Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for September 22, 2005

  Writer: Clyde Noel
Photographer: Baidra Prochnow
Editor:  Cindy Luedtke

Next Week's Program: 

29 September -  (EOC) Bill Pierce - AVHS Principal

Upcoming Program:

6 October - Los Altos City Council Candidates



See Calendar for all of the important dates.



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  Last in First Out

            If and when that big earthquake hits, there will be an average of 30,000 people in Los Altos with only four firefighters, two paramedics and four police officers on duty. That statistic, alone, draws the importance of preparedness to every member of the Los Altos Rotary on how they can help others and help themselves. 

            Because of our current natural disasters with hurricanes in the Gulf and possible future earthquakes for the Bay Area, the Rotator starts with the importance of preparedness.

            Rod Sayre, Los Altos Police Officer said the best thing Rotarians can do is being personally prepared. The Community Emergency Response Team  (CERT), a group of volunteers, can provide that critical support.

            By raising hands there was enough support for the Los Altos Rotary Club to have their own CERT program. Those who take the course are trained to respond to large-scale emergencies for their family, their neighbors and to offer assistance to the community. All training is done by the Los Altos Police Department and can be accomplished by attending two Saturday classes.

            Those who complete the program are registered as state disaster workers and are covered by state worker’s compensation in event of an accident. The fee is $90, which includes a CERT backpack consisting of a team vest, helmet, gloves, a basic first aid kit and disaster response supplies. 

            As Rotarians filed into the Garden house for the meeting, JOHN MOSS and VAL CARPENTER welcomed Rotarians to the meeting with gusto, while KATIE NUTTER passed out numbered slips assigning Rotarians to their table.

            With President MARLENE COWAN on vacation, Acting President SAM HARDING started the meeting a bit late “because someone was tinkering with the clock.” 

            “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” was the song of the day by song leader JOHN SYLVESTER, SANDRA BOSICH led us in the flag salute and KELLY HUDSON provided uplifting inspiration for commitment.

            President elect SAM PESNER introduced visiting Rotarians Judy Hannemann and Dan Alexander from Mountain View Rotary and Hassan Zoroufy from Madison, WI.     

            The 10-minute social connection can be a mixed bag of social interaction. Free seating allows friends to sit together and talk together. Assigned seating at table 8 was a joyous occasion for all because the topic was the advantages of an Alaskan cruise and why everybody would enjoy one.   

            During the announcement period, GINNY LEAR presented JACK HEIDMILLER with a signed painting of the Art Show poster.

            “It was a terrific show,” Jack said. “We made $25,000 more than the previous year even though I had a banged up toe.”

            JEAN MORDO reminded Rotarians of the upcoming show September 29 at the Bus Barn Stage Co. presenting Elton John’s “Aida” and dinner at Maltby’s Restaurant before the show.

            Katie Nutter reminded Rotarians of the progressive dinner this coming Saturday. Katie said there were several openings still available.

            BELLA BERLLY reminded Rotarians of the Wine & Cheese party at DICK BLANDING’S home October 7. At this time, 80 people have signed up to enjoy Dick’s selected wines.

            DICK HENNING reminded Rotarians of the upcoming “A Sante” party Nov. 3 for Rotocare. Three other Rotary Clubs will participate and Dick said you could get some ridiculous bargains at the silent auction.

             When it came to fining the members, MARLIS McALLISTER used the 2006 Farmer’s Almanac as her crutch by pulling out strange innuendoes of life. KENDRA GJERSETH, KELLY HUDSON, VAL CARPENTER and KIM COPHER paid $25 each for being unaware of what is happening in 2006.  

            LEE LYNCH paid $50 for her daughter’s birthday even though her birthday was the following day, and MEG LOUISE SOLARA was proud to announce she will be one of four delegates from Santa Clara County Girl Scouts organization to go to the 50th convention for the Girl Scouts.   

            Red Badger GAEL KNIGHT offered his 5-minute speech on why he joined the Los Altos Rotary Club and said a number of his clients had good experience with the Los Altos Rotary and it sounded like a place he should join. To show his allegiance to the Rotary, he auctioned four San Francisco Giant vs. Arizona Diamondbacks tickets and the highest bidder was JOHN R. McALISTER at $250.

            “These are great seats,” Gael said. “I caught two foul balls in this seat this year.” 

            Getting back to the main speaker, SHELLY POTVIN introduced Ron Sayer as a CERT instructor and the last 5 years Los Altos crime prevention officer.  He has trained 108 people, the oldest 85 years old and the youngest 10.

            “Can you cope for 72 hours before help arrives if we have an 8.3 earthquake like we did in 1906?” Do you know how to turn off your gas meter? It took P G & E 3 weeks to turn it off in 1989 in some locations. These were the questions Sayer asked the Rotarians.  “I like to assume the worst scenario and everyone should have an out-of-state contact who can call to find out if you are O.K.”

            Keep emergency supplies in your house and a go kit in your car. “If you’re in San Francisco and the earthquake hits, you may have to walk home and that go pack will come in handy,” Sayer said. He personally stocks 10 gallon bottles of water and other supplies in a garbage can in his house for emergency supplies.

            He said Hillview Center would be the major site for gathering and schools would set up for external ham operators in case of an earthquake.

            For more information on CERT, contact CSO Rod Sayre at 947-2776 or e-mail rod.sayre@ci.los-altos.ca.us.


Copyright © 2005 Los Altos Rotary Club. All rights reserved.