By Wyatt Allen
Editor: Dick Blanding
Webmaster: Steve Gruber

Bonjours mesdames et messieurs.

(After hearing the French National Anthem, I hoped you might understand those words!) This was the day we celebrated France at our meeting, complete with a visiting Rotarian from Grenoble a French Consulate from San Jose, and stories from several members. In all, it was a great start to our 2001-02 international theme initiated by Pres. FIROOZ.

BAIDRA PROCHNOW led us in the pledge (our own), DON HULL provided witticisms from past presidents and members of congress, and MARY PROCHNOW provided the introductions. How come STEVE ANDERSON didn't have to pay to retrieve CATHY's car keys? I could understand if a BMW was made in France, but German car?

MONA ARMISTEAD, Rotary Foundation chair, announced our first double sustainer for 2001-02, immediate past pres. GINNY LEAR. This was a good reminder, speaking of international, that contributions to our Rotary Foundation can be made anytime. You certainly don't have to wait for the campaign in November!

BUE BOO used July wedding anniversaries as his theme to "recognize" JOHN MOSS (20 years), GINNEY LEAR (36), KURT HAMMERSTROM (34), HARDY JONES (32) PAT FARRELL (44) and KAILAS CHIDAMBARUM (33) for many years of marital bliss. KAILAS became our first "Diplomat" by contributing $100 to the club (was that for being late to the meeting or being mentioned twice by BOO for his anniversary?).

Pres. FIROOZ announced the initiation of "R.O.A.D." (Rotarian Offspring Achievement Day) at our Rotary meetings. KATE STOBER, daughter of VICTORIA EMMONS, was our first "R.O.A.D." participant and discussed her early French education (VICTORIA was a French teacher) and her adventures visiting France while in high school.

VICTORIA, who used to teach French and lived a year in France, introduced HERVE LE MANSEC, the French Consulate from San Jose. His main duties are to assist the French citizens while living in the area, provide resources for American tourists heading to France for vacation or travel, and American businesses wanting to do business in France. He related some unusual activities, however: providing a possible name for a French poodle puppy and recipes for gourmet French feasts. Fairly varied activities, I'd say.

A few LARC members shared their connections with France as well: ALAN LAMBERT held both American and French citizenship as a young adult. He was on leave from serving in the U.S. Army while visiting his family in France. The French police came to arrest him for not serving in the French army. The French would arrest him as a draft dodger if he didn't enter the French army. If he did enter the French army the Americans would then arrest him for being AWOL. ALAN was facing a certain jail term one was or another. Fortunately, his father knew key French military leaders and an arrangement was made to allow ALAN to return to the army … ours!

DICK FOUQUET translated the French National Anthem to illustrate how passionate and patriotic the lyrics really are. He also related that his great, great, great, great (well, I don't know how many, but you get the idea!) grandfather built a fabulous castle somewhere outside of Paris. The only problem was that he built it from funds he had managed to embezzle from the king. Does that make DICK is a descendent of a "royal crook?"

Pres. FIROOZ announced that the volunteers who sold Chef Chu's Chinese chicken salad at the Arts and Wine Festival had a very successful weekend. A great big "Thank You!" to all that helped and to LEM SUMMEY for managing the volunteer brigade.

STEVE SHEPHERD asked that an announcement be made regarding the Warm Springs Rotary Club's Annual Charity Golf Classic to be held at Coyote Creek Golf Club on Sept. 14th. STEVE is looking for four golfers to play in this charity event which has an entry fee of $175. In addition, there is a challenge from JACK EMMONS (VICTORIA's spouse who won our club's golf tournament in April) from the Warm Springs Club. The losing team will contribute $200 to the other club's local Endowment Fund. Anyone interested in playing please contact STEVE, ASAP.

VICTORIA EMMONS introduced our speaker, LISA MIRZA, who spoke to us on etiquette (ah, perfect, a French term!) and protocol. LISA is the daughter of a past president of a Rotary club in Sacramento. Etiquette really is a French word meaning a set of traditions based upon a combination of common sense, the golden rule, and generally accepted behavior. It is also the ability to get along well with others, having the proper manners, and making other feel comfortable around us. This is very important to each of us in all facets of our lives whether in a social situations, traveling, and in business.

LISA quoted JOHN ROCKEFELLER as saying, "I will pay more for the ability to deal with people than for any ability under the sun." Etiquette and protocol are part of our everyday lives and help us make proper and lasting impressions with others with whom we come into contact socially, in business, and while traveling.

Hints that LISA provided on etiquette and protocol included:
· Always introduce someone even if you have forgotten their name
· Never hesitate to introduce yourself (except where royalty is involved)
· Offer your name to another who hesitates when meeting or being introduced
· Introduce the eldest person first
· It is always best to stand and extend your hand for introductions
· Whenever possible, wear your nametag on your right side (lapel, pocket, etc.)
· Always send a "thank you" note.
· In business, if you answer some else's telephone, state the company name and their name before offering yours
· On the internet, always proof-read and utilize "spell check" before sending a message; don't use all capital letters (its like you are shouting); respond quickly to incoming messages, and remember, messages are much more public than you may realize.
· Cell phone users take note: turn off the ring at all functions and meetings (let the vibrator alarm get your attention) and don't talk in front of others (they have not interest in hearing one half of a personal or business phone call!).

Unlike Oscar Wilde, with LISA's advice, the world can be your oyster because you will know to use the right fork!

Alors maintenant vous connaissez la France. Au revoir.

Chef Chu's Booth at Art & Wine Festival a Success!

By Lem Summey

Here is a short report of the results or our Rotary volunteer work at Chef Chu's Rotary booth at the Art & Wine Festival. Your gang of thirty, through extraordinary effort above and beyond their call of duty generated a gross amount of $5,259.00. This unprecedented accomplishment may be appropriately characterized as "A great leap forward". I was greatly impressed and grateful for their cooperation, competence and hard work, especially under the trying circumstances and challenges that blindsided us on Saturday. I found it delightfully rewarding to participate with such a congenial and good humored group of Rotarians each and everyone of whom meet the four way test and then some. Also Chef Chu and son Larry could not have been more cooperative and helpful in keeping us supplied with everything we needed.

Those who worked two shifts were counted twice. Meet the wonderful gang of thirty:
Gary Ross, Lem Summey, Jane Reed, Steve Shepherd, Alex Ng, John Moss, Jackie Moss, Lee Lynch, Don Hull, Steve Yarbrough, Carew McFall, Jean McFall, Sam Harding, Julie Rose, Jerry Tomanek, Al Traficanti, Nancy Traficanti, Tracy Murray, Bob Rayl, Brian Ward, Dan O'Donnell, Jack Higgins, Dick Duhring and Dick Hasenpflug.

Best regards from your loyal chairman of the gang of thirty.

Lem Summey, Chairman of the gang of thirty


July 26 - "Rotary Foundation"- Paul Sandas, RI Director, 97-99
August 10 - Rotary night at the San Jose Giants, 5:30 p.m.
"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2001 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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