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MEETING OF November 11th, 2004    


Writer:             Matt Cabot

Editor:              Dick Blanding

JOINT MEETING: Los Altos Rotary Club and Los Altos Kiwanis at Los Altos Country Club had an historic joint meeting to celebrate Veterans Day.  This was the first time we have met at the Los Altos Country Club.  Nice. 

Once we got the PA system working, it was quite adequate.  Service was great, and the food was excellent as well.  The only problem I saw was I could walk to Shoup Park, and I had to drive to the country club.

The Pledge was lead by thirty year Kiwanian, and former Postmaster Los Altos Post office, Walt Chronert.  A Brass Trio from Los Altos High School, Adrian Marpole, Russell Fields and Michelle Au brought the meeting to attention.  Russell played reveille and retreat.

SPECIAL MEETING - On the 11th hour, of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 1918 guns were silent, and a truce was signed that was thought would be the end of wars.  At that time, of course, there was not a 2nd “world war,” so it was called the Great War.

How optimistic those participants of the “Armistice” parade must have been.  Clubs and societies must have joyfully participated, heralding the end of all conflict.

Of course we know that wasn’t to be the case.  Man is still in conflict today.  Deep rooted fears, superstitions and distrust still exist.  Even as you read this, our veterans are dying while continuing the struggle first began two generations before, and sporadically continues to this day.  Our freedom has been molded by the hands of our Veterans, cast by their sacrifices, and poured by the lives of dedicated individuals. 

Our meeting place was filled with, by my quick count, 160 Rotarians, Kawanians, and guests to celebrate and acknowledge the sacrifice of time, bodily harm and even life itself freely given for us. 

Us sitting here writing this; us sitting here reading this; us who have just exercised our right to select our leaders; to select the direction our governors will peruse.  There is no one on earth who is as free to choose as we Americans are.  And it is no accident.  It is thankful to the people like our member and guests and countless others who have stood in harms way, and not run.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Because of the nature of the meeting, there were only a couple of announcements, and NO FINING (er ‘recognition’.)  MARLENE COWAN said that last week’s speaker, would provide the club with a ‘practical ways to avoid strokes.’  I wonder if there are a lot of impractical ways that we are overlooking? 

JULIE ROSE mentioned the Charity Weekend, which local merchants support local charities by donating 5 to 10% of the purchases back to the community.  As you read this, it will be over, because it is this weekend, Saturday and Sunday November 13th and 14th, downtown Los Altos.  But it is noteworthy to remember those participating establishments and continue to frequent them during the year.  Keep our local economy green, so to speak. 

SAM PESNER brought to our attention that February 10th through the 24th will be INDIA NATIONAL IMUNIZATION DAY.  District 5170 invites our Rotarians and guests to join a team of volunteers from throughout the US and Canada to help India wipe out polio.  This is an opportunity to have a personal role in the completion of one of Rotary’s greatest projects.  Check on the website in a week or two.  We will put a link on our website to direct you to additional information and applications for participating in this very satisfying event. 

Franz Anderson

Born March 2nd, 1932

Died November 11th 2004

Husband, Father, Rotarian and Friend

I am sorry to report that Franz died last Thursday night.  Franz was an 18 year member and a Director of Los Altos Rotary.  He was Art show manager in 1989 and 1990.  Memorial Services will be held this coming Friday, 4:00 PM at St. Nicholas church on Lincoln and Orange Avenue in Los Altos. 

THURSDAY’S PROGRAM:  SAM HARDING, PAUL NYBERG, DAVID SMITH, MARTY SPANGLER and Kiwanis President, HOWARD BISCHOFF was the committee that brought together the program today.  Sam acted as Master of Ceremonies, and immediately brought DICK HENNING to recite the Gettysburg Address.  I noticed a lot of lip syncing going on while Dick’s melodious baritone voice brought the words to life.  I remember it being much longer, but maybe that was when I was reciting it in the 8th grade.  A lot of things seemed to last longer back then.

Sam then saluted, figuratively, the services individually, almost forgetting the Marines.  (Wasn’t Sam in the Navy?) He then went on by examining why one would enter a military service.  I am guessing there are as many reasons as there were individuals. 

We heard from several Veterans, typifying the experience that many of us had.  Although I am not sure that many of us found our true loves in military green as did TRACIE MURRY.

LOUIE BOREL.  Louie actually served in the French military 1955-1957, and was part of the 1956 invasion of Egypt, before coming to America.  Louie’s daughter was the most beautiful MP (his words, and I don’t doubt them) in the Gulf War. 

TRACIE MURRY and her husband, Jerry shared their experience, and how they found true love in the military.  If you missed it, too bad.  Tracie not likely to tell that story again. 

STEVE ANDERSON was the first OD sent to Viet Nam in 1966.  As he recounted his experience during the Viet Nam conflict and a subsequent association with the local VA, it sure sounded like an advertisement for the VA hospital.  I wonder if you can get glasses there too. 

We had a very special guest today.  That’s not strong enough.  We were honored today to hear from RICH FISCHER’S son , Joe Fischer, discharged September 1, 2004, USMC and has just returned from a tour in Iraq.  Joe mentioned how his journey took him to Iraq, and back safely home.  His now off to college, and maybe he will re-up as an officer, just to get even (I am guessing). 

We can watch it on television, read about it in the paper, and we discuss it hypothetically around the water cooler at work, but nothing brings it home as well as listening to someone who has been there so recently as Joe. 

