Rotator Writer: Steve Yarbrough
Editor:  Dick Blanding

President Al rang the bell on his first regular meeting and welcomed Bill Palmer to lead us in the pledge.  Songmaster John Sylvester led “Smile”, and Brenda Neidert presented some provocative thoughts about the Four Way Test.  Sam Harding, standing in for vacationing Cindy Luedtke, introduced visiting Rotarians and guests.


President Al announced a new protocol for announcements.  The new method will be for those wishing to make an announcement to get in line, forthwith, behind the sergeant at arms with the roving microphone on the opposite side of the room from the president’s podium.  Henceforth, said announcements will be made from that area.


Any Rotarians interested in visiting South Africa’s Krueger Park on Safari with other Rotarians should see Sam Harding for more information on the trip.  Sam reports it was a great adventure last year.


Lee Lynch, taking advantage of the new protocol, announced that the AAUW girls camp thanks Rotarians for their sponsorship of two girls at this year’s camp, which Lee advised was great for the participating girls.


Past President Firooz announced that the handbook is getting ready for printing and any changes must be done this week.  Contact him if you need to change your listing.


Sandi Whipple sent out your bill for dues.  If you did not receive it, contact her so you can pay!


Club Mate: What is it?  It’s our database.  You can access it on the website, and to do so you must enter your password.  Call Sandi Whipple if you forgot your password.


Dick Duhring is still sending out snail mail to those without access the Rotator online.


Rotaplast: Those inspiring doctors who go to countries where help is needed for surgical procedures can use your help.  If you would like to participate in Rotaplast, check the Rotary bulletin board outside the meeting.


Regarding a trip to Chile to establish a burn unit with District Governor: Contact Ellen Yamane-Flanagan for information.


Los Altos Art and Wine Festival’s Rotary Food Booth: Thanks to Larry Chu and Chef Chu’s, the club grossed more than $6,000!  Thanks to all the volunteers, especially Jack Heidmiller, who coordinated the event, and all those who served the food, and kept track of the money for two sunny days.

Lem Summey reported no 5-Minute talk today (someone got off the hook).

Finemaster Larry Chu started the year off right by raising $658 in fines for President Al.  Bill Palmer paid $58 for his 58th anniversary; John Moss paid $100 for his 31st anniversary and a birthday; Bud Oliver paid $50 for leaving for vacation; Lucy Rasmussen paid $100 for a birthday and announced that the RAP committee will need help moving books the second week of August; Jean Mordo paid $100 for a photo in the Crier, and his son’s marriage; Billy Russell paid $100 for a birthday ($1 per year plus $11); Ben McGann paid $50 for his grandson’s having graduated second in the class at USC, and then getting a job.


Julie Rose introduced the speaker for the day, Pat Richards.  Pat is with NOVA, the employment and training agency that hosts innovative programs and resources in support of local business through Connect! Business Services.


Pat informed the club about the services offered by her agency, which is located behind the Sunnyvale Public Library.


Her agency has an extensive library of businesses in the Valley, and Pat maintains a liaison with those companies which are hiring.  There is no charge for her services to job seekers or to employees.  The services include resume writing classes, networking seminars and a host of other job-seeking related activities to assist those who have been laid off during the economic downturn.


Tracie Murray told of a success story with her business which used NOVA to help fill a vacancy in her office.  Tracie advised that the new hire was selected from candidates sent to her through NOVA at no cost and that the candidates were qualified, good candidates for her opening.  She was very pleased with the way it worked out for her business.


The federally funded program is offered in several locations throughout the bay area.  Pat advised that if you need assistance,  contact the closest Connect center in your community, or contact them at their website:


Members leaving LARC during the month of June 2003:

Alpers, Charles 06/26/2003

Bridges, Ross 06/12/2003

Burdette, Nels 06/26/2003

Chamberlain, Amy 06/12/2003

Scholey, Walt 06/26/2003

Sox, Ed 06/12/2003


Next meeting: Thursday, July 24, 2003, See you there!

Programs and Events

July 24:  Leigh Weimers, Newspaper Columnist
July 31:  District Governor


August 7:  Design Response
August 14:  Audrey Rust- Peninsula Open Space Preserve
August 16:  Rotary Day at the A's - 1:05 p.m., A's and Toronto, $12 per ticket
August 21:  To be announced
August 28:  Martha Kanter, Chancellor of Foothill-DeAnza District


Sept 4: To be announced
Sept 11:  Cindy Wilber, Stanford University- Proyecto Itzaes


On-line Meeting:

Palo Alto:  Rickey's Hyatt House, 12:15 p.m.
Los Altos Sunset: The Echo Restaurant, Los Altos, 7:15 p.m.
Sunnyvale:  Ramada Inn, 12:15 p.m.
Mountain View: Adobe House, Moffett & Central, Mountain View, 12:15 p.m.
Menlo Park: Menlo Park Recreation Center, Menlo Park, noon.
Woodside/Portola: Woodside Village Church, Woodside, 7:30 a.m.
Sunnyvale Sunrise:  Wild Woodys Grill, Sunken Gardens Golf Course, 7 a.m.
Cupertino:  Quinlan Community Center, 12:15 p.m.
East Palo Alto Bayshore: Boys & Girls Club of the Peninsula, 2031 Pulgas Avenue, East Palo Alto, 12:15 p.m.
Palo Alto University: Sheraton, El Camino, Palo Alto, 7:30 a.m.

"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2003 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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