By John Sines

As FIROOZ begins his ascent, he must cast aside trivial matters. Like this publication, which is the only real link between the powers that be and the little people. STEVE GRUBER, forever trapped in the subbasement of Rotary, has cheerfully assumed the position of Editor and champion of the little people like you and this Reporter. (Editor's Note: The view from the basement is somewhat darker today because The Reporter gave me his meeting report on a diskette that also included a virus called W97M.Marker.A. We are attempting to call that problem to the attention of The Reporter, but The Reporter does not have e-mail. Perhaps we can send The Reporter a singing telegram.)

PREZGINNY unveiled the new-model badge, which from 47 feet looks suspiciously like what dot-commers wear around their necks. Fossils among us will recall the plastic penholders and the sliderule holsters which past generations of strong-numbers people wore to differentiate themselves from those of us who proudly walked and chewed gum at the same time.

School begins this week, which means there are children who need our help. Contact LOIS ADAMS or NANCY TRAFICANTI if you have time to tutor. With our help, the children of America will never again spell "potatoe." JERRY TOMANEK and CINDY DAY have volunteered to house two Rotary Ambassadorial Scholars on their visits here.

Contact SAM HARDING if you wish to join him on September 8 for a breakfast toast to JIM WALL at $35 per head.

SHIV gave his 5-minute talk. Sponsored by JERRY MOISON, SHIV grew up locally and graduated from Santa Clara and Hastings, where he earned his law degree. In 1986, while attending Mountain View Academy, SHIV won an award from our Mother Club. SHIV practices civil litigation in Menlo Park.

BOO BUE is back after a minor surgical procedure at the outpatient clinic at El Camino Hospital. BOO hopes to be back on the links by Thanksgiving. In an exclusive interview with this Reporter, BOO described how he checked in at 8 and was out by 5 with a new hip after a light dusting of novocaine. BOO plans on having all other joints of his body replaced in the next 90 to 180 days as he finds a few free hours here and there.

PREZGINNY levied brutal fines on RICH GLAZE, who won $200 in a putting contest at the C of C Golf Tourney, and on GEORGE DAI, who says this is THE YEAR OF THE BOSS.

DICK HENNING, still aglow from that pearl which RICK KING cast his way a few weeks ago, states the District is on the lookout for orthopedic surgeons and supporting professionals between the ages of 24 and 50 for a Group Study Exchange working visit to India in January and early February, 2001. STEVE HUNTON wears no socks. He got the idea while watching "BRAVEHEART." In that movie, you will recall, the Scots wore no socks. STEVE SHEPHERD is looking for 7 billygoats to join him on October 6 at San Juan Oaks to play in the Morgan Hill Rotary Club golf tourney at $175 per.

BAIDRA PROCHNOW received her Blue Badge, with help from DENNIS YOUNG, her Sponsor. Welcome, BAIDRA!

DICK ("The Kinder and Gentler") KING, Vice President of Money-Raising at the Tech Museum, was introduced by JULIE ROSE, his former fellow money-raiser. DICK spoke about his experience with the Peace Corps in the 1960's in El Salvador. Inaugurated in 1961, the Peace Corps now has 7,000 volunteers in 134 countries and burns up about as much federal money as do all our military bands. Forty percent of the volunteers are engaged in education, 18% in health, and 17% in environmental concerns. DICK also spoke about weightier matters, such as - where have casseroles gone?

President's Message

The August meeting of the club's board had three items of note for the membership: John Sylvester, club Membership Chair presented applications for three new members. An orientation is being scheduled, after which the names of these potential members will be published for approval.

Following a discussion through two Presidential terms and numerous samples, the board voted to adopt new club name badges. These will be more easily readable, lighter weight, and are quite typical of what many Rotary Clubs and other organizations are using today. Many thanks to Dan O'Donnell for his follow through. This item was included in this year's budget, and the badges will be purchased from a Rotary supplier.

Finally, a social schedule is beginning to take shape. Steve Shepherd has put together a committee to work out details on good ideas, which now include an October progressive dinner, with Jane Reed as Chair; a family picnic suggested by Joanna Medin; a bay cruise that Steve is working on; a night at The TECH Museum, with help from Julie Rose; and our holiday party in December at the new Los Altos History Museum, for which our club is a proud major donor.

Events with dates in 2001 for you to save right now are Feb. 8, Valentine's Dinner at Chef Chu's; March 23, Cioppino Night at Garden House presented by Joe Renati and his honorary Italian, Dave Luedtke; the ever crucial date on every member's calendar, May 19-20, 2001, for the 26th Annual Los Altos Rotary Fine Art Show; and the kick-out of yours truly on June 29, at Fremont Hills Tennis Club. See you Thursday, Ginny


Aug. 31 - Carl Guardino, President and CEO of the Silicon Valley Mfg. Group
Sept. 7 - Roy Lave, Ph.D. - BRT - BART's Really Terrible
Sept. 14 - Walter Hayes, World Community Service

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