Sam then found out that, like a well organized marching platoon, we were about 15 minutes early, so he opened the mike to other Rotarians.  CRES MCFALL took the opportunity to tell us of his father-in-law who gave his life in 1943, while part of the “1,000 bomber’ raids against the Axis.  Take a look at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/ww2/A1057367 for additional information about this and other theatre bombings.   

ALAN LAMBERT explained why he lives in San Gregorio.  He is still dodging the French draft.  Just kidding.  He served in OUR Army, even though it took a court marshal to prove it.

While Veterans Day is only one day a year, our freedom is year long.  Take the time to thank a veteran you know.

Programs and Events

Note:      Meetings of the board of directors are held at the Heritage Bank (Formally Bank of Los Altos) 

              Community Room, 369 S. San Antonio Road, Los Altos.

              Meetings of the LAREF board are held at the Masonic Lodge, 146 Main Street, Los Altos.


LARC     Los Altos Rotary Club

LAREF   Los Altos Rotary Endowment Foundation

PNG       Partners for a New Generation



Nov. 18 - Strong Schools, Strong Community by Los Altos High School Principal Wynne Satterwhite and Rich Fischer

Nov. 19 - National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon, 11:30 am, San Jose Fairmont, $70 per person.  Los Altos Rotary to be honored.

Nov.  25 -No LARC meeting

Nov. 26 - Thanksgiving holiday

Nov. 28 - Festival of Lights Parade and Party

Nov. 29 - LAREF Board 5:15 PM - NEW TIME



Dec. 1 - PNG meeting, Heritage Bank Community Room, 8:15 a.m.


Dec. 2 - Dude Angius and Mary Prochnow - World AIDS Day

Dec. 8 - Board of Directors, 7:30 a.m.

Dec. 9 - Community Services Agency program

Dec. 15 - Holiday Party

Dec. 16 - Main Street Singers Holiday Program

Dec. 23 - No LARC meeting

Dec. 30 - No LARC meeting



Jan. 5 - PNG meeting, Heritage Bank Community Room, 8:15 a.m.

Jan. 6 - LAREF board, 5:15 p.m.

Jan. 6 - Symphony Silicon Valley by Andrew Bales, Director

Jan. 12 - Board of Directors, 7:30 a.m.

Jan. 12 - PNG Mentor Training, MVLA Board Room, Noon

Jan. 13 - Building Intuit by Tom Lefevre

Jan. 14 - Friday Night Fellowship

Jan. 20 - New Developments at Foothill College by Bernadine Fong, President Foothill College

Jan. 27 - Peter Magowan, owner of the San Francisco Giants



Feb.  2 - PNG meeting, Heritage Bank Community Room, 8:15 a.m.

Feb.  3 - LAREF board, 5:15 p.m.

Feb.  9 - Board of Directors, 7:30 a.m.

Feb. 10 - Club Assembly

Feb. 14 - Speech Contest

Feb. 17 - Four Way Test Presentation (speech contest meeting)

Feb. 23 - Centennial anniversary of the founding of Rotary



Mar. 2 - PNG meeting, Heritage Bank Community Room, 8:15 a.m.

Mar.  3 - LAREF board, 5:15 p.m.

Mar.  4 - Cioppino Feed

Mar.  9 - Board of Directors, 7:30 a.m.

Mar. 10 - Decision-Making by Jeff Foran

Mar. 18 - Friday Night Fellowship

Mar. 23 - PNG Mentor Training, MVLA Board Room, Noon



Apr. 6 - PNG meeting, Heritage Bank Community Room, 8:15 a.m.

Apr. 7 - LAREF board, 5:15 p.m.

Apr. 13 - Board of Directors, 7:30 a.m.

Apr. 13 - Dinner at Chef Chu's

Apr. 29 - Golf Tourney



May   4 - PNG meeting, Heritage Bank Community Room, 8:15 a.m.

May   5 - LAREF board, 5:15 p.m.

May   5 - Cinco de Mayo Celebration by Russ Clark of Estrellita's

May 11 - Board of Directors, 7:30 a.m.

May 14-15  Rotary Fine Art Show, Lincoln Park

May 19 - District Golf Tourney

May 20-22 - District Conference

May 26 - Scholarship Awards


June 2 - LAREF board, 5:15 p.m.

June 2 - PNG Volunteer Luncheon, Garden House, Noon

June 2 - LAREF & Art Show reports

June 8 - Board of Directors, 7:30 a.m.

June 8 - PNG meeting, Heritage Bank Community Room, 8:15 a.m.

June 9 - Partners for New Generations - mentor appreciation

June 18 - 22 - Rotary International Convention in Chicago



July 1 - Kick-Out Dinner


On-line Meeting:  www.rotaryeclubone.org

Palo Alto:  Rickey's Hyatt House, 12:15 p.m.
Los Altos Sunset: China Shuttle, 22382 Homestead Road, Cupertino, 7:15 p.m.
Sunnyvale:  Ramada Inn, 12:15 p.m.
Mountain View: Adobe House, Moffett & Central, Mountain View, 12:15 p.m.
Menlo Park: Menlo Park Recreation Center, Menlo Park, noon.
Woodside/Portola: Woodside Village Church, Woodside, 7:30 a.m.
Sunnyvale Sunrise:  Wild Woodys Grill, Sunken Gardens Golf Course, 7 a.m.
Cupertino:  Quinlan Community Center, 12:15 p.m.
East Palo Alto Bayshore: Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula, 2031 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto, 12:15 p.m.
Palo Alto University: Sheraton, El Camino, Palo Alto, 7:30 a.m.

"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2004 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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