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MEETING OF MAY 6, 2004      



Rotator Writer:  Dick Blanding

Editor:  Dick Blanding


            Celebrating another perfect day in Paradise (Los Altos), we began our meeting with a lusty chorus or "You are my Sunshine."  After informing us that the first U.S. postage stamp was a one- cent stamp issued in 1840, John McDonnell read a fine poem about small kindnesses and doing the little things, suggesting we "Brighten up the corner where we are."


            A visiting Rotarian from Prague said he was here on "IT" business, which is good news.  We need to get it cranked up again, after a few years of doldrums.  His club is the Prague International Club, with forty-five members from countries all over the world, and we're invited to join them for a meeting whenever we're in town.


            President Al warned us all to avoid clicking on the "OPT OUT" button on our LARC website.  Bad things will happen to you if you do.  (Webmaster’s note:  The exact name for this link is “SafeUnsubscribe” and it appears at the bottom of the weekly notice that you receive telling you that the Rotator has been posted.  If you click on SafeUnsubscribe we will not be able to communicate with you via our email service until steps are taken by you to rejoin the list.  In case you are wondering, our email service also provides us with a list of those who have clicked on SafeUnsubscribe, along with a weekly list of who is reading their email from the club.)


            Always friendly and smiling Rotarian Franz Anderson is currently on the 4th floor West, room 11B, at El Camino Hospital.  Call him for a little visit, or reach him at home after he leaves there.  President Al would like to hear from you is you can attend the District Awards Banquet this coming Thursday, to accept our awards.  David Dye is looking for more members to sign up to act as a resource for students interested in hearing about your vocation.  The Fine Art Show is this weekend, the 15th and 16th.  If this is news to you, you must be returning from a six month vacation on a remote island in the Pacific.  Val Carpenter needs helpers to pick up food from donating restaurants and bring it to the park on Saturday of the art show, around 4:30 in the afternoon.  Call her.  Joanne Kavalaris is donating a fax machine, computer table, etc. to a deserving non-profit.  Call her at 948-4468.  Al Ligtenberg reported on his recent travels in Nepal, where he visited the sites of our matching grant programs in various towns.  He met hundreds of people who are very grateful for being able to have solar cooking and water purification for the first time.


            Two new members were welcomed to our club with a standing ovation.  Pat Gray is involved in sales as an independent fashion coordinator, after enjoying a career utilizing her PhD in Biochemistry.  David Smith has begun a business in retail automotive sales as CEO, after thirty years with Ford Motor Company, in the Global Marketing Strategy Division.


            Marion Tavenner  is expecting in September!  That should earn a gold star from Partners for a New Generation, one would think.  And Roy Lave returned from helping welcome a brand new grandchild.   Congratulations to both!


            Our speaker today was Maureen Norton, head of the Personal Touch department at Nordstrom.  This is a complimentary service which draws on all departments, to provide suggestions for articles that are "just right" for you.  Maureen did her post-graduate work at UCLA, and came to this area after developing a clothing trade for both men and women, with movie studios and their personnel


            The fun news is men can again wear floral designs, with palm trees and 'Fifties pictures (have you seen my cool shirt featuring Ford "Woodies"?)  Even pink is back, for shirts and ties.  And women are wearing lots of color this spring, as demonstrated by Cindy's modeling a beautiful, St. John's suit in yellow. 


            Bud Oliver should receive a Knight in Shining Armor award for rescuing a Damsel in Distress.   Bud untangled a mix of microphone cord and very long rope of pearls for our speaker, who handled the event with aplomb, as she was mentioning that "white bucks" are back.  Can saddle shoes be far behind?


            Hint for the ladies:  "Wear your peshmina off one shoulder, to avoid that round shouldered look, and to create a little drama.  You can play with that look."  For men, white shirts are good again, though with a little texture, please, and striped ties with lots of color. 


            At our table, Boo Bue, Len McBirney and I all agreed that the little black and white shorts and top outfit for golf would really help out Dick Duhring's fashion statement on the links.  Just before this reporter went into complete information overload, we learned that scarves are back in big play, there is a lot of hardware on the new clothes these days , which builder guys like Gary Ross and Pat Farrell should appreciate, and that Smartwear for  men is washable.


            Everyone enjoyed the talk today, and now can better appreciate what's new in fashion.  For instance, I congratulated a nattily attired and studly Clyde Noel on the way out, for his spiffy white shirt with small red stripes, and a colorful  matching tie.

Programs and Events


May 6:  LAREF board meeting, 5:15 p.m., Masonic Hall

May 7:  Golf  Tournament

May 12:   Board of Directors, 7:30 a.m., Bank of Los Altos, 369 San Antonio Road

May 13th-  Coeta Chambers of Intel Corporation  on "The History of Discrimination Law"

May 15 and 16:  Rotary Fine Art Show

May 20:  Steve Poizner, who spent a year as a Whitehouse Fellow, where he was assigned to the Counter Terrorism Department in the office of the National Security Advisor. 

May 27th - Rotary Scholarships


June 3rd - Partners for New Generations Recognition Luncheon

June 3:  LAREF board meeting, 5:15 p.m., Masonic Hall

June 9:  Board of Directors, 7:30 a.m., Bank of Los Altos, 369 San Antonio Road

June 10th - LAREF Annual Meeting/ Art Show Recognition

June 17th - Rotary Aids Project- Update

June 24th - End of Rotary Year Celebration

June 25: Kickout Dinner


On-line Meeting:  www.rotaryeclubone.org

Palo Alto:  Rickey's Hyatt House, 12:15 p.m.
Los Altos Sunset: The Echo Restaurant, Los Altos, 7:15 p.m.
Sunnyvale:  Ramada Inn, 12:15 p.m.
Mountain View: Adobe House, Moffett & Central, Mountain View, 12:15 p.m.
Menlo Park: Menlo Park Recreation Center, Menlo Park, noon.
Woodside/Portola: Woodside Village Church, Woodside, 7:30 a.m.
Sunnyvale Sunrise:  Wild Woodys Grill, Sunken Gardens Golf Course, 7 a.m.
Cupertino:  Quinlan Community Center, 12:15 p.m.
East Palo Alto Bayshore: Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula, 2031 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto, 12:15 p.m.
Palo Alto University: Sheraton, El Camino, Palo Alto, 7:30 a.m.

"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2004 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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