Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for May 18th, 2006

Writer: Dick Blanding
Photographer: Mike Harrigan
Editor:  Cindy Luedtke

This Week's Program: 
Scholarship Awards Presentation

Upcoming Events:
May 23rd: 
WCS:  Northern Trust, Third St. 8:00 - 9:30 AM

June 1: 
Partners for New Generations Mentors
• LAREF:  2570 W. El Camino Real Suite 400 MTV  5:15 PM
June 6: LARC BOARD:  Heritage Bank Community Room, 369 S. San Antonio Road
3:00 - 5:30 - NOTE CHANGE IN DATE


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Service is our mission and Youth is our focus. The wonderful program on Partners for New Generations will be followed by an equally inspirational program on LARC Community Service Scholarships. But program reports are only a small part of the picture; we can all take individual action. At today's meeting several ways were suggested how Rotarians can invest in students here and in the greater world community. It's a wise investment in the future, for today's youth will be managing the world tomorrow!

President Marlene

         A fine tone was set for our meeting, by Lou Fazo's leading of the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag, and Paul Nyberg's conducting of the choir in our grand old favorite, Smile!   Surely such a fine club couldn't deserve any rain on our Art Show, but President Marlene urged everyone to put in a good word of request for sunshine this weekend with the Powers that Be, just the same.

         She also said to write your check to the Community Foundation, to contribute to a scholarship fund honoring our good friend, Past President Firooz.

And a further note, Judge Len Edwards will appear at next week's meeting, and be presented with an honorary Paul Harris Fellowship.

         Herb Marshall,   this year's Grand Poobah of the Art Show, provided reminders of the Four Way Test, and that all profits from the Art show go into our LAREF trust, wrapping up with the encouraging word to "work hard this weekend, and don't forget to have fun in the process".




         Mary Marley announced that the two candidates for the single seat on the LAREF board are Lee Lynch and Katie Nutter; election is next week.

         Steve (Titleist) Shepherd told about the golf, BBQ, and poker party on June 9th, and Nancy Traficanti showed her wonderful video of last year's event.  Highlight of the commentary was John Sines' admission of having the prettiest legs on display that day, leading some to speculate whether he may actually have them insured for millions each, a la Betty Grable back in the 40’s.  Steve said non-Rotarians are also invited to view John's legs, and participate in all the other exciting events of the day.

         Cres McFall introduced this year's winners of the Young at Art judging.  Each of the seven young artists took a moment to explain his or her artwork, touching on motivation, medium, etc.  President Marlene congratulated each of the winners, their parents, and their teachers, adding "with your check, you'll receive a card which may have a more significant effect on your life in the long run, than your prize money.  It's a copy of Rotary's Four Way Test."

         Mona Armistead, hostess of the upcoming BBQ party, delivered a stimulating thought for the day.  She encouraged us to "jump in and participate"; to "weave our own special thread into the fabric of life" (I like that!); and to "get up, get out, get going, and get involved!"

         Today our program was a Thank-You luncheon for the volunteers and participants in the Partners for New Generations program.  Sandie Whipple and Hinda Weber, as current co-chairs, said 122 students were mentored this year.  They announced that the co-chairs for next year will be Mona Armistead and Roland Payne.

         All folks who had been involved in PNG stood and were recognized for their help, and then we all sat and chatted at our tables, focusing on some mentor or special person in our own lives who had made a difference for us.

         Cindy Luedtke seemed to really enjoy wielding the power of Finemaster, as she extracted confession after confession from her hapless victims, most of whom actually volunteered.  You've still got that magic, Cindy. 

         Mary Marley and Lois Adams told about some of the ways PNG volunteers made a difference, and we heard from an articulate young woman named Alicia, who benefited greatly from our program, to the extent that she is now heading for college at U.C. Davis.  Mary mentioned that we are now mentoring in the middle schools for the first time as well. 

         Cindy and Bob Adams then made a plea for dollars to help support the PNG-paid coordinators at the schools, who administer the mentoring program.  He said they are shooting for $160,000, to replace an expiring grant from the Packard Foundation.  They have a pledge of $10,000 from Rambus, and others so far.  Bob urged everyone to become a partner in PNG, by making a three year commitment of an annual donation.  He's hoping for gifts of $500 to $5000, but any amount is welcome.  He said to remember "you're only young once, but you can make a difference forever."

Make your check out to LACF, and give it to Bob or mail it to the Community Foundation, 183 Hillview Avenue, Los Altos CA 94022, annotating it for PNG.

 After a brief word from another mentee named Arturo, who Pat Farrell has been mentoring, the meeting was adjourned right on time (the wall clock was five minutes fast!)

WEBMASTER'S NOTE:  We have added a search feature to the Rotators.  Put your name in there and see what comes up.  (NB:  If nothing comes up you may be a RINO)

Copyright © 2006 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved.