over these past months, I find myself drawn back again and again to the really lovely, thoughtful card that you and the other members of the Los Altos Rotary Club sent.

Could I ask you to let the Los Altos Rotarians know just how much I appreciated receiving the card?  Every comment they wrote came to me as a twist, turning my curse into a blessing.  And, as I said when we spoke, these blessings really helped to make things turn out so well.

I will look forward to seeing some of the folks from the club – and of course, you and you family – at the Relay for Life.

Until then, best wishes for a spring filled with color and joy – the exact stuff you give to others.  Joel.”

Folks, those cards and thoughts really mean something and really do work.  Let’s sign ‘em all.


All you single Rotarians anxious to dance your way to Sacramento, please see PAST PRESIDENT MARLENE COWAN ASAP. 

Rotary Night at the Bus Barn is coming up on Wednesday, April 25th.  Check with JEAN MORDO for dinner and ticket details or click on the green poster to the left.

The annual LA Rotary Golf Tournament is June 8th.  Sign up soon!  STEVE SHEPHERD promises a good time will be had by all.  The dinner/BBQ will be done a little differently this year and it will be done at the KAHN abode.  That’ll be different! Thus ended the “necessary announcements” according to POOBAH SAM.








DISTRICT GOVERNOR RUSS HOBBS and our own SAM HARDING and CINDY LUEDTKE then presided over the awards ceremony honoring this year’s PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS.  DG RUSS explained what it means to be a PHF and that this is the year of the 1,000,000th PHF.



The DISTRICT GOVERNOR passed out the pins to the following LOS ALTOS ROTARIANS as PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS:

CHUCK LINDAUER   Paul Harris Fellow DENNIS YOUNG Paul Harris Fellow+ 3
BILL MOISON Paul Harris Fellow ROY LAVE Paul Harris Fellow+ 4
PAT FARRELL Paul Harris Fellow+ 1 DUDE ANGIUS Paul Harris Fellow+ 5
DICK HASENPFLUG Paul Harris Fellow+ 1 BOO BUE Paul Harris Fellow+ 5
LARRY MADSEN Paul Harris Fellow+ 2 DICK DUHRING Paul Harris Fellow+ 8
DAVE DEMATTEIS Paul Harris Fellow+ 3   Paul Harris Fellow

Four members were not present:

JERRY MOISON Paul Harris Fellow+ 1 STEVE ANDERSON Paul Harris Fellow+ 3
STEVE YARBROUGH Paul Harris Fellow+ 2 MONA ARMISTEAD  Paul Harris Fellow+ 4

The DG then took a moment to promote the District Conference coming up April 20-22.

Somehow, in keeping with the baseball theme, a beach ball got loose (kinda reminded me of Dodger Stadium).  MARLENE COWAN grabbed it; said it was for her grandson.

POOBAH SAM regaled us with the story of the “cruise that almost was.”  Seems he and his wife were booked on the “Sea Diamond” for a summer cruise.  All you denizens of the news with long memories will recall that it sank last week, somewhere around the Greek Islands.  Somehow, through the application of LARC logic, SAM was going to fine ROY JONES, who was cruising elsewhere this fine day.

Finemaster MATT CABOT stepped to the lectern to the usual applause.  I have no idea how much in fines he extracted, but it sure took a long time.  MATT’S suggestion that he stick to Rotator writing was well accepted by membership.



Wait – one more “necessary announcement” by MICHAEL STADLEN: the art show is a mere four weeks away.  So it is important to nail down your assignments.  The sooner your register for the jobs you want, the better chance you have of getting the jobs you like. 

To help you volunteer for just the right job, we have set up a webpage to notify Michael Stadlen for you.  Just go to volunteer  on our website or http://www.losaltosrotary.org/ArtShow2007/volunteer.html  .  There you can sign up for a particular job, or "any job" "any time"

After filling out the form, click on SUBMIT and your request will be forwarded automatically to Michael.  He will get an email with your request.  He will also confirm your job via return email.  How easier could it be?  Check it out. 

Just a word of caution.  Do not use this form to tell Michael you can't make a particular assignment because of some sudden conflict.  If this happens, get a replacement, and/or contact Michael directly.  His email is in the directory.  You should contact him for ANY staffing-related qustions you may have.

BILL MOISON introduced Ms. Kim Golter, Founder and Executive Director of Jeremiah’s Promise.  Jeremiah’s Promise is an organization that provides foster youth with hope and promise for tomorrow.  Kim’s presentation offered information and insight into the real life experience of being a foster child and what life is like.  The Q&A was every bit as interesting as the formal presentation by offering further insight from the members who have been involved with the foster care structure in California.

As PRESIDENT SAM said: “This is where our grant money goes.  We should be proud! “  Anyone wishing more information about the current situation in foster care can access the web site: www.jeremiahspromise.org

During the Q&A, two books were suggested that tell some of the good stories and help offset some of the bad stuff we hear so frequently.  “The Women Who Raised Me” by Victoria Rowell, and “Finding Fish” by Antwone Fisher.

OK, you asked for it and I was told to do it, so here it is:

This lady is waiting for her first appointment with a new dentist. She notices his DDS diploma which has his full name, when suddenly she remembers a tall handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name who had been in her high school class some 40-odd years ago.  Could this be the same guy that she had a secret crush on way back then? Upon seeing him however, she quickly dismisses any such thoughts.  This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face is way too old to have been her classmate – hmmm - or could he?  After he examines her teeth, she asks him if he had attended Los Altos High School. "Yes; yes I did. I drove a Mustang," he gleams with pride. "When did you graduate?" she asks. He answers, "In 1965. Why do you ask?" "You were in my class!" He looked at her closely. Then that ugly old, wrinkled son-of-a-gun asks, "What did you teach?"

 Only 11 more to go, folks!

{Copyright © 2008 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved}