By Matt Cabot
Editor - Dick Blanding
Webmaster - Steve Gruber

To my surprise, and great honor, I lead the Pledge of Allegiance. I for one was very glad that everyone joined me, because while we all know the words very well, having to say them out loud - alone, in front of 100 plus people just seems like a test. Just ask anyone to sing the National Anthem. Thanks, Firooz.

Billy Russell gave a very thoughtful "Words of Inspiration" beginning by quoting the Marques of Montrose, that certainly spoke of our situation in the world today. Out of curiosity, I looked up who this Marques of Montrose was. He was a much-maligned Scottish leader in the 1600. Take a look at

Being brought up ostensibly to lead us in song, RICK GLAZE just happened to mention the Busbarn fundraiser Follies, this weekend, and probably after you get this, so I hope you took his advice and enjoyed the Follies. Rick lead us in America the Beautiful.

PERU - Country of the Month
Firooz introduced Luis Yanez a local businessman who now lives in Los Altos Hills. Mr. Yanez is originally from Peru, and he shared some interesting facts about Peru with us. He explained that the country was made up of Amerindians (45%), mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white) 37%, white 15%, black, Japanese, Chinese, and other 3%. If you would like more information about Peru, look at:

OUR WONDERFUL FINEMASTER - SETH MANNING somehow got all of the birthday people to wear silly hats, making them tough to miss. He collected several hundred dollars from the lot for varying excuses of why they were that old. Personally, I mark it as an accomplishment and a privilege to have a birthday every year. Think of the alternative.

INVERSE DOUBLE DIPPERS - MONA ARMISTEAD presented STEVE SHEPARD with his Double-Sustainer pin for being thoughtful enough and generous enough to join the ranks of those who contribute $200 per year towards the goals of Rotary. You know, many of us are thoughtful enough. It's the second part, generous enough, that gets us every time.

WELCOME AMY CHAMBERLAIN - ALEX NG introduced SAM HARDING who introduced and sponsored Amy as our newest member. Amy works for the Packard Foundation. Sam even gave Amy a few moments to say something. I wonder why ROGER ENG didn't do that for me?

OCTOBER 24TH - Someone mentioned October 24th. Something's going on, but I'll be darned if I can read my notes. But please attend. It must be important. You know what would be helpful? Anyone who announces something important, introduces the speaker, etc; hand the Rotator writer something that he/she can refer to when writing the Rotator to get the names, and events accurate enough to include in the Rotator. Not all of us, Clyde, are professionals. Well, enough excuses, on to the business of the day.

GETTING TO KNOW RED BADGERS - KURT HUEG gave his 5 minute "Getting to know me" presentation. California born (well, LA - born), Kurt indicated that he seems to thrive in a creative atmosphere. Maybe it was because he grew up near Disneyland. Likes writing, and was at one time, (I suppose when he was there) the Editor of the UCLA school newspaper. Went into public relations, and eventually ended up in Promotion and Media Relations and Fund Raising. He is currently at Foothill College in that capacity. He spent a considerable time buttering up his boss DICK HENNING. I don't know if that was under the [self] Promotions, or the [boss] Relations or the [personal] Fund Raising area, but he looks good at it.

Art Show: Jerry Moison needs your help: " I need a Food Chairman for the Rotarty Art Show. We have the names and contacts and the necessary forms on disk. Peggy Buchanan did it last year and would be a great help for the next person. Please either call me at 650-917-2506 or e-mail resumes (only kidding, you are all qualified) to".

TODAYS SPEAKER - Dr. Richard Spaete of Aviron startup scared most of us into getting a flu shot, or investing in Aviron or both. Just kidding. Honest.

Dr Spaete did mention the morbidity of Influenza, and the fact that the during the Influenza pandemic of 1918-1919, 20 to 40 million (that's MILLION) people died. (more information on that horrific pandemic can be seen at . He mentioned that the very young (because of underdeveloped immune systems) and the very old (worn out immune systems) were the most at risk. Over 65, the probability significantly increased of being adversely affected by the flu. His company, surprisingly enough, has a product that is in clinical trials now that promises to deliver a live (although restricted) virus to help diminish the effects of flu, so it is therapeutic, not prophylactic in nature.

REDBADGE AUCTION NOVEMBER 8 - Just a reminder that the wonderful group of newbees, collectively called the REDBADGERS are having a fund raiser auction on November 8th. Proceeds will be split between the Wheelchair Foundation which is endorsed by RI (who will provide matching funds) and The Mountain View branch of RotaCare which provides health services to the needy.

Now, naturally none of this will work without things to auction. This is where we all come in. You should be contacted by one of the Red Badgers soliciting auction items. It not only is a way to support the cause, it is also a way to show a new member how the game is played. (Quid pro quo) Please be generous. In order for your item to be included in the Auction book, we need a commitment by the 10th of October.

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Take a look at this and tell me what your initial reactions is:

1. Anger
2. Rage
3. Confusion
4. Joy
Most of us would probably attest to the first 3. But certainly not #4. But let's look at those squiggly lines, and see how they are made. I am going to use the first two groups because of the limited space. But you'll see the point I am trying to make. The first group is made up of 9 individual "characters" or pictograms sort of like our letters. They are strung together in a manner that is not generally familiar to us, so we immediately discount it as "something not of us." Sort of like when we see some Middle Easterner, dressed a bit different, praying a bit different etc. But when you break something down to in constituent parts, it becomes less confusing, and maybe less intimidating.

My point is, of course, that people are individuals, many times looking, speaking and acting differently than we do, but still individuals. To group them under the banner of a few fanatics is not intellectually honest, and it certainly is not fair. To be sure we need to know who our enemies are, and treat them accordingly. Oh, the above is the Arabic for peace.

President's Message

Once again Los Altos Rotary is reaching out with a helping hand. During the meeting of September 26, LARC board, subject to LAREF's agreement, approved a contribution of up to $1,000 toward "Los Altos Cares" event. Originated by Jamie Carpenter, the owner of Jocco's Restaurant, this event is sponsored by Los Altos Community Foundation. Its aim is to raise funds for the victims of the great tragedy. We support this event enthusiastically and we feel this calls for all of us in Los Altos Rotary to show a strong presence in this community event.

"Los Altos Cares" event will be held at the Garden House from 4 to 6:30 PM on Sunday October 7th. Steve Shepherd will be selling tickets at the meeting on October 4th. Cost is $50 per person. This will pay for the delicious food, prepared by Jocco's, AND for a great entertainment. Remember the allowable tax deduction is $40 per ticket.

How can you help? Besides purchasing tickets, please give your name to Steve Shepherd as volunteers to help him with the whole operation. A strong presence of fellow Rotarians in this event helps the victims; it is good for Los Altos community, and it is good for Los Altos Rotary Club. Win, win, win!



October 4 - West Bay Opera
October 11 - Dr Malini Alles - "Helping women in developing countries"
October 14 - Rotary Picnic, Heritage Oaks Park, 12:30 p.m.
October 18 - Candidates Forum
October 25 - Dr. Ruben Granich - HIV: Health and Your Community - The Ugandan Experience
November 8 - Red Badge Auction
"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2001 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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