By: Clyde Noel
Webmaster - Steve Gruber

President Mary Prochnow opened the meeting with the usual salute to the flag by Meg Solera, and a sectional round of songs by Alan Lambert who asked us to sing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." Dick Hasenpflug provided his inspirational speech about the world being full of men who are good and evil and a war against evil. But the main point is, we need to build a better world for our children no matter what religion.

Mel Kahn did the fining for the day and took delight in fining his former Los Altos High School coach Dude Angius who admitted Mel gave him gray hair as an athlete. All past presidents were fined $10 for the day and John McAlister was docked $25 for selling his Arco AM PM station. A group of six Los Altos Rotarian fishermen were fined $20 because they were successful in bringing home 100 pounds of Coho salmon each. Among the fishermen were Guy Farthing, Dick Henning, Jerry Tomanek, Clyde Noel, and Pat Farrell.

Mary Marley asked for volunteers to help her tutor in elementary and high school levels. A training program on how to be a mentor is starting Sept 18. Please be a volunteer in Mary's program and give her a call at 941-1111, Ex 401.

Sam Pesner said the Los Altos Rotary Endowment Fund (LAREF) grant application is now on the club website, along with the criteria for receiving a grant. Roy Lave spoke about a project for World Community Service and donations are credited with a 501(3)c. He needs help in donations. The particulars of the program are at the end of this report.

Joanne Burn gave her 5 minute red badger speech. She was born in 1963 in the El Camino Hospital, and also went to Los Altos High School. She spent 11 years in the Los Altos Recreation Department as a supervisor and wore an "Easter Bunny Suit" as a recreation leader. Joanne believes in throwing a good party and has been the party queen by her own admission. After 23 years with the city of Los Altos, she went out on her own as a marketing consultant and worked for SPLASH, CHAC and is presently working with the Los Altos Community Foundation with Roy Lave.

Our president, Mary Prochnow, introduced district 5170 governor Brad Howard to the members. Brad, a charter member of the Rotary Club of Oakland Sunrise, was brought into Rotary in 1985 by then District Governor, Joseph D. Howard, his father. Literally "born into Rotary," Brad entered the world as his father was attending a Rotary meeting. Brad owns and operates an international tour business and a commercial real estate business, both located in Oakland.

Brad was his club's charter secretary and the third president. He has been involved at the district level since 1987, with responsibilities including: chair of the "On-To-The Convention City;" Youth Exchange committee, including serving as the chair of the Summer, short-term program and the Short-Term Exchange Chair for Rotary's northern California multi-district youth exchange program (WESSEX); 2000/01 District Membership Co-chair. He has also served on the District Conference, World Community Service, and Hands for Honduras committees. Brad said he was proud to be a Rotarian because we can take on a cause that's beyond out scope and do something about it.

Statistically, there are 1.2 million Rotarian members in 165 countries and 31,000 clubs. We have tried to eliminate polio and have done a good job at it. We have donated $240 million to accomplish this. In 1988, there were 350,000 cases of Polio worldwide. In 2000, there were 971 cases and in 2001, only 85 cases were found worldwide. Howard paid the Los Altos Club a compliment when he said; "Many clubs are suffering to keep their members, while you continue to grow." Reference was made to Carl Jung, the philosopher and psychiatrist. He quoted four stages of life starting with body and mind when we are in search of our self. The second stage is a warrior stage when we attempt to challenge and defeat the world and the ego comes out. The third stage is the statesman and how can I give of myself, and the fourth stage is the spirit of giving. The third stage, (statesman) should go out and find the warrior because the warrior would make a good Rotarian.

As a good Rotarian, what does the Rotary offer to the warrior? Personal growth. It gives the Rotarian an opportunity to develop leadership skills and it can change your course in life. The Rotary puts many opportunities in front of a member. Family is another area where the Rotarian can excel. Brad Howard gave an excellent example of his 3 year-old daughter teaching him value in donating clothing.

Professional development and vocational service with others at high professional standards are the criteria of a Rotarian. Brad said that originally they fined people because they didn't bring business to each other. That was the reason people joined the Rotary.

The gist of the speech: "Find a warrior and bring him into the club. Put them with a statesman and they will enjoy Rotary. Bring them in and plant the seed of Rotary to harvest."

Before Brad Howard left he provided several pins to Los Altos Rotary members by recognizing their contributions, including Rotocare: Dr. Ben McGann; Bringing in new members: Ellen Yamane Flanagan; Culture: Alex Ng; RAP Task force: Dude Angius; Awareness: Carew McFall and as a teacher, Dick Henning.

After the meeting Matt Cabot asked that you e-mail him at to help him conduct a clothing drive for families in war ravaged Afghanistan. He is looking for warm clothing for the winter months ahead. Coats, jackets, sweaters, and sweatshirts are needed. Also shirts, pants, skirts, blouses, and practical shoes. He wants them boxed and brought to the next several Los Altos rotary luncheon meetings. He also needs a temporary place to store the clothing for a month or until they can be put in a container and shipped to Afghanistan. He also wants several Red Badgers to help collect, store and deliver the donations to Palo Alto. This is a project of World Community Service. Bob Adams is chairman.

Programs and Events

September 12 - Billy Russell Day Picnic

September 19 - Judy Johnson: "Unexpected Treasures" Antiques & Collectibles
September 26 - Humberto Mayorga: Rotary District 5170 GSE Scholar
October 3 - Wendy Enloe: U.S. Secret Service Agent, "Identity Theft: What is it. How can it be prevented?"
October 10 - Anne Cribbs: CEO - Bay Area Sports Organizing Committee (BASOC), "Selecting Host Cities for the Olympics"
October 17 - Gloria Hom, "Proposition Preview" for the Nov. 5 election
October 24 - Dr. Zimbelman: Smithsonian Scholar, "Voices of Discovery" Exploration of the Solar System.
October 31 - Rosiland Blivings: President: Fore Women Golfers, "Real Men Golf With Women"

"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2002 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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