By: Cindy Luedtke
Editor - Dick Blanding
Webmaster - Steve Gruber

The meeting began and ended with a standing ovation welcoming in our new President, MARY PROCHNOW. This was followed by a rousing round of "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" led by RICK GLAZE. ED SOX, a self-professed optimist, provided the serenity for the day.

AL TRAFICANTI, in his new official status of "President Elect" , invited input on ideas for future programs. He welcomes interested parties to join the program committee. If you are, just give Al an e-mail. He would also love to have feedback about the weekly programs throughout the year.

In the very first meeting of the new year, our club welcomed three new members to our group. They are; JOANNE BYRNE, sponsored by Roy Lave, KELLY HUDSON, sponsored by Jan Schroeder, and JOE CORRAL, sponsored by Bud Oliver. Welcome Joanne, Kelly, and Joe to the best Rotary Club in the World.

A big thank you goes to BRUCE CANN for providing his home to visiting Chileans.

President Mary introduced a change in the regular meeting format. From now on, she's going to give us a little "down time" during the meeting so that we can actually get to know some of the people sitting around us each week. As a little "icebreaker" Mary asked the following question to which no one knew the answer:

What do MARTY SPANGLER, JOHN SYLVESTOR, JOE RENATI, WYATT ALLEN, AMY CHAMBERLAIN, MARLENE COWAN, LEN MCBIRNEY, MEL KAHN, KAREN FOX, BAIDRA PROCHNOW, JAN SCHROEDER, AND JOAN ROSSELLE have in common? All were born in San Francisco. And so was Mary. Out of this esteemed group, BAIDRA PROCHNOW distinguished herself from the rest by announcing her marital engagement to Sean Murphy. The wedding date has not yet been determined. Congratulations, Baidra!

If you haven't done so already, take some time to get to know our incoming international President, Bhichai Rattakul, by picking up and READING the most recent Rotarian Magazine.

Our esteemed past-president FIROOZ GHAFFARI had the floor to reminisce about his year as president.

Good things happened during his "Year of the Nations":

$21,155 was raised for the Rotary Foundation with 105 members participating. Congratulations to MONA ARMISTEAD and WYATT ALLEN on a job well done.

Outstanding work in the area of World Community Service under the leadership of BOB ADAMS

The Rotary Aids Project has done outstanding work , and continues its charter by distributing educational material where it is most needed. The book, "HIV Health in your Community", with the help of $40,000 from Packard and additional funds from other sources, will be distributed in countries where AIDS education is most needed.

A total of $72,455 was distributed out of LAREF during the past year. 10 of the 40 recipients were for individual scholarships.

Between attorneys and CPA's in the club, we were able to establish the Los Altos Rotary Legacy

Partners for New Generations is going strong with a real push to obtain High School Mentors. We now have 38 from 14 at the beginning of the year.

What a great year for membership. The club is now 148 strong! That's a 16 net plus. We are now the
3rd largest club in the district.

It is reported that the art show has substantial art sales, which is outstanding for having the troubled weather this year. Thanks to JERRY MOISON and his well-oiled art show machine, LAREF will be able to continue its giving.

Congratulations to VICTORIA EMMONS, this year's recipient of the famous "Rotarian of the Year" Clock. As if being treasurer of such an active club is not enough, Victoria worked many, many hours to convert the club's finances online.

Firooz mentioned as his most memorable meeting, the meeting of September 13, 2002. While the whole nation was still in shock and disbelief, with the help of BILL REWAK, our club was able to share feelings and unite in hope, prayer, and song during that difficult time.

Firooz announced that he has chosen the Los Altos School District as the recipient of LAREF funds. Every year a specific amount of funds can be designated by the president. It has come to be known as the "President's Gift".

And last but not least, Firooz's really BIG announcement;
As of 7-2-02, Firooz became officially unemployed. He sold his business. Firooz, now that your year as president is over, what are you going to do with all that extra time on your hands?

President Mary spent a few moments relaying to the club the positive experience she and others had in Barcelona while representing the Rotary Aids Project (known as RAP).

DICK HASENPFLUG followed with a short synopsis of what's happening with RAP right now and gave several examples of how others can join in and help. As mentioned earlier, there are now 5000 copies of the book entitled " HIV Health in Your Community" waiting to be distributed. 1000 will go to other Rotary Clubs throughout the world. 800 health clinics in targeted areas will each receive 5 copies for practical everyday use with their patients.

Money for the printing has already been provided by the Packard Foundation, RAP, and LAREF, with the balance hopefully coming from other clubs in the district.

In Barcelona, the group was able to expand on establishing a worldwide network. And now the challenge is to see that the 320-plus contacts from the conference be input and responded to by RAP. Help is needed in the following areas:

Database input: This is working on an internet-based system so it can be done in the comfort of someone's own office or home or second home.

Interface with other Rotary Clubs

Distribution and inventory control of the Books, DVD's, and Tapes.

President Mary reminded us to all GET A JOB. This would be before she gets one for us! Besides the opportunities for helping with RAP, there are a few vacancies that still need to be filled by an energetic and enthusiastic Rotarian like you. MONA ARMISTEAD is in need of a volunteer for the Interact Clubs. SETH MANNING needs a volunteer to coordinate our food deliveries to the Alpha Omega. ED SOX is looking for a social committee chair.

President Mary closed the meeting leaving with us, a few things to think about this year and work on as a club.

Mary wants everyone in the club to feel as she feels when she comes to the weekly meeting. A meeting with the Los Altos Rotary should always be "One and a half hours of positive experience". Part of that positive experience is having the sense of belonging to something so important.

Because of the swift growth of membership in our club over the past few years, many of us are finding that we no longer know everyone. This is nobody's fault. Mary wants us all as club members to focus on the following goal. By year-end, there will be NOBODY in the club who doesn't know EVERBODY. So here is how to participate and meet the goal. Red Badgers! Get yourself scheduled as a greeter. As an older member of the club, you can also offer to greet. It really does do wonders after a couple weeks. Some of us older members need to think back and remember Mac McGee. He was a shining example of how to welcome a guest into our club. As part of "Getting to Know You" it is Mary's hope to be able to schedule at least one conversation with each and everyone of us during the year.

Rick King has been credited with the notion that he believes that Rotary is the single greatest non-religious, non-political "source for change" there is in the world today. If there really needs to be a theme, Mary would like to suggest "Imagine". For many of us, this one word brings forth a melody, the name John Lennon, and with it, some of the most powerful and profound lyrics that challenge each of us to bring the world together, that is, the brotherhood of "man" and make it a better place for all.

It was a good first meeting, President Mary. BILLY RUSSELL and BOO BUE are right. "Be Yourself " and " Lets have fun and get things done!"

Programs and Events

July 18 - World Community Service
July 25 - Jay Manley, Drama Instructor, Foothill College, who will speak on "American Musical Theatre"
August 1 - John Hopkins, "The Rise and Fall of the Estate Tax"

"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2002 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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