By Clyde Noel

The Los Altos Rotary Club Meeting of October 18 was most remarkable because Prez FIROOZ gave a dissertation on the one dollar bill. It was informative, educational and descriptive.

Vivacious CINDY LUEDTKE is the fine master for the month, and although her time at the dais was short, she did abstract a couple of bucks from the unfortunate individuals who have their birthday or anniversary in the month of October.

And now to that treatise on the George Washington piece of currency. On the reverse side of the one-dollar bill you see the Great Seal of the United States. Designed by Benjamin Franklin, this seal is made up of two circles. The circle on the left consists of the pyramid and the eye of god. Firooz said according to the mythologist Joseph Campbell, the eye represents that of the god of reason. We are the first nation ever established on the basis of reason. You see 13 steps in the pyramid, which equals the number of original colonies. In mythology the number 13 represents rebirth and new life. Being quite aware of this, the founders have incorporated this number in four different places in the design of the Great Seal. JOHN SINES who was helping Firooz with the Latin told us, ANNUIT COEPTIS, which appears above the pyramid means, "He has smiled on our accomplishments." The Latin below the pyramid, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, means, "a new order of the world."

The circle on the right shows the Bald Eagle. While many people see eagle as a symbol for victory, in mythology this bird is the incarnation principle of the deity. The eagle is descending into the world of opposites -war and peace. In the Eagle's beak you will read, "E PLURIBUS UNUM", meaning "one nation from many people." Above the Eagle you have thirteen stars representing the thirteen original colonies.

Although John said all Rotarians passed Latin 101 because their pronunciation was accurate, this writer questions whether John spoofed us on his rendering of that old language only doctors use on their prescriptions.

LEN MCBIRNEY was so impressed with Firooz's commentary that he asked to do the same with a five dollar bill. Len provided the fin, but did he ever get it back?

The second half of the meeting was political with the candidates for the Nov. 6 election providing information for the uninformed residents of Los Altos.

Moderator ROY LAVE introduced the two candidates on the slate for re-election, but since incumbents. JOHN MOSS and KING LEAR, have no challengers they will be elected automatically for another four years.

JOHN MOSS said his goals were keeping and improving Los Altos as a great place to live and raise a family He wants to keep city government financially sound and continue working for the residents. He noted that Measure A, which is the transient tax paid when a hotel room is rented, is important to the city because of the additional revenue it generates.

KING LEAR also supports Measure A, saying it will bring the city a new revenue of $1 million a year. The city can use that money in the general fund and the state can't take it away, he pointed out.

Lear mentioned that the city was in a good position because it has a fully staffed police force and new department heads that are young and professional.

Moss and Lear differ on development proposals at First and Main Streets.

"The new proposal is a bad deal as far as I'm concerned," Lear said. "The developer wants to buy the land, build a three story hotel 5 - 6 years from now when the leases are up in 2007. It's bad because we are losing money every year."

The developer, claims a two-story hotel does not give him enough room to make it viable and he would like to see the Safeway project completed before the hotel is constructed.

Lear said, "I wanted to increase evening activity for downtown Los Altos. I would like to see a European concept of retail along First Street with 25-foot store fronts and 12-foot sidewalks with housing on the second floor. I would also like to see a theater there."

Moss said he voted for a two story motel instead of a movie house because he was concerned with traffic problems at the corner.

"I was also concerned about a movie house because many of the theater chains are in a bankrupt condition and we don't want that," Moss said. "Neither proposal may come to pass because I am against eminent domain and we have a good income coming from the present occupants on city land."

After the meeting, Art Show Chairman JERRY MOISON issued an urgent appeal: "I need a Beverage Chairperson for the 2002 Art Show. The job consists of ordering beer, wine, soft drinks, water etc. and along, with your assistants (no trouble getting help in this arena) being sure the booths have ample supply during the Show. Must be able to taste test the beverages". Please call me at 650-917-2506 or e-mail at

President's Message

Every year the cities of Los Altos and Los Altos Hills, based on input from leaders, give recognition to selected individuals for their service to our community. The following are the names of the past recipients of the Community Service Award from our club:

1983 - Walter Singer
1985 - Roy Lave, Roy Dunnett
1988 - Larry Chu, Ginny Lear, Jane Reed
1989 - Dennis Young
1990 - Wyatt Allen, Joe Renati
1991 - Mary Prochnow
1992 - Franz Anderson
1993 - Rev. Don Grant
1995 - Lee Lynch
1997 - Marge Bruno
1998 - Al Traficanti
1999 - Bob Adams, Paul Nyberg
2000 - Dr. Ben McGann

This year we want to send three nominees from our club. Whom would you like to nominate? Please send the names by noon on Wednesday Oct. 24th to: firooz@print

Thanks in advance for your participation.

- Firooz


October 25 - Dr. Reuben Granich - HIV: Health and Your Community - The Ugandan Experience
November 1 - Bob Brownstein - Healthy Kids
November 8 - Red Badge Auction
December 19 - Rotary Holiday Party at the Jesuit Retreat House
"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2001 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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