Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for December 15th, 2005

  Writer: Dick Blanding
Photographer: Jerry Tomanek
Editor:  Cindy Luedtke

Next Week's Program: 
December 22nd - no meeting

December 29th - no meeting
January 5th -
President Marlene - club Assembly

Upcoming Events:


January 12th:  Kay Payne - The New de Young Museum

January 19th: Angela McConnell - CSMA


See our Calendar for all of the important dates.



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To District 5170


Despite the most enthusiastic efforts of Songleader,  John McDonnell, we didn't quite reach the musical heights of our beautiful Madrigal Singers later in the afternoon.  We had just as much fun singing our song, though.  And such sage advice from erstwhile Texas Ranger, Brian Ward, complete with hat and silver star: "Good is still good, even if no one acknowledges it; and bad is still bad, even if everyone does it."

We gave and we received today, as Matt Cabot picked up tons of money (total to be disclosed next year, when the final checks are in) for our good and faithful servers at lunchtime; and a new guest, Laura Bajuk, who is now the Executive Director of the History Museum, brought a bottle of champagne for the club. If you did not have an opportunity to contribute to the servers, please send your check to Los Altos Rotary Club PO Box 794, Los Altos, CA 94023, and it will be added.  A contribution between $20 and  $30 is suggested.

Sam Harding made a pitch for Rotary Foundation, saying we exceeded our dollar goal, but need more members to kick in, to exceed the 70% level of participation.

Hugh Riddell suggested sending  your kids to Europe on a Rotary Student exchange program next summer as a Christmas present.  See him before the end of February to make it happen.

President Marlene waved a small likeness of John Sylvester  playing a sax in a Santa suit, but he was only able to get out four notes before his batteries expired.  Still, it was a pretty good likeness.  John will finish the performance, with his Jazz ConneXion, at the great LARC Holiday Party (Mon, Dec. 19, 6-10 pm at Jesuit Retreat House). It's too late to sign up or ask for a refund.  You can have a special martini invented by Kendra!  Be sure to introduce yourselves to Father Thomas Carroll and thank him for allowing a secular group such as ours to use the Jesuit Retreat House.  Please carpool, come and make merry!  Please do not arrive before 6 p.m. because we will still be getting ready for the party.  If you need directions, call Steve Gruber, Social Czar and Master Party Planner.

President Marlene reported the kids were thrilled to receive 25 dictionaries she delivered to Loyola school, and today she's heading for Springer with more.  She also thanked the club for our donations of food and toys for kids in need. 

Joan Roselle said to mark your calendars for Saturday, December 24th.  Yes, on Christmas Eve, Peets Coffee on State Street in Los Altos will give away their most excellent coffee, only asking patrons for a donation to the RotaCare Clinic in exchange.  At the end of the day, (4 P.M.), donations up to $1,000 will be matched by the Peets Corporation, a potential $2,000 contribution to RotaCare. Though Rotarians are encouraged to visit the store all during the day and make donations, we expect a large number of us to rally there at 10 A.M.  This is a great opportunity for the clinic!

On January 18th, our club will sponsor a mixer with the Chamber of Commerce from 5:30 to 7 P.M. at Rambus.  Much thanks to Victor Echevarria for securing the location.  Food will be donated by Frank Schumann of Four Seasons Catering, and Louis Borel will select French wines for this auspicious occasion. This was a lot of fun last year, and its a chance to chat with some new folks, possibly new member prospects, as well as fellow LARC members.

Marlene presented five Service Above Self Awards.  John Cardoza, Shoshana Zimmerman, Dan O'Donnell,  Don Witt, and Cindy Luedtke were honored for their contributions.

Brian Ward  raked in the big bucks for the Exploiter's, no, make that Explorer's Club:  Shoshana, for celebrating Christmas at an Ashram in India, Steve Shepherd, for his daughter becoming a V.P. of Goldman Sachs, others for new grandchildren and new cars.  Jack Heidmiller paid a tiny fraction of the huge grand prize of enormous sums of money and fine wines that he won at the recent Chamber Mixer.   Brian concluded with his never-fail cure for seasickness: "sit down quietly under a tree."

Two members were awarded Blue Badges today: Hinda Weber, sponsored by Bob Adams, and Dennis Potter, whose sponsor is Pat Farrell

Dennis admitted to being married to our baseball team's second baseman.  Or is it basewoman; second base person?  Congratulations to both new Blue Badgers.

MATT CABOT also announced the arrival of their 9th grandchild, but the first for son (and fellow Los Altos Rotarian) MIKE CABOT and his most beautiful wife, Emily. Ella Margaret CABOT was was born on 12/12 at El Camino Hospital.  She is currently in the neonatal care unit.

Sandy Whipple introduced the Mountain View High Madrigal Singers, in full regalia, all tuned up for a beautiful performance to open the Christmas season.  They have appeared in as many as sixty performances this year, and are heading for two weeks in Italy soon.  Director, Jill Donny,  can be rightfully proud of her wonderful singers, who received a richly deserved standing ovation from a grateful audience.

Our next meeting will be Thursday, January 5th, same time, same place.


Copyright © 2005 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved.