By Mary Prochnow
Editor - Dick Blanding
Webmaster - Steve Gruber

The glorious June weather had those gathered buzzing with a friendly feeling even before the meeting began, with PAUL CONARD leading the Pledge of Allegiance and JOHN SYLVESTER 'taking us out to the ballgame' in song.

ASSISTANT DISTRICT GOVERNOR ROY LAVE announced that our Club had received the "Presidential Citation for Excellence" (almost) at the June 5th District meetings with special notice of our 18 new members, revitalization of the AIDS project and more.

GLORIA HOM, visiting from Palo Alto, is looking for a host house for a Rotarian Doctor visiting from Chile with his wife and "well behaved" three children. They are in need of accommodations June 19-23rd. Her phone is 650.493.1142.

PRESIDENT FIROOZ (OF THE GROWING GRIN) recognized DAN O'DONNELL on his 50th wedding anniversary. DAN and PAT just returned from a celebratory trip to Rome. Congratulations to them!

WYATT ALLEN was congratulated for having been the recent recipient of the WALTER AND MARIE SINGER, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUSINESSPERSON OF THE YEAR AWARD. WALTER AND MARIE must be smiling! Congratulations to WYATT !!!

On behalf of the FOUNDATION, WYATT presented several PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS. LEE LYNCH received her original PAUL HARRIS. She has quadrupled her offering and has been awarded four sapphires in the interim. Hardy Jones received his PAUL HARRIS, as did LOU PESNER. SAM PESNER thanked LOU for her support of his time spent at Rotary as well as for her many hours of service to the ART SHOW behind the wheel of the shuttle cart.

The LAREF election was held. JULIE ROSE was elected to a four- year term and CINDY LUEDTKE was elected to a two -year term. Thanks to these able women for their willingness to spend the time to make this an ever-better Rotary Club.

Apologies are due to the Norwegian Delegation for the oversight of this Rotator writer. On May 23rd in honor of Norway, our chief Viking and Past President, BOO BUE led a contingent of Rotarians in a fun presentation of facts and laughs regarding Norwegians. In absentia, STEVE ANDERSON made his contribution regarding the cuisine of Norway. LEN MCBIRNEY was an IRISH NORWEGIAN for the day, DICK DUHRING told stories about Norwegians and CINDY LUEDTKE gave insight into the joys and challenges of being married to a NORWEGIAN. The time was obviously enjoyed by the Club and I apologize for having inadvertently left it out of the Rotator.
This week our program was about LAREF. LAREF President CHUCK HESS reported on the state of the corpus; now standing at $342,804.00 and the contributions and investments of the past year. CHUCK then introduced the LARL program. PRESIDENT FIROOZ, CHUCK HESS, BECKY MILLER, JEAN NEWTON and this writer met for several mornings discussing this LEGACY PROGRAM. LARL is intended to encourage members to choose to include LAREF in their estate planning, knowing that the elected members of LAREF will represent the spirit of our Club in the community in perpetuity and that one may then give with the confidence that their gift will be well placed. Kudos to JEAN NEWTON for the beautiful brochure.

CHEERS to REBECCAH MILLER who gathered the talented panel of Rotarian Estate and Tax experts. BELLA BERLLY, CFP, spoke on IDENTIFYING YOUR CHARITABLE GOALS AND FORMULATING A STRATEGY FOR GIVING. STEPHEN GRUBER, ATTORNEY, spoke about THE STATE OF THE ESTATE TAX AND ITS EFFECT ON YOUR CHARITABLE GIVING STRATEGY. DENNIS YOUNG, CPA gave A DIFFERENT TAKE ON THE TAX, WITH AN EMPHASIS ON TESTAMENTARY GIVING. FRANCIS LA POLL did COMMENTS AND FOLLOW-UP THOUGHTS. This was a very informative and timely panel which presented many fine suggestions for shaping one's estate plan with a thought toward including LAREF and putting one's assets to their highest and best use. MANY THANKS TO ALL INVOLVED!

Programs and Events

June 13 - Art Show wrapup
June 20 - A recipient of a 2002 Packard-Gates Fellowship will speak on family planning and reproductive health services to populations in their home countries
June 27 - Kickout luncheon
June 28 - Kickout Dinner at the University Club in Palo Alto, with the theme "A World Class Kickout"
July 4 - No Meeting
July 11 - Kickoff to the new Rotary year
July 18 - World Community Service
July 25 - Jay Manley, Drama Instructor, Foothill College, who will speak on "American Musical Theatre"
August 1 - John Hopkins, "The Rise and Fall of the Estate Tax"

"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2002 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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