
Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for April 6th, 2005

Chicago Centennial
  Writer: Mary Prochnow
Editor:  Matt Cabot

Tomorrow's Program:
Apr. 14 -

Upcoming Events:


Apr. 13 - Dinner at Chef Chu's

Apr. 20 - Art Show Committee 8:00 AM


Apr. 29 - Golf Tournament 10:00 AM Shorline Golf Links, MTV     BBQ Dinner and Poker at 6:00 PM


See Programs for all of the important dates.



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     The meeting  began with the Pledge of Allegiance led by PAT FARRELL followed by SMILE led by CRES MCFALL.  Recent GARDINER AWARD WINNER, MONA ARMISTEAD  gave the thought for the day which talked about reflection and how each of us gets  back each day what we put out into the world. Be your best and life will reflect it’s best back to you!

    PRESIDENT ELECT MARLENE, just back from the “instant wedding” of her son in Hawaii, introduced visiting Rotarians and guests.  The greatest distance come by a visiting Rotarian was from Germany today.

    Don’t forget your wallet this week. The RED BADGE GROUP is holding its’ auction and proceeds go to much needed Tsunami Relief.  KATIE NUTTER mentioned the wonderful power of Rotary to use funds such as these ,  while bypassing all bureaucracy, corruption and mismanagement of funds.  KATIE also mentioned the need for more items for auction  and the nature of the tax deductions available to participants

     DISTRICT ASSEMBLY is April 21st.  Red Badgers, Committee heads and Directors are particularly encouraged to attend.

     Talk to JOAN ROSSELLE if you are interested in the 2004 issue white Rotary shirts or one of the more seasoned Blue versions.

     TONIGHT:  This Wednesday the 13th is the SPRING FEAST at CHEF CHU’s at 6:30p.m

     Sadly, Fr. BILL REWAK has been reassigned to Loyola Marymount University. He told us that we are a “beacon  of light and grace for this valley”.  We will sorely miss Fr. Bill’s own light and grace. We wish  him a wonderful experience as he leaves us.

   DICK DUHRING gave the Rotary moment.  Dick talked about former member, BILL POWELL, whom DICK referred to as the ‘GRANDFATHER OF THE ART SHOW” DICK described BILL as a visionary- usually two or three visions ahead of the rest of us. In particular Dick described BILL’S difficulties with the granite pieces brought from Fresno and now holding places of distinction around town. At one time these pieces rested at the City maintenance yard awaiting homes.

     Art Show announcements included STEVE SHEPHERD looking for sponsors to help defray costs and VAL CARPENTER reminding all to check the lists for assignments for work detail - make sure you appear on the list!

    ROY LAVE acted as fine master with birthdays and anniversaries bring in the bulk of the day’s collection..


TRACIE MURRAY reminded us that RI expects ten hours of volunteering form each Rotarian during April to honor the Centennial - there are opportunities for those in doubt!

    JACK KELLY announced that CYNDHIA RAMATCHANDIRANE, a sophomore at Los Altos High won the Area Speech Contest.

     Our condolences go out to SHIV SHASTRI. SHIV’S mother died recently.


    Our own JOHN MOSS, pitch hit for our ailing speaker and did a fantastic job.  Delivering a speech originally written for the League of Women Voters JOHN gave a most interesting history of HP.  John is a graduate of  Princeton and Harvard  Business School, holding multiple degrees. JOHN  went to work at HP in January of 1978.  He broke the history into three parts. The first thirty years.  The second thirty years and the last six years since Agilent was split off.

    BILL HEWLETT and DAVE PACKARD met at STANFORD where they got their undergraduate degrees.  They left the area for a short time and came back in 1938 for Phd’s. DAVE PACKARD’S Doctoral project was a stable audio oscillator. Professor Fred Tehrmann suggested that BILL and DAVE start a business making these oscillators and with  $538.00, ample vision  and talent, HP was founded in that now-famous garage on Addison street in Palo Alto.  WALT DISNEY bought eight of the oscillators for the movie, Fantasia and the rest is history.  JOHN outlined for us the incredible growth of the company and it’s products and employees.  The first use of  “ profit sharing “ was done by BILL and DAVE in 1940 when each employee got $5.00.  In 1942 DAVE was jeered at a business conference for his insistence that management has responsibilities beyond those which it has to the shareholder’s.  Responsibilities to employees, the community and customers were asserted by DAVE as an important part of the company.  The HP way pioneered employee accountability, catastrophic health insurance for all employees, professional development and beer busts.

   In 1972 HP sold the first hand-held calculator.  They were told by a marketing consulting company that there was no market for this product. They sold 100,000 units for $395.000 each.  It was designed to fit in Dave’s pocket.

   JOHN went on to highlight the many achievements of this remarkable company from laser printers to MBWA -management by walking around.   Just another wonderful example of the  great talent living within our Club . Thanks, JOHN , for sharing your first hand experience and knowledge of this company to whom this valley owes so much! I am sorry for each of you that missed this program! 

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