By Matt Cabot (Guest Writer)
Editor - Dick Blanding
Webmaster - Steve Gruber

As usual, the meeting got underway exactly at 12:30 by our internationally oriented President, Firooz.
A rousing "Smiles" was lead by Seth Manning, (wasn't this sung last week?) But I wonder how many remember Sammy Kahn's version? I recall it took a lot longer to sing it. But then when we were younger, didn't everything take longer?
BSA - Dick Blanding presented Jose Solera (Committee Chairman of our club's Troop 37) with a check for $500 to continue the excellent work that this troop has a tradition of doing for over eighty years. Mr. Solera reminded that as a sponsor of Troop 37, Los Altos Rotary members are always welcome to attend their troop meetings which are held on Monday evenings at 7:30PM at Los Altos Youth Center (LAYC).
LOS ALTOS ROTARY FOUNDATION - Quick, what's a "Double Sustainer"? If you missed today's meeting, you missed, among a bunch of other things, LAREF Chair Mona Armistead's definition. I will include it here so you can be as informed as you can be when (hiss) FineMaster, John Sines calls on you next week to explain it. You all know what a "Sustainer" is, right? Well, a "double Sustainer" is twice as good. So now you know. We currently have, I believe (sorry, I am a bit rusty) 28 double Sustainers. I didn't quite get what Ginny Lear and Firooz were, but I think they were two new "Double Sustainers." Firooz cautioned Mona that his check was drawn on his Bank of Los Altos account. I think he said "Cash it quick."
READER'S DIGEST VERSION All American Jeff Sundquist gave his 5 minute "getting to know you" speech. The only thing I remember was that he graduated from my alma mater, Bellermine. Nothing like the Jesuits to make you run, huh, Jeff? There was a lot of detail in 5 minutes. He graduated from Occidental (where my wife graduated, but who cares, she is not a Rotarian). But like the Reader's Digest version of the real thing, you really need to get to know him to appreciate how much value he will be to the Club.
BOO, HISS ETC Speaking of fines, (if you were reading diligently, you remember that I did mention our buddy, and my personal best friend John Sines) our FineMaster of the month got us a measly, paltry sum of $160 out of a possible $125,000. (Do I sound like somebody we all love to hate?) Another $100 could have been had by recognizing those without their Rotary Pin. Boy am I glad I won't be there next week!
DISTRICT 5170 GOVERNOR - Gayle Tully asked the question…gee I forget the question, but the answer was "Global Quest. - a new member every month" And the answer to "Why?", was "Because Mankind is our Business" That too will be on the written exam next week.
Gayle spoke to us about the privilege and responsibilities of being a Rotarian, and how our financial support helps support our community and the world. She mentioned attendance, makeups and classifications. She said that the membership category of "Senior Active" has been eliminated, and now there are only two: Active and Honorary. The suggestion that it be renamed to Senior In-Active was rejected.
Gayle also spoke about the Paul Harris Society….but more on that later too. If you don't know what that, for heaven sakes, don't tell my good friend John Sines. If you have to ask, my guess is that you can't afford it.
The District Governor also handed out the following awards:
· Nels Burdett - 35 years Rotary Service
· Marty Spangler - 42 years Rotary Service
· Ben McGann - 43 years Rotary Service
· Len McBirney - 48 years Rotary Service
· Billy Russell - 51 years Rotary service
The above members have an aggregate of 177 years of SERVICE, plus enduring 177 new presidents to break in, some of which was their own fault, and attending 9,204 meetings.
In addition to the above Rotary Service awards, the following members were recognized with awards:
· Marge Bruno - Sponsoring new members
· Sam Harding - Sponsoring new members
· Dan O'Donnell - Club Service
· Lee Lynch - Club Service
· Cindy Luedtke - Club in Country Service
· Bob Adams - Club in Country Service
· Dick Duhring - World Country Service
· Dude Angius - World Country Service
Tough act to follow. When Microsoft asks the question "Where do you want to go today?" you should seek out these leaders. They definitely have the answer. No RINOs there! How about you?
This note from one of our members was received in Rotator Headquarters recently, and is passed along for your perusal.:
"As I was pumping gas into my little red Z3 just before Thursday's Rotary Club meeting, two of the station attendants at the Los Altos Village Chevron asked me if I was a Rotarian. I was surprised at the question since most of my automobile fueling experiences are rather uneventful. The man and woman pointed to my Rotary pin, an international symbol of good will. They explained that they had been Rotarians in India before recently relocating to the United States. I told them about the two Rotary Clubs in Los Altos and invited them to visit us in the future. The happy encounter reminded me how valuable it is to wear my Rotary pin. Admittedly, I have been forgetful about it lately. But proudly wearing our pin does invite questions about
Rotary and attracts new members." -- Victoria Emmons
August 23 - Lucy Carlton, retiring Los Altos Police Chief, " Changes seen by a woman over a 32-year career in law enforcement.
September 15 - Persian Night
"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2001 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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