Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for October 27th, 2005

  Writer: John Sines
Photographer: Mike Harrigan
Editor:  Cindy Luedtke

Next Week's Program: 

Karen Fox - Health Care in Russia


Upcoming Events:

• Nov 3rd:  LAREF:  2570 W. El Camino Real Suite 400 Mountain View. 5:00 pm

• Nov 3rd:  A Sante' function at the Del Monte building in Sunnyvale

See flyer




See our Calendar for all of the important dates.



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To District 5170



UNCLE SETH led the multitude in a spirited, though less-than-perfect, version of “Zippidee-Do-Dah”. JOANNE BYRNE shared with us the laconic humor of the Irish, and HUGH RIDDELL explained the difficulties of obtaining the flag of Rotary clubs in England.  HUGH spent two weeks in England involving himself with its educational system, and it is hoped that he will some day soon address the peanut gallery on how our educational systems compare as England and the U.S. struggle mightily, through education, to avoid the race to the bottom.


TOM LISTON reminded us of the ASANTE’ RotaCare fundraiser being organized by 5 Rotary clubs, which will take place on November 3.  BEN McGANN and RotaCare inoculated Rotarians and guests against flu prior to the meeting.  On November 20, the Palo Alto Bayshore Club and others will sponsor Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Mikado” at Stanford.  A LARC Rotarian advisor is needed for the Alta Vista Interact Club.  President MARLENE reported on the District 5170 event, Avenues of Service, held last week in Hayward. 


PREZMARLENE will be gone for the meetings of November 3 and November 10.  EXPREZROY LAVE (“PARADIGMMAN”) and EXPREZMARY PROCHNOW (“GLASSCEILINGBUSTERWOMAN”) will preside in her absence.  PREZMARLENE will be in Japan visiting with her newborn grandson and his  happy mother and exhausted father who needs help.


How many have read about Moa’s long march and wondered whether they could have endured it?  How many have read about Philippides, who ran from Marathon to Athens to announce the victory of the Athenians over the Persians and then dropped dead, and wondered whether they could have matched him?  Well, fellow Rotarians, we have endured as well and as long as any of them.  We have endured the LONGEST FINE SESSION IN THE HISTORY OF THE GALAXY!  The pious and indefatigable LEM SUMMEY,  armed only with a full belly and an empty bladder, ascended the pulpit and held forth for upwards of an hour, fining right, then fining left, then looking at the clock, then looking at PREZMARLENE, then fining right, then fining left, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.   Nuggets included:  JOAN ROSSELLE paying a fine for sitting next to Eunice Schriver;  STEVE GRUBER joining the Explorer’s Club for being another in a long line of honest attorneys of few words and many deeds;  JOANNE KAVALARIS for being the greatest golf widow of this young century;  SANDY (“Pasties”) BOZICH, SAM PESNER and STEVE ANDERSON for being happy-go-lucky optometrists; CINDY WEYMSS for being Edward Jones’ poster girl in the Wall Street Journal; PREZMARLENE for being a grandmother;  SAM HARDING, for no apparent reason except having a spare Jackson;  AL TRAFICANTI, for feeling sorry for himself because he is no longer 20;  MEL KAHN, for having won a $50 bet from an intoxicated educator; FIROOZ GHAFFARI, for being here as opposed to being under foot; and many, many others.


KATIE was awarded her second Service Above Self Award, and HERB MARSHALL announced that KATIE will be the Art Show Director in 2007.  Hooray, KATIE!  Why not KATIE for Supreme Court?


SAM HARDING  introduced fellow Komodo dragoneer, Brad Howard,  past District Governor and member of the Oakland Sunrise Club, who spoke about the Rotary Foundation, which annually raises $65 to $85 million and spends $85 to $100 million.  CINDY WEYMSS’ very own Wall Street Journal recently did a story on Rotary and Polio Plus and concluded that Rotary is entitled to much of the credit for reducing polio from a scourge which struck 350,000 innocents per year in the ‘80’s and which should be extinguished within 5 years.  Brad told how he became personally involved in the funding of a medical clinic in Ghana, as a consequence of which his children learned about giving and he became an enstooled chief with feet resting on a live but doomed goat (not from the LUEDTKE herd).  This reporter has observed 23 annual speeches about the Rotary Foundation and has savored them all.  Sometimes it amounts to savoring Thunderbird, and other times it amounts to savoring the finest vintage, like Eau du Traficanti.   This was one of the best.  Amen.

Copyright © 2005 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved.