By Wyatt Allen

PEGGY BUCHANAN began with the Pledge of Allegiance, SETH MANNING as song leader led us in "Smile" (despite the inclement weather) and BILL REWAK provided our thought for the day: We need to share in the responsibility for our world and in efforts to be of benefit to others of our community and beyond (sounds like a perfect theme for Rotarians everywhere!).

Pres. GINNY announced that the Avenue of Service Conference was held this past week in Hayward. The "project faire" approach allowed everyone attending to see a wide variety of projects of various clubs. A highlight was a presentation from some of the 93 district Rotarians recently back from Polio Plus in Ghana.

Pres. GINNY is encouraging all Rotarians to submit ideas for any projects our club could consider accomplishing. Please inform GINNY or let any of our board members know of your ideas.

Three prospective new members will be invited to an orientation. This indicates to me that our club remains healthy and growing stronger with even more energy and new ideas in the near future to allow us to accomplish even more.
Mark December 6th on your calendars for our club's Holiday Party to be held at the Jesuit Retreat House (thank you BILL REWAK!).

INGRID JACKSON MACDONALD is again the owner of an art gallery on Main St. (however, in Salinas this time!). When in the area, she'd love to have you drop in.

HARRIET HEEBINK was awarded her Paul Harris Fellow by SETH MANNING. Congratulations to HARRIET for reaching that level of contribution so quickly!

BOB ADAMS auctioned off a baseball autographed by the 2000 S. F. Giants who won their division in brand new Pac Bell Park. GINNY LEAR was the top bidder at $350! Congratulations to GINNY and thanks to BOB for obtaining the valuable orb.

STEVE YARBOROUGH allowed himself to be fined $100 if anyone could recall what REG KNOLL (spelling?) had done as a claim to fame. STEVE paid the fine even though none of us could identify one of the early (ocean) surfing daredevils.

AL TRAFICANTI was prepared to pay $42 for his 42nd anniversary with NANCY. However, Pres. GINNY had other ideas. Al was also celebrating his 69th birthday, daughter Kathryn was a recent smash in the Bus Barn "Follies," wife NANCY was nominated for an award for the video she created for our "Partners For A New Generation," and AL bought NANCY a new car (a special "cat" with letters and numbers in the name). Speaking of numbers, AL had to add $100 to his $42 check!

DENNIS YOUNG celebrated his 57th birthday with a fine of the same amount. Hard to call it a paltry sum, but it was deemed so following AL's sizeable payment.

LAYNE LONG might have received a fine had he attended this day!

MARY MARLEY also received a fine, too, for an inadvertent ringing sound from her beeper.

FIROOZ GHAFFARI introduced our speaker, ROSE JOHNSON, a Rotarian from the San Leandro club. ROSE is the founder of the Davis Community Center which provides care to up to hundreds of kids and families. The growth of this center is illustrated in the growth of its budget from $280K to $6.2MM in just nine years! In addition to providing care, food and clothing to those in need, the Davis Center launched the 9th RotaCare clinic in District 5170. The first RotaCare clinic was opened in 1989 through the efforts of Rotarian Mark Campbell. These clinics are available to the rising numbers of individuals and families who simply cannot afford or are not eligible for health insurance. The Davis Center RotaCare clinic is open three nights a week, manned by volunteer doctors, nurses and social workers. They usually see 20-30 patients each night. Most equipment and over-the-counter drugs are donated while prescription drugs are bought.

BEN MCGANN invited everyone to the open house for the Mountain View RotaCare clinic to which he volunteers much of his time (what retirement?) The facility has moved into new quarters in the Castro Commons Medical Building, 1174 Castro St., Suite 150, Mountain View. This is a wonderful resource in our community as are all the RotaCare facilities. Volunteers from the medical profession are always in need, but so are social workers, receptionists and interpreters. Crisis counseling might be an unfulfilled need as well. If you have the time and willingness to volunteer any of these needed resources to the RotaCare clinic in any capacity, let BEN MCGANN know of your interest.

