By Matt Cabot
Editor - Dick Blanding
Webmaster - Steve Gruber

One of the more interesting meetings for many of us new members began today with the Pledge of Allegiance lead by Kurt Hueg, followed the thought for the day expressed by Boo Bue. We naturally didn't know it at the time, but Boo's message encapsulated what was to become the theme for today: What is a service club? In fact, if you look up Allegiance, a couple of synonyms are duty and commitment. You'll see how this theme weaves itself into today's program.

Today's song leader Mike Schneider was neither, but I think we are glad.

Dan O'Donnell is looking for a VCR (ours). If you borrowed it, please return it. If you stole it, you can return it, no questions asked. Just tell them you were getting the heads realigned.

Probably 100% of us had heard about Los Altos Rotary before we were invited to join the club. This club has a rich tradition of being THE service club for individuals who want to make a difference locally, nationally and internationally.

Chartered in 1949, we, as Los Altos Rotary, have made a difference to individuals all over the world. Outside the club, it is easy to paint a face of Los Altos Rotary. That face is the reflection of our collective works. What is difficult outside the club is to see that face as the face of literally hundreds of individuals contributing thousands upon thousands of hours and dollars to produce that collection of works. Individuals, donating, leading, bringing expertise to bear on community problems, serving.

In the front of our Los Altos Rotary Handbook, 6 pages are devoted to the Avenues of Service. There are 45 separate committees, divided into 7 "Service Groups". Each Service Group director spoke today, to bring us up to date on their activity.

But what is important about today's meeting, and the parade of Avenue of Service Directors, is that the face of the individuals who paint the reflection of Los Altos Rotary is revealed. Their leadership and the work of their committees, reflects us to the world. This reflection has been grand. Grand for over 50 years. Grand because of the individuals that do the work, donate the money, provide the leadership.

The question that begs to be asked is, "Are you part of this grand reflection of Los Altos Rotary, or is it being reflected on you by the person sitting next to you?" Red Badgers have a particularly difficult time answering this question positively. But usually it is only an issue of time, not commitment. This can become a more troublesome question for a Blue Badger.

As you will see on pages 11 through 17 of the Los Altos Rotary Handbook, there is ample opportunity to share your talents. There is also the Los Altos Rotary Aids Project that was incubated within the club to grow into a life all its own. RAP, as it is known, is a big part of our reflection, and worthy of your talents.

Here's a sampling of what we heard:

Mary Prochnow spoke of her duties as President Elect. She has two jobs. The first job is to prepare herself to lead our grand club next year. That entails district meetings, attending training sessions and the Rotary International Convention in May. Her other job is Program chair. It turns out that there are lots of people who want to get in front of our club. I wonder why? See above. Mary did ask for suggestions and comments about the programs in order that she may complete that job to everyone's satisfaction.

Ginny Lear spoke of her duties as the immediate Past President. Her biggest (and from what I can tell, only) job is to plan and execute (perhaps a poor choice of words) the Kickout Dinner for Firooz. Ginny will need help. Firooz offered, but I think it would be best to not let him help. Red Badgers note: Kickout dinner is mandatory. If you don't come, you have to double your requirements for Blue badge. Blue Badgers note: Kickout is mandatory. If you don't come, we take away your Blue badge and give you a Red Badge. Everyone else is optional, except you still have to pay. Or something like that.

Pat Millar spoke about the avenue of International Service. She said that there were three main programs:
· Student Exchange - Marlene Cowan
· World Service - Bob Adams
· Rotary Foundation - Wyatt Alan and Mona Armistead

Pat mentioned that 67% of the members have contributed something to the Rotary Foundation. Our goal naturally is 100%. It was pointed out that the club would be recognized if we did attain that goal of 100%.

Seth Manning spoke about Community Service. Seth feels that we should get the word out to the community about what we really accomplish in the community. Mel Kahn thought that Steve Anderson should go up and down Main street with a sandwich board proclaiming the accomplishments of Los Altos Rotary. Seth may have said more, but I was too busy visualizing Steve and the sandwich board. Maybe we could sell the back side with advertisements, for eye glasses, for example.

