Los Altos Rotary Club

Rotator for July 7th, 2005

Chicago Centennial
Photographer: JERRY TOMANEK

Next Week's Program: 
12 July - LAREF 5:15 pm
Upcoming Events:

14 July  - CACF Report
21 July  - Samina Faheem Sundas - Understanding Islam
28 July  - Ted Garrett - LAVA


  4 August - Chris McKay - NASA
11 August - DG Visit - Arlene Greenberg
18 August - Oscar Garcia - Mesa de la Comunidad
25 August - Ed Zschau - Entrepreneurship







See Programs for all of the important dates.



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The year of the COWAN ’s explorers begins. 


It was the first year of the new century of Rotary International and the Los Altos Rotary Club.  It began, as usual at 12:30 (see below)

The pledge was led by Dr.HENNING, without a comma after God.

After came the song It’s A Small World After All, led by guest, John Reed, accompanied by BRUCE CANN on the piano.  Great voice, John. 

During the song 5 young men and women in their country’s dress wove through the crowd with their country’s flags: 
1. Gavin Hunter, Scotland
     2. Vincy Leung, Hong Kong
     3. Merim Scheimanova, Kyrgystan
     4. Nozomi Kotera, Japan
     5. Aziz Anonaizi, Kuwait

This was to put an exclamation point on President MARLENE’s theme of exploring other cultures.  The Kuwaiti’s message to their youth is to respect other traditions; the Carbizon’s culture teaches their young to respect ancestors and the color red; Japanese message is for team work and greeting; Chinese’s is to be honest and love their country and finally, Scotland’s is to be straight forward to other countries. 

ROLAND PAYNE gave the thought for the day.  It turned out to be a good message giving encouragement to us all.  The main theme was nothing starts in a vacuum, but believe me, it was longer than that.

Past President DICK BLANDING  was thinking about FIROOZ GHAFFARI and his wife Giti, and brought back a couple of presents for them both from the International Conference in Chicago. 

Past President FIROOZ GHAFFARI was also acknowledged as the designer of the book plate that President MARLENE will use in the children's dictionary, and had Firooz sign the first one. 

NEW RULES:  all announcements will be 30 seconds or less and the full message must be sent to Pres. MARLENE AND BILL PALMER 24 hrs. in advance (Wednesday). The full message will be on our tables on Thursday. 

Secondly, in the thirst for membership communication among themselves, meetings will begin at 12:15—you heard it here first.

Next, the speakers will each receive a dictionary with their signatures that will then be donated to a local third grade class. 

The fee for NO LUNCH attendees will be $5 and be enforced.

Finally free lunches are offered for members bringing prospective new members three times. 

OLD RULE: Prospective new members should NEVER be introduced as ‘prospective members’, but as personal friends, etc.


  • Pres MARLENE commended Rotarian-of-the-Year MARY MARLEY for her fine work as president of PNG and her fine presentation to the District Governor’s Cabinet meeting last week.  The District Governor is interested in our successful participation in the very successful Partners for New Generations (PNG.)
  • She also reminded everyone that the LARC board will meet this next Wednesday 3 PM at Heritage Bank.  EVERYONE particularly Red-Badgers are welcome. 
  • The proposed LARC budget for the year was on the table, and comments to Pres Marlene by Tuesday. She also thanked JACK KELLY for a new bulletin board. 
  • Saturday, August 13th is ROTARY FAMILY DAY WITH THE A’S.  Minnesota Twins vs. A’.  A portion of the proceeds goes to camp RYLA.  $12 view level, $16 field & Plaza level tickets. There will be a clipboard next week.
  • Late Rotarian FRANZ ANDERSON, and MARGE GRATIOT MARGE BRUNO, MEL KAHN (for becoming President of  RotaCare for the whole Bay Area), JEANNE MAC VICAR (for her heading up Relay for Life) were all in Town Crier last week.
  • JACK HEIDMILLER is recovering from back surgery—spinal stenosis, and JERRY TOMANEK’s lovely, SUSAN is recovering from an emergency appendectomy.  That must explain the size of JERRY’s camera—has to be a medical expense.

PROFESSOR HENNING extracted several hundred dollars from the group in the name of being an EXPLORER.  Among the first were: YARBOROUGH,  OLIVER, RASMUSSEN and many birthdays and anniversaries.  BROTHER HARDY JONES  turned 60, but didn’t show up to acknowledge his aging. 

CLUB ASSEMBLY After all this fanfare, we began our first Club Assembly under PRESIDENT MARLENE.

First, JOAN ROSELLE talked about Fellowship and a great year of fellowship will be had. 

JOHN MOSS, Director of Community Service also had an impressive report. 

ROLAND PAYNE, Director of International Service laid out his programs—highlights include SAM HARDING’s goal of 100% foundation giving this year.  Yes, that means all of us.  And ALLART LIGTENBERG’s goal of $100,000 to WCS charities for the year.  This, of course will be with grants from other foundations and help from other clubs foundations. 

Next LARRY CHU laid out his plans for Membership.  We currently have 164 members including 14 new members and 11 members lost during CINDY’s year.

New members: Resignations:
Mike Cabot Harriet Heebink
Victoria Bracha Kris Casto
Chris Elson Jan Schroeder
Kendra Gjerseth Dan Arra
Bo Kearns Franz Anderson  (deceased)
Emily Taylor Bob Fenwick
Sandy Bozich Roy Dunnett        (deceased)
Jeanne MacVicar FR. Bill Rewak
Katie Nutter Malini Alles
Michael Maurier Bruce Askari
Victor Echevarria Ben Siavoshy
Michael Stadlen  
Kim Copher  
Amelia Ho  

MATT CABOT gave his report in a power point presentation on Club Service and Operations.  It was spectacular as only MATT can do. 

The Youth and Vocations Director, BAIDRA MURPHY mentioned she has lots of jobs to fill with chairpersons and members.  A good opportunity for you red badgers.

Finally, Pres. Elect SAM PESNER told us that once a month the program will be in the area of international interests as PRESIDENT MARLENE has requested.

 Our last speaker was none other than President MARLENE. She didn’t have time for her 5 minute talk of her experiences and what makes her tick, (it was 1:29) but told us to be alert, it could come at any time. 

Our final message was to think of how we fit in that small, small world and to think about Service Above Self and exploring other cultures. 

 All in all, a great beginning to our first meeting of the century.  It’s going to be a great year!

[Publisher's note:  This is Past President STEVE ANDERSON’S first Rotator since they were first written on slate some 25 years ago.  Good job Steve.]


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