President's Message: The Season of Sharing

November is Rotary Foundation month. My thanks to Seth Manning and Mona Armistead for chairing this annual fund raising drive in November and December, though contributions to The Rotary Foundation may be made anytime of the year. As we have recently heard, the PolioPlus program is working, our club's World Service projects are active, and our Rotary AIDS Project is requesting District and RI matching funds from the Red Badge Auction held earlier this year, benefiting the Sandown, Africa Rotary AIDS project. A complete report on that will be given to the club on November 30.

The Rotary Foundation returns 60% of all club donations to the District. The District allocates them as matching funds among the clubs for World Service projects, proportional to a club's contributions. The District may also do some of its own initiated World Service projects. We hope you will respond.

Along with financial contributions, our club gives service to the community throughout the year. This week I would like to highlight some of the people who have provided dinners to the Alpha Omega Homeless Shelter in the past few months. Harriet Heebink, Tracie Murray, Steve and Bev Shepherd, Carew and Jean McFall, Cres and Paula McFall. This is a service we have been part of for nearly 10 years. My thanks also to Becky Miller, who is coordinating this as Director of the Rotary Avenue of Community Service.

Rotary Gives Thanks Day is November 18. At the meeting this week I mentioned we were looking for a project. Through a phone call when I returned from the meeting, I believe we now have a timely and very worthwhile project before us. The Volunteer Coordinator of the Community Services Agency returned my call, as I wanted to know how Rotarians could help during their upcoming, busy holiday season. There are several ways. Today, I will begin with a suggestion that we participate in their Thanksgiving food drive for the first three Thursdays in November. On November 2, 9, or 16, please bring non-perishable foodstuffs, Gift Certificates from local food stores, or a check payable to the Community Services agency that they can use to supplement their needs. We will have boxes in the meeting room to receive these and they will be taken to CSA.

Detailed sign up sheets for volunteering at CSA in November and December will also be passed around. All activities now take place now at CSA's headquarters in Mountain View. Also new, The Santa Claus Exchange is now called the Holiday Sharing Program, as it goes throughout the holiday season and encompasses whole families as well as seniors who are in need.

The children's toy and gift 'shopping' will occur the week of December 14. Besides your generous financial contributions, and food, the items most requested are new children's bike helmets, children's books, and pajamas for boys and girls, sizes 10-14. We will also be accepting these gifts, unwrapped, from now through our own holiday party on December 6. For those who shop early, we hope you can add these to your lists. Rotary Gives Thanks. See you Thursday. Ginny


Nov. 2 - Sharon Williams, Exec. Director, OICW
Nov. 9 - Dane Stark, Page Mill Winery - Flu shots available at meeting
Nov.16 - Partners for New Generations program
Nov. 23 - Thanksgiving
Nov. 30 - World AIDS Day
Dec. 7 - Wes Wenhardt, VP of the Tech Museum
Dec. 14 - Susan Hammer
Dec. 21 - LA Main Street Singers
Dec. 28 - No meeting
Jan. 4 - Chris Bischoff, Founder of Eastside Prep High School
Jan 11 - Allan Frumkin, Why Rotary?
Jan 18 - Deborah Wilder - Raising the Reader
Jan. 25 - Club Assembly
Feb. 1 - Judge Len Edwards, Helping One Child At a Time
Feb. 8 - Steve Westly, eBay, Sr. VP
Feb. 15 - Suzanne Kushner - Successful Brand Management - Moving Toward a Customer-Concentric Focus
Feb. 22 - John Giovanola, Hansen Cement Mfg.
March 1- Suzanne Pari, Author
March 8 - Marlene Cowan, The Donner Party
"Information in this newsletter is intended for the exclusive use of the members of the Rotary Club of Los Altos to facilitate the work of the club and to promote club fellowship. It is not to be used for any commercial or outside, unrelated, non-profit purposes. No publication of material in this newsletter should occur without the express permission of the club President or the Editor of the Rotator."
Copyright 2000 The Los Altos Rotary Club

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