By : Cindy Luedtke
Editor - Dick Blanding
Webmaster - Jack Heidmiller

Firooz definitely has "short-timer's" disease. Since it's the last meeting he really has any control over, he opened with a welcome to the Rotary Club with "the finest past presidents around". It wasn't too long to be followed with "up until now". Thank you Mr. Sylvester, for your quick wit.

With no prior preparation, guest speaker, Mario Mandara of Nigeria, delivered our thought for the day. She reminded us of about how fortunate we are to live where we do and to thank God we have the empowerment to help others like we have in her country.

VICTORIA EMMONS volunteered a fine in honor of her 15th wedding anniversary, which was celebrated in Prague recently. Congratulations Victoria and Jack. BOO BUE made his final contribution to achieve the Diplomat Level by acknowledging his recruitment to military service exactly 60 years ago to the day. The first half of his diplomatic fines was paid in October, when he and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Congratulations, Boo.

VICTORIA EMMONS then awarded her good friend, JOAN ROSSELLE with a Paul Harris Fellowship in thanks for her commitment to Rotary since joining in October, 2000. Congratulations, Joan. As for Victoria, what a great sponsor!

SETH MANNING announced that help is needed in providing meals for the homeless shelter for the weekend of July 13 and 14. Please respond to Seth as to whether you can provide a Main course, dessert, or salad. In addition, the club is in need of a volunteer to coordinate this important service for the coming Rotary year.

BOB FENWICK had a busy day ahead of him. At the meeting, he was awarded his blue badge. And in the evening, he took his oath of Office as Mayor of Los Altos Hills. Congratulations, Bob, on both feats.

Members with a June birthday were given an extra special treat when Firooz and his accordion serenaded them. STEVE SHEPHERD was required to accompany with an anemic maraca, as surrounding Rotarians did their best to sing "Happy Birthday" between the laughter. Thank you Firooz,

Next, was the formality of graduation for all diplomats. We should be proud of the number of diplomats our club has produced this year. The diplomatic and ever patient BILLY "REX" RUSSELL congratulated all recipients as they each were awarded with a special pin accompanied by a personalized certificate completed in Firooz's best handwriting.

Mairo Mandara from the National Hospital of Garki Abuja in Nigeria was our speaker today. The subject of her talk was the "Reproductive Health Situation in Nigeria".

Mairo is on the health board of a teaching hospital. She is here on a Leadership and Managerial skill course for emerging leaders in developing countries such as Nigeria, sponsored by the Packard Foundation.

Mairo began her presentation with a short description of Nigeria and the Capital city of Abuja. The country is the most densely populated country in Africa and is very diverse in culture.

Nigeria is facing some important health issues with high population, high infant and maternal mortality rates, high level of illiteracy, an epidemic level of HIV/AIDS, poverty and ignorance and poor access to family planning or AIDS prevention services.

Because of its high birth rate, the population of 126.6 million people is expected to double in 25 years. Right now 44% of the population is under 15 years old. 44% of women are illiterate. 40% of women of the age of 15 are married. 53% of women have had at least one childbirth by the age of 20.

Mairo explained that awareness of the AIDS epidemic is only in its beginning stages. Many in the country are misinformed about AIDS and its causes. It was shocking to hear that on the street AIDS is known as the American Invented Disease to Prevent Sex.

It is estimated that 5% of adults now have AIDS. These 2.6 million people are age 15-49 and another120,000 are women under 14 years of age. There have been 250,000 adult deaths from AIDS so far that have resulted in making 1.4 million more orphans in the country.

In order to improve the situation in her country, urgent attention is needed to provide education and access to the necessary family planning commodities. Because of its great success with Polio prevention, Rotary is considered one of the viable channels through which something can be done effectively.

Editors note: Consul General Fernando Varela of the Chilean Consulate in San Francisco, our May 30th speaker, updated us on the active trade policy implemented by Chile since early 90's which led to comprehensive free-trade agreements with Canada in 1997, Mexico in 1998, Central America and the European Union in 2002. He believes that one will be in place with the USA by end of this year. He invites us to come and enjoy good food, wines and geography of this small, 15 million people, but very diversified country

Programs and Events

June 27 - Kickout luncheon
June 28 - Kickout Dinner at the University Club in Palo Alto, with the theme "A World Class Kickout"
July 4 - No Meeting
July 11 - Kickoff to the new Rotary year
July 18 - World Community Service
July 25 - Jay Manley, Drama Instructor, Foothill College, who will speak on "American Musical Theatre"
August 1 - John Hopkins, "The Rise and Fall of the Estate Tax"

"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2002 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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