FIROOZ GHAFFARI led the pledge. FIROOZ had many family members as guests, as well as RUTH LUNDQUIST, whom we all enjoyed seeing amongst us. FATHER BILL REWAK had interesting thoughts for the day (he also went away unfined in spite of same day coverage in LEIGH WEIMERS SJ Mercury column) RICK GLAZE as songmaster led us in "A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR" VISITING ROTARIANS & GUESTS were too numerous to mention, except perhaps ERNIE HAWKS recognized as a long standing member of our founding club, Mountain View.

VICTORIA EMMONS has taken over JIM CONWAY'S position as Treasurer and Board member. VICTORIA joined our club in 1998. She is Past President of Warm Springs Rotary Club. JIM & ELAINE CONWAY are off to Palm Desert. Past President SAM HARDING was awarded the "District Red Disc " for having brought in five new members who are currently active. MEL KAHN was fined $50.00 for having celebrated 34 years of marriage with MADY. GEORGE & ANN PERHAM would be interested in a long term housesitting arrangement beginning around the end of October....any long trips planned??

At PRESIDENT GINNY¹S request DUDE ANGIUS shared some good news with the Club. DUDE resigned his Board position with THE NATIONAL LEADERSHIP COALITION ON AIDS a couple of years ago due to his macular degeneration. The CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL called him recently and asked if he would attend this September's Board Meeting. DUDE will be awarded the first annual DUSHAN "DUDE' ANGIUS AWARD....for AIDS CONTRIBUTIONS......We are, as always , proud of DUDE and congratulate the CDC for having the wisdom to honor him.

Firooz Ghaffari, Rick King, and Ginny Lear

RICK KING, PRESIDENT, ROTARY INTERNATIONAL, 2001-2002 FIROOZ GHAFFARI introduced our speaker, RICK KING, with great warmth and enthusiasm and the words " We can just see that during our speaker's term as PRESIDENT of ROTARY INTERNATIONAL, the needy, the hungry, and people with seemingly incurable diseases will experience hope and happiness of unprecedented scope" RICK KING has a long list of Rotary accomplishments, as one might expect of an individual who will next year lead this organization of 28,000 Clubs and over 1 million people.
He complimented our Club on our 50th anniversary book, declaring it the BEST
he had seen. (KUDOS to all involved) RICK KING joined Rotary in 1968. He suggested that we should honor those individuals who had brought us to this great organization by seeking out people that we might, in turn, bring in to Rotary. He commented that our District is the leading District in the world for support of International Projects. He spoke of Rotary's Polio Plus campaign and its work in AIDS education. He complimented our Club project and mentioned how our project (as with all such projects) was started by one man, who drug in one club, which drug in one District which drug in all of Rotary.....He said that he considered it an Honor to know Dude.

RICK KING spoke of the movement to restore Rotary to many countries from which it had been banned, including Cuba, Vietnam, and Islamic countries. He listed some of the many impressive projects around the United States as well as worldwide. He declared that Rotary is destined to become the most significant organization around the world in the 21st century. He spoke of ALBERT SCHWEITZER'S description of a Rotarian as a "truly human man." Our best wishes to "RICK KING as he moves forward toward this important leadership role.

President's Message

With 28,000 clubs around the world and only 104 weeks in the term of a Rotary International President-elect and President, Los Altos Rotary was truly honored by the visit of Rick King, Past District Governor of District 5170. Highlighting the service of Rotary International is always enlightening, and Pres.-elect Rick painted a broad picture for all of us to appreciate. His appearance inspired the attendance of more visiting Rotarians than we have had join us in a very long time. It was fun to share our meeting with them, as well as with our other guests. We wish Pres.-elect Rick much success and happiness over the next two years. See you Thursday.


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