Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for October 6, 2005

  Writer: Jack Kelly
Photographer: Jerry Tomanek
Editor:  Cindy Luedtke

Next Week's Program: 

Oct. 13:  Los Altos School Board candidates





See Calendar for all of the important dates.



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Our Greeters on this gorgeous autumn day were Marlis McAlister and Gigi Carter.  President MARLENE called the meeting to order with her usual chime.  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by KENDRA GJERSETH and PAUL NYBERG chose that George M. Cohan classic “You’re a Grand Old Flag” to get our vocal chords tuned.   

Our Thought-for-the-Day was actually a reminder from HUGH RIDDELL to make sure you don’t forget your notes.  He then shared inspirational words from William Penn that help us reflect on the recent events along the Gulf Coast: “I expect to pass through this life but once.  If, therefore, there be any kindness I can show or any good thing I can do for any fellow being, let me do it now, as I shall I not pass this way again.” 

President-Elect SAM PESNER then introduced visiting Rotarians today.  Whoops, there were no visiting Rotarians today.  Rotarian PAUL NYBERG introduced his guest, Randall Hull, who was one of the candidates on the program. 

President MARLENE then rang in Fellowship Time.  Your Rotator Writer finds this to be a very worthwhile portion of the meeting.  Club business seems to get done and “important” information exchanged.  You also hear about members’ travels, political inclinations and opinions about most anything. 

General Announcements 

SHOSHANNA ZIMMERMAN reminded us there’s less than a month to go for A Sante’.  To make the November 3rd event even more successful, she and TRACIE MURRAY are soliciting donations for the event and remember: no item is too large, too small or too expensive. 

JOHN SYLVESTER announced the Bus Barn Follies are sold out for this evening.  However, he did mention that AL TRAFICANTI’S daughter, SETH MANNING, and JOHN himself were cast members. 

BOB ADAMS announced the annual Los Altos Kiwanis Club Rummage Sale is to be held on October 15th and if any of us have any old or extra electronic items, clothes, toys, etc., we can call Paul Van Buren (967-5649) or Greg Burns (917-0869) and they will help us unload our treasures. 

RHONDA Wentzel asked for participation in the District 5170 Occupational Information Survey.  Please complete the very simple form and return it to RHONDA.  The District is developing a data bank of Rotarians and their occupations.  Eventually, the information will be available on the District Website as a resource for all Rotarians.

TOM LISTON shared his experience from his recent visit to the Rotary Club of Moscow, Russia. 

President’s Announcements 

AVENUES OF SERVICE will be held on Thursday, October 20th, from 5:30 to 9:00 pm in Hayward.  This will be the first year for a session called INNER WHEEL for spouses and/or partners to learn about the fellowship and service programs in District 5170.  Workshop sessions start at 6:00.  Dinner and the program begin at 7:30 pm.  Important: the Club pays for your dinner.  There is a special session from 3:00 to 3:45 entitled “Sexual abuse prevention training” for youth services chairs and volunteers.  Sign up on the clipboard at our meetings. 

MEDIA DAY will be held on October 19th from 3:30 to 5:00 pm at Los Altos United Methodist Church, 655 Magdalena Ave. at Foothill Expwy.  All community based organizations and non-profit agencies can learn how to get press coverage.  This event is sponsored by the Los Altos Community Foundation and Community Roundtable.  Please RSVP to JOANNE BYRNE at mediaday@losaltoscf.org.  Representatives from Los Altos Town Crier, Mountain View Voice, Palo Alto Weekly, Palo Alto Daily, San Jose Mercury News and the San Francisco Chronicle have been invited. 

The COANIQUEM PROJECT dinner will be held in San Francisco on October 14th.  This is a district project featuring dinner, dancing, entertainment and Chilean wines.  Tickets are $55.00 a head and KAILAS CHIDAMBARAM is the man to see for them.

Red Badgers can get credit toward their Blue Badge requirements by attending any Rotary meeting where attendance is taken and minutes recorded.  Such meetings include Avenues of Service, LAREF Board Meetings, LARC Board Meetings (next one is October 12th from 3-5:00 pm in the Heritage Bank Community Room), World Community Service meetings (October 25th from 8-9:30 AM upstairs in Northern Trust Bank), and the Red Badge meetings. 

President MARLENE wants to know: Who sent the message to Travis Barnes? 


MARY PROCHNOW presided over this ever-popular meeting portion and received the requisite amount of applause.  She worked her magic by having many volunteers grabbing for the microphone.  Said volunteers included JACK HEIDMILLER, SAM HARDING (who should know better than to argue with the Fine-Master), DENNIS YOUNG, BOU BUE, CINDY DAY, IRENE PRESTON, SHOSHANNA ZIMMERMAN, JERRY MOISON and VICTORIA EMMONS. 

President MARLENE then made presentations to the new Explorer Club members: WILL CORKERN, BAIDRA MURPHY, JEANNE MCVICAR, KENDRA GERSETH, BRIAN WARD, JOHN SINES and ELLEN FLANAGAN. 

New Members 

Membership Chair LARRY CHU welcomed our newest Blue Badge members, Jeanne MacVicar and Paul Schutz.  Each one took about a minute and a half to share what they’ve enjoyed from their Rotary experience so far. 

LARRY then inducted our newest Red Badger, Coeta Chambers, who is sponsored by MARY PROCHNOW. 

The Program 

ROY LAVE then presided over the Los Altos Rotary Club Candidate Forum.  He reminded us that Election Day is November 8th, and that for Los Altans, the School Board and City Council races are the ones of interest.  ROY also said there are four candidates for two City Council seats, three of whom were on the program today.  In the true spirit of Rotary fairness, a random drawing was held to determine speaking order.  Our own VAL CARPENTER drew number one, Randall Hull number two and Kurt Colehower was number three. 

Each candidate spoke of their respective backgrounds, their community involvement, commitment to serve on the City Council, and outlined the challenges they see and are willing to confront.  Only one of the speakers avoided the buzzer and kept within the allotted six minute time limit.  The question and answer period was, of course, not nearly long enough.  Each candidate did have one minute to respond to two questions regarding the perceived differences between Los Altos and Los Altos Hills and how they would possibly increase patronage in downtown Los Altos. 

Further information regarding their platforms can be found on their respective web sites.  VAL CARPENTER’S site is: www.valcarpenter.com; Randall Hull’s is: www.randallhull.com; Kurt Colehower’s email was not available at the meeting. 

All four candidates were invited; Christopher Croudace was not present.

More Announcements; 

Join CERT - 'Community Emergency Response Team'. Come learn how to be prepared for an emergency. Learn what to do to help your family, neighbors, customers, friends and your fellow man.

This class if for Rotarians &their family members. Check your calendars now for availability. Only 30 open seats. You need not live in Los Altos.
NOVEMBER 5th &12th. Two Saturdays from 9 - 3.   Lunch is provided.
Please bring your check for $90 per person (made out to LAPD). This includes a back pack filled with important life saving tools.



Copyright © 2005 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved.