By Mary Prochnow
Editor - Dick Blanding
Webmaster - Steve Gruber

PRESIDENT FIROOZ opened the last meeting of 2001, and AMY CHAMBERLAIN led us in the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. PAT FARRELL gave the thought for the day. RICK GLAZE led the group in a rousing rendition of JINGLE BELLS.

PAST PRESIDENT GINNY LEAR reported that the annual meeting of the PAST PRESIDENTS has been held. AL TRAFICANTI has been selected and has accepted the job of PRESIDENT ELECT ELECT, to serve as Club President in the year 2003-2004. Congratulations, AL! I am sure that all of us thank you for your willingness to serve the Club, and we are looking forward to working with you! BOB ADAMS thanked all of those who brought gifts to be given at the successful ALTA VISTA party.

Thanks to FATHER BILL REWAK for opening the Jesuit Retreat House to us for our wonderful Holiday Party. Thanks also to the hardworking social committee!

Recognition is much deserved for all of the SALVATION ARMY bell ringers, particularly those who braved the extremes of the weather!

As a service to those of us who may have made insufficient charitable gifts in 2001, WYATT ALLEN mentioned that either he or MONA ARMISTEAD would still be happy to take ROTARY FOUNDATION checks. We are after 100% participation and currently sit at 75%…. Turn those good intentions into deductions with a check in the mail!

PAST DISTRICT GOVENOR DENNY WEISBERGER visited us in order to honor MEL and MADY KAHN, each of whom received a four diamond pin. They also received a CRYSTAL PYRAMID and CRYSTAL GLOBE as acknowledgement for being major donors to the ROTARY FOUNDATION and members of the BEQUEST SOCIETY. CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS TO MEL AND MADY!

The country of the week was Israel. Renowned Architect GOODWIN STEINBERG was the speaker. THE LOS ALTOS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, HISTORY HOUSE, and, with his son, LOS ALTOS HIGH SCHOOL are just a few local examples of his wonderful design work. GOODE spoke about his daughter, JOANIE, who attended local schools, including Stanford's architecture program before going to work in the family business. JOANIE was very successful both as an architect and as a real estate investor but had always been interested in spirituality and caring for others. She and her husband now reside in Israel and have built a center for battered children and single mothers. GOODE expressed his joy at visiting her there, and working on one of her projects with an Arab architect in a truly ecumenical effort to improve the lives of the forgotten in, by GOODE'S description, the Hub of all religion, Israel.

The MAIN STREET SINGERS, directed by MARK SCHAULL, and in their 17th season, celebrated the holidays in song. The group is doing 50 concerts this month and will travel to Australia and New Zealand in the spring. They are looking forward to performing in the high school's fabulous new theatre very soon, and expressed their gratitude to the community for the facility. As always, the presence and performance of the MAIN STREET SINGERS was a gift of joy to the Club.

HAPPY WINTER SOLSTICE to all and may the celebration of your winter holiday bring you in PEACE to the New Year!


January 3 - To be announced
January 10 - Professor Van Slyke of Stanford, "China's Three Gorges Dam"
January 17 - Chris Lewis (son of Jerry) speaking on behalf of the Wheelchair
January 24 - Club Assembly
January 31 - Robert Baker of Symphonix Devices, "A new approach to hearing devices"
"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2002 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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