Los Altos Rotary Club

TO: Members of Los Altos Rotary Club


FROM: PP Jane Reed


RE: [Rotary] Proyecto Itzaes Trip Wish List:

Fellow Rotarians,
It will not be long until a few of us from Los Altos and several folks from Palo Alto will be mixing cement for cement block raised garden beds, demonstrating solar cooking and water purification, painting walls, putting up shelves, installing light fixtures and working in the libraries for the Proyecto Itzaes program in the Yucatan under the guidance of Cindy Wilber.


Even though you may not be joining us, we will be representing the Los Altos Club and the generosity of individual members.  We will attend a night meeting of the Merida Rotary Club, who is joining with us on this work project. We will report back to you in February of our achievements.

I missed Rotary yesterday (1/18/07)- as I was installing the new exhibition at the Los Altos History Museum. What I would have announced yesterday, is that Palo Alto Rotary has challenged Los Altos Rotary to come up with a matching $2,000 for supplies for the three villages, in order to purchase cement, cement blocks, paint, wiring, light fixtures, shelving, etc. Our WCS has given $3,000 to the purchase of the house and may have a little more to give, but I am hoping that many of you will send a check to Proyecto Itzaes (501 (c) 3 non-profit organization) c/o me (Jane) for $50 or whatever you care to give to help us meet the $2,000 goal. In addition to checks , here is a wish list of items that we will be taking as luggage. I can also collect next week at Rotary.

Wish list items that would make great donations for the Rotary Hands-On Trip to the Yucatan villages of Chixculub Puerto, Ixil, and Mococa:
o     Educational toys , especially things like  Duplo  blocks, puzzles and manipulatives.  Supplies that would be helpful for our special education programs include  floor mats ( either the interlocking foam  pieces that are specifically for children, or exercise mats,   large inflatable exercise balls,  exercise bands ( those stretchy  rubbery bands that are used in physical therapy,  etc.)

o     We need laptops  if they are relatively new and have wireless capability.

o     Battery charging units with batteries. Flash drives and portable drives
CD's and DVD's
Other computer related supplies.

o     If anyone has copies of children's movies on DVD  that include the Spanish language translation they would be much appreciated for parties.

o     Also, good quality warm weather clothing, sports equipment, and stuffed animals, etc.

•      Cash contributions - $50 will buy a lot of supplies both for the schools as well as for our "hands-on" projects.

Many thanks for your generous support.
Jane Reed
586 Orange Avenue
Los Altos, 94022