Mary Marley talked about her avenue: YOUTH/VOCATIONAL SERVICES She mentioned that she was surprised that people read the Rotator. Now, I am tempted to respond, but obviously, I would be preaching to the choir, so I won't.

Mary said that the Partners for New Generations under the able leadership of Ed Sox has a desperate need for volunteers If not you, who?. Training included. Again Mary would like to use the sandwich board approach to solicit volunteers from other groups. Steve, could you go to the Elk's Club next Wednesday?

Alex Ng's avenue of service responsibility is Membership. Membership affects us all. It is not about who we sit next to, but what new members bring into our organization that is important. The national goal is to grow our club by 8 new members this year. We have already exceeded that by 2x at 16. But, while we don't generally acknowledge members who leave, there is attrition. We usually find out by saying, Say, what ever happened to old so-in-so, like George Estill. Is he still a member?

Maybe we should have a rule that says that every Red Badger needs to have their Rotary Handbook signed by everyone in the club. Then if 4 or 5 Red Badgers can't get a signature from a Blue Badger because the Blue Badger isn't attending, then he/she is out. That would promote attendance, and it would assure that every Blue Badger met every Red Badger and got signed off. Probably wouldn't work, but it is an idea. Hey, I didn't say all my ideas were good.

Director of Club Service - Operations Mike Schneider said basically that everything was under control, and that was that. Funny someone didn't mention the sound system.

Fellowship Director Steve Shepard went over the fellowship activities that we have had, and plan to have for the rest of the year. I for one can say that they have been very important to me to reconnect with the Rotary family. He's got some really exciting activities planned for the rest of year, culminating with the Kickout in June.

Victoria Emmons, our Treasurer talked about the switch from QuickBooks to a new on-line program that allows the members access to information not available the old way. You will be assigned a password to get your information.

Finely, President Firooz thanked us for being the source of energy for him. He says that he is having a wonderful time. Personally, I don't think we could have had a better President that represents the international theme of our organization than Firooz.

Red Badge 5 Minute Talk

Chuck Lindauer gave his 5 minute talk in 5 minutes, shattering Firooz's hope that it would only be 3 minutes, so he could impress Boo Bue with his time management. But, it was worth the full five minutes. He began at the end, and worked backwards chronologically, in fear that Firooz would find his Danish cow bell. Chuck is Dean of Computer Science and Technology at Foothill College. His wife, Ilona owns a Kitchen and bath remodeling business located on Main Street. He said his real problem is he is too busy to accommodate all of his interests. He has a PHD from Virginia Tech, and grew up in the Bronx.

A Report From the Director of Membership

By Alex Ng

As your Director of Membership this year, I am pleased to report to you that based on the "Report Card" from our District, we are rated number four out of 55 clubs in the District on growth of membership.

At the beginning of the Rotary year, Rotary International set a goal for each club to net gain five new members at the end of the Rotary year. Our club started the year with 132 members. With your help and passion for the best Rotary Club in the world, we have net gained eight new members so far
standing at 140 members. My sincere "Thank You" goes to all who have sponsored a new member.

We stand a good chance to end the year as a number one club in our District if you can keep promoting our club and sponsoring more quality members.

Please let me know if I can be of any help. Rest assured that all the new member applications will be processed expeditiously.

The Red Badgers Auction Event would not be possible without the hard work from all the Red Badger members. Ellen Yamane Flanagan did a superb job playing a leadership role in this event which collected a $12,271.00 donation for LAREF.

Thanks to Julie Rose for doing a great job organizing all the Five-Minute Talks from the new members. Thanks to all the past Presidents who helped in all the new member orientations, e.g. Dick Henning, Bob Adams and Ginny Lear, etc. New member orientations are greatly enhanced by sharing their immense knowledge about our club history and Rotary International.

Thanks to John Moss who is in charge of our club History Book. Thanks to Joanna Medin's readiness to help those new members who want to expedite their Blue Badge Progress.

Most of all, thank you for allowing me to serve you as your Membership Director.


January 31 - Robert Baker of Symphonix Devices, "A new approach to hearing devices"
"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2002 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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