By Steve Yarbrough
Editor: Dick Blanding
Webmaster: Steve Gruber

Today's featured country in this year of the nations was Russia. President Firooz Ghaffari opened the meeting with the national anthem of Russia. (One quipper quipped, "Shall we sing along?" Another flippant remarked "Play ball!" at the finale.)

Dick Henning, fresh from Africa, led Rotarians and guests in the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. (No flips quips noted.) Marion Tavener gave us all something to think about for the day - by 2050, 9 billion people will inhabit the earth - it just won't be us. Rick Glaze and John Sylvester led Rotarians in the beautiful 50's tune "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."

Club Secretary Dan Donnell advised that makeups can be easily accomplished 1) at neighboring clubs, 2) at distant clubs and 3) at other Rotary meetings where minutes are taken. Call Dan if you need to makeup. Also: Dan has duct tape available for those who are having problems getting stuck by their Rotary badge pins. You can use it to stop the bleeding or to tape the pin closed. See Dan. Oh, yes, please pay your dues!

Alex Ng introduced new member John Cardoza to a standing ovation. Welcome John. Only five tickets left for SJ Giants night - call Steve Gruber if you want to go. Fine master John Sines collected $20 from Cindy Leudtke for video taping something indecent with cheetahs. He charged Rick Glaze $20 for being a voyeur and tried to nab $20 from Steve Anderson, but was foiled because Steve knows Rotary so well he guessed Rick King was the man pictured in a half dozen pages of the Rotary magazine this last issue.

We were honored to hear from Jan Schroeder, who presented her five-minute talk. Jan joined Rotary in September of 2000 and will soon shed her red badge. Half Russian, she was born in San Francisco and raised here on the Peninsula. She has two children, of whom she is rightly proud - daughter Erin is about to be married to her high school sweetheart and son Devon is a 17 year old Los Altos High School ace pitcher. She has been married to Wesley for 28 years. He is a criminal defense attorney "defending citizens according to the U.S. Constitution." She is a marriage and family counselor who also has a consulting business for business people for employee relations and development. Her family roots go deep into Mountain View. The pioneering Wildheimer family are among the early merchants of this area.

Bob Adams informed the club that a 15-year-old Russian boy who will be visiting the U.S. soon needs a computer with Windows 98 and a CDROM. If anyone can make a donation, it would be received with thanks.

Rotarian Dick Haspenflug shared his observations of Russia through his experiences with our sister city in Russia - Syktivkar. He presented a brief slide show detailing the changes that modern Russia is experiencing since the breakup of the Soviet system.

Roy Lave introduced speaker John Billheimer. John is a thrice-published author of mystery stories. With a background in transportation consulting and research with the Stanford Research Center, John's stories focus on feisty folks in West Virginia coal mine country and their struggles to stay financially alive in economically depressed area. His three books: Contrary Blues, Highway Robbery and Dismal Mountain, were available for members after his talk, which included a reading from one of his novels. John's work is humorous, witty, insightful and fraught with mystery. Just what you'd expect from a mystery writer. (See Dennis Young for personal reviews.)

President Firooz invites all members to Persian Night at his house on September 15, 2001. This will be our first social event of the Firooz regime, so let's all attend and make sure our President is well supported this year. Mark your calendars and watch for more news in this space.

Recuerdas, adonde vas, estas alli - Esteban

Webmaster's Notes: There are five tickets left for the San Jose Giants game. The cost is $16 each, which includes the game and dinner. You can help the club by buying one or more of these tickets. Call either Firooz or Steve Gruber.


August 9 - Karen Bivens, "Formula for Fitness"
August 10 - San Jose Giants game, 5:30 p.m.

August 16 - Gayle Tully, District Governor, visits Los Altos
August 23 - Lucy Carlton, retiring Los Altos Police Chief, " Changes seen by a woman over a 32-year career in law enforcement.
"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2001 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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