By Cindy Luedtke

Full Circle
No one seemed to know if the snafu with the sound system was part of Ginny's roast or not. It seemed to be appropriate for the "last meeting" to come full circle back to the beginning of the year when new President Ginny proclaimed her assurance a new sound system WILL happen. Of course it did!

You can have Wings Too! MEL KAHN received an attractive pair of Rotary wings from Rotary International. Wings can be earned simply by making a few changes in your will. The important thing is to remember the Rotary Foundation, and you too, can receive wings. Thanks to Mel and Mady's generosity, a lot of us learned something new on Thursday.

Despite the absence of her sponsor, PEGGY BUCHANON, new member, MARION TABONER was inducted into the club with the assistance of JOHN SYLVESTER. Marion works for a real estate investment firm located on El Camino. Welcome, Marion!

Having one more new member join the club, the 18th, was a priority. So much so, that Marion was awarded THE LAST DECK OF CARDS, meaning no more admittance to the President's Club THIS year. Oh Well, those of us that "hung out" will have to hold our confessions for a couple weeks.

The Official Roast Begins;
A clever skit involving KING LEAR as the King of Hearts unveiled before us. No, this didn't involve a poker game. It was a spoof of the story Alice in Wonderland except it was "Ginny in Rotaryland". Our players were JOHN SYLVESTER as the Mad Hatter, KING LEAR as the King of Hearts, RICK GLAZE as the Jester (I need to read that book again!), MARGE GRATIOT as the Ginny/Alice character (She looked cute with her hair like that!) and none other than our beloved SAM "The Ham" PESNER as the rhyming rabbit. Kudos to the players. A clever little ditty about "Where did all the Fine masters Go?" was sung (and most-likely written) by Rick Glaze. He was later joined by John Sylvester and the audience to sing "So Long, Farewell, and Goodbye" (Right song, different movie!) to Ginny. A tasteful and pleasant song… not a jab in it! Scripting was not properly accredited to anybody, but I think ROY LAVE had something to do with it. LARRY MADSEN did the attractive artwork worn by each character and, it should be mentioned it was all JANE REED'S idea to begin with.

In front of a full house of jovial Rotarians and spouses, Sam Harding lead off the official "debunking" of the great President Ginny. As is customary, King, the designated spouse, received a lovely bouquet of fresh flowers. Ginny was then presented with the Club's gift to her; a globe of the world made up of inlaid stones and minerals; a beautiful piece that would look great in even my living room. And then, of course, the official Hardy Jones kick out boot was passed on.

Rotarian of the Year: For those of you who got up to go to the restroom, you didn't miss the presentation of the award. JEAN NEWTON, this year's recipient, was unable to attend the dinner and was presented her award at last week's meeting. However, she was still recognized for her great contributions to this club. Congratulations, Jean!

Ginny then received her official presidents pin and passed on the Guy Shoup pin to a quite sharply-dressed Firooz complemented with lanyard and medallion.

Back to the Year of the Cowboy? FIROOZ appeared wearing a cowboy hat. It was only to remind us of his recent trip to San Antonio for the international convention a couple weeks ago. He started off right, by buttering up the incoming board members. Incoming board members present were; DAN O'DONELL, ALEX NG, VICTORIA EMMONS, STEVE SHEPHERD, GINNY LEAR, MARY PROCHNOW, MARY MARLEY, SETH MANNING, AND PAT MILLAR. ROLAND PAYNE AND MIKE SCHNEIDER WERE PRESENT IN THOUGHT. They were each presented with some fine, local Texas honey Firooz purchased in San Antonio. He also announced that the coming year would be fruitful, but ….….SLOW. The formal program officially ended with the word slow. Then the real action began with pleasant conversation and music anyone could dance to.
I just want to know who is printing the program next year?

On Wednesday, June 27, at Shoup Park a memorial service was held for George Osborne III, Ben to his fellow rotarians. The service was conducted by Don Hull, who joined Los Altos Rotary the same year as Ben, in 1973. Our thoughts are with his family.

President's Message

I wish everyone a Happy Fourth of July!


July 5 - No meeting
July 12 - Yes, there will be a meeting, y'all come
"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2001